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  • woodcut
  1. 夜景犹如一幅黑白分明的木刻画。

    The night was an etching in black and white .

  2. 这本书有将近500张木刻画,比当时美国任何一本书里的木刻画都要多。

    This book contains nearly 500 woodcut prints , more than any other in America at the time .

  3. 同时,这对于今天木刻画和大众文化艺术的创作也有着启示作用。

    In the meantime , this has a graveness creative inspiration for the today painting and the public art .

  4. 我们在佛罗伦萨参观的一个画廊展示着中世纪的叶子上镀金的木刻画。

    One gallery we visited in Florence was exhibiting paintings on wood from the late Middle Ages that were gilded with gold leaf .

  5. 不断壮大的美国报纸传媒业大量生产这些照片转印的木刻简画

    America 's growing newspaper mass media reproduces simple woodcuts of the images .

  6. 明代木刻人物画题材与风格的发展、演变,与明代政治、经济、文化的发展是分不开的。

    The development and change of the subject matter and style in Ming Dynasty woodblock figure carvings was closely related to the unique development of politics , economy and culture of Ming Dynasty .

  7. 明政府宽松的刻书产业政策、繁荣昌盛的手工业、大量的文化娱乐需求,以及繁荣的戏曲、小说创作,无不为木刻人物画的发展提供了广阔的天地。

    The lenient policy for the book-engraving industry , the prosperous handicraft industry , the great demand for cultural entertainment and the flourishing of drama all presented woodblock figure carvings with vast room for development .