
jī ɡuān fǎ rén
  • Organ legal person;official organ as legal persons
  1. 机关法人的独立责任探讨

    On the Independent Liability of Legal Person of Government Units

  2. 宪政建设的民法基础:机关法人制度

    Civil Foundation of Construction of Constitutional Government : Legal Person of Government Units

  3. 当机关法人代表国家行使职权的时候,不存在精神损害的问题。

    When the authorities the legal representative of the State to exercise functions and powers of the time , there is no spiritual harm .

  4. 公益诉讼是指国家机关、法人或公民个人为了维护公共利益分别以国家和个人名义提起的诉讼。

    The lawsuit of public service refers to the lawsuit taken by the government office , legal person , citizen in the name of the country and individual for maintain public interests .

  5. 商事登记管辖权应相对集中,按法人登记与营业登记划分,省级登记主管机关负责企业法人登记;

    Business registration jurisdiction should be centralized relatively , and be classified as registration of ArtificialPerson and Operation .

  6. 企业开业、变更名称、注销,由登记主管机关发布企业法人登记公告。

    The registration authority shall issue registration announcements whenever an enterprise as a legal person starts operations , changes its name or cancels its registration .

  7. 登记主管机关处理企业法人违法活动,必须查明事实,依法处理,并将处理决定书面通知当事人。

    The registration authority shall ascertain the facts and act according to law when dealing with the illegal activities of an enterprise as a legal person and notify the parties concerned of its decision in writing .

  8. 这种由工商行政管理机关对企业的法人资格和经营资格进行一体登记认定的制度,作者将其称为企业法人登记的一体制。

    These two qualifications are registered by the administrative departments for industry and commerce in a single procedure .

  9. 登记主管机关应当对企业法人登记的主要事项进行审查。

    The registration authority shall check up the major items contained in the registration of the enterprise as a legal person .

  10. 登记主管机关可以根据企业法人开展业务的需要,核发《企业法人营业执照》副本。

    The registration authority may , after a check-up , issue duplicates of the Business License , if the enterprise as a legal person needs them for its business operations .

  11. 有关资料请咨询有执照的管道工或当地管道主管部门。登记主管机关应当对企业法人登记的主要事项进行审查。

    Contact a licensed plumber or the local plumbing authority . The registration authority shall check up the major items contained in the registration of the enterprise as a legal person .

  12. 登记主管机关在核准企业法人减少注册资金的申请时,应重新审核经营范围和经营方式。

    When the registration authority examines and approves the application of an enterprise as a legal person for reducing registered capital , it shall re-examine its scope of business and mode of operation .

  13. 环境公益行政诉讼是指检察机关、公民、法人和其他组织依法对损害或可能损害环境与生态资源等公共利益的行政行为提起的诉讼。

    The administrative litigation of public environmental welfare is that the plaintiff including the people 's Procuratorate , citizen , corporation and other organizations can sue administrative organ who harms or will harm the environment .

  14. 行政许可是指行政机关根据公民、法人或其他组织的申请,经依法审查,准予其从事特定活动的行为。

    The concept of administrative license is that , upon the application of the citizen , corporation , or other organization , the administrative organs give license to its special action , after the examination according to the laws and regulations .

  15. 主管机关得将前项检验之一部或全部,委托其它检验机关、法人、学术或研究机构办理。

    The competent authority may mandate all or part of the above-mentioned inspections to other inspections institutions , legal entities , scholars or researching institutions .

  16. 主要从检察机关自身的性质,检察机关与其他公权力机关的对比,检察机关与公民、法人和其他组织的对比,以及统一公诉权的角度分析。

    Mainly from the procuratorial organs own nature , procuratorial organs and other male authority , procuratorial organs and comparison of citizens , legal persons and other organizations , and comparison of the perspective of unified public prosecution .