
shù yǔ shù jù kù
  • Terminology database;terminological data bank
  1. 然而,这里的术语数据库与DB2领域中使用的不同。

    However , the term database is not the same as that used in the DB2 world .

  2. 在LotusNotes应用程序全球化的过程中,在属性文件和术语数据库中将使用不同的词语标记连接字符串。

    In the Lotus Notes application globalization process , concatenation strings are tagged in different terms in properties files and glossary databases .

  3. TBX是一种可选的术语数据库内容XML表示。

    TBX is one possible representation in XML format of the content of a terminological database .

  4. TermBase或者术语数据库是一种特殊的术语表,其中的术语按照用户定义的属性被分成几类。

    A TermBase , or terminological database , is a special kind of glossary in which terms are classified in several categories through user-defined attributes .

  5. 中国百科术语数据库的建设与知识传播

    Construction of Data Bank of Cyclopaedia Terms in China and Knowledge Transfer

  6. 我国术语数据库的建设及发展趋势

    The Trends of the Establishment and Development of Terminology Data Banks in China

  7. GB/T15387.1-1994术语数据库开发文件编制指南

    Guidelines for the documentation for developing terminology data banks

  8. GB/T13725-1992建立术语数据库的一般原则与方法

    General principles and methods for establishing terminology data bank

  9. GB/T15625-1995术语数据库技术评价指南

    Guidelines for technical evaluation of terminological data banks

  10. 除任意定义的搜索词语外,还可以使用术语数据库中的固定术语。

    In addition to freely defined search terms , you can use fixed terms from the terminology database .

  11. 专业术语数据库作为一种知识源,能够为各类研究人员便捷地获取专业知识提供重要支持。

    Taking the part of knowledge source , domain term databases could offer a convenient and quick manner to acquire professional knowledge .

  12. 为发展机电工业,加强科学技术基础工作,机械工业部决定建立中国机电工程术语数据库。

    In order to develop machinery and electrical industry , and strengthen the foundation of science and technology , the Ministry of Machinery Industry decided to establish the China Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Terminology Database ( CMEETDB ) .

  13. 可依据组织的需要,来利用术语对元数据库进行分类。

    You can use terms to classify data assets in the metadata repository based on the needs of your organization .

  14. 介绍了术语和术语数据库,分析了术语数据库在自然语言检索中的应用机制,探讨了基于法律术语数据库的自动标引。

    It suggests that a proper application of principles and methods of information retrieval language may significantly improve the performance of these search engines .

  15. 现代数据库技术借用了这一术语来命名不同数据库技术之下的数据建模时。

    Modern database technology borrows this phrase in naming the data modeling behind various database technologies .

  16. 最后,为方便以后的翻译及术语的统一,作者又建议建立一个开放的、实时更新的网上术语翻译数据库。

    In the end , the author suggests to set up an open , online and real time updating terminology database for Chinese translation , to facilitate the future translation .