
  • 网络local telephone network;local network
  1. 基于Web的本地电话网网管系统

    Local Telephone Network Management Based on Web Technology

  2. 探讨了利用Web技术实现本地电话网网管系统的方法。

    Exploration is given to the implementation of local telephone network management systems based on Web technology .

  3. 扩大的C3本地电话网建设

    Construction of Expanded C_3 Local Telephone Networks

  4. 一种基于TMN的本地电话网网管系统的设计与实现

    Research and Development on the Management System of Local Telephone Network

  5. 江苏省C3本地电话网组网方式探讨

    C3 Local Telephone Network Configurations in Jiangsu

  6. 科学、高效地管理好C3级本地电话网,一直是电信管理部门关心的问题。

    It is an important problem to manage C3 local networks scientifically and highefficiencily for telecommunication management department .

  7. 本文介绍了惠州市C3本地电话网(交换)集中维护管理系统,并从网络的角度分析了系统的功能和结构。

    In this paper , We introduce the centralized maintenance and management ( exchange ) systems in Huizhou . And from networks angle , system function & structure are analyzed .

  8. 介绍了成都本地电话网二级交换网路和二级No.7信令网的网调工程实施方案和步骤的确定,以及实践中的体会。

    It introduces the working out of the network debugging plan and the procedures for the second level switching network and the second level No. 7 signaling network of Chengdu local telephone network .

  9. 武汉电信作为大型本地电话网运营商是否有必要推行BPR,它重组的效果如何,以及后续该怎样改进和提高?

    As a large-scale local telephone operational commerce , Wuhan telecom , whether it is necessary to carry out BPR , what the effect will be obtained or achieved after reengineering , and how to make a follow-up improvement and betterment ?

  10. 用于县本地电话网的交换设备

    Switching Equipment for County-level Local Telephone Network Local News Used Equipment

  11. 对本地电话网集中维护管理的探讨

    On the Centralized Maintenance and Management of Local Telephone Networks

  12. 本地电话网网管和集中维护系统

    Network Management and Centralized Maintenance System For Local Telephone Network

  13. 我国本地电话网可靠性的比较

    Comparison of the Reliability of Local Telephone Networks in China

  14. 本地电话网可靠性综合评价的熵权双基点法

    Evaluation of Local Telecommunication Network Reliability Based on Entropy Double Sequence Method

  15. 北京本地电话网的现状及其发展设想

    The present situation of Beijing Local PSTN and future development

  16. 北京本地电话网网络结构及局所设置的探讨

    Discussion about Network Structure of Beijing Local Telephone Network and Bureau Setting

  17. 本地电话网监控与管理系统

    The Supervisory and Management System for Local Telephone Network

  18. 本地电话网全数字查询系统的设计

    Design of Digital Inquire System in Local Telephone Network

  19. 江苏省本地电话网结构与发展

    Structure and Development of Local Telephone Networks in Jiangsu

  20. 徐州地区丰县、沛县本地电话网改造方案简介

    Discussion on the Networking and Construction Solution of Local Telephone Network in Xuzhou Region

  21. 关于铁通本地电话网建设策略的探讨

    Construction Strategy for CTT 's Local Telephone Network

  22. 中国县本地电话网的规划和建设

    Planning & Construction of County-level Local Telephone Networks in China Northernmost place in China

  23. 以中心乡镇为枢纽的县本地电话网

    Township-pivotal county local telephone network

  24. 作者还在本地电话网管理系统的开发过程中,实现了故障管理子系统。

    The author also implemented fault management subsystem in the process of development of local telephone management systems .

  25. 就本地电话网网调工程实施中的网调原则、网路组织、网调方案和实施步骤等若干问题作了简要探讨。

    It probes into issues on network debugging principles , network organization , network debugging plan and implementation procedures of network debugging of local telephone network .

  26. 它采用微蜂窝技术,将用户端(即便携电话手机)以无线的方式接入本地电话网,使传统意义上的固定电话不再固定在某个位置,可在无线网络覆盖范围内自由移动使用。

    It adopt cell technology , the user ( Handyphone ) can access local telephone network by wireless , and the traditional fixed phone not be limited anymore , it can free move in the cover range .

  27. 分析了北京通信的网络优势,阐述了网络优化的重要性,对本地电话网的建设、局所设置及通信机房的设计原则提出了自己的观点。

    This paper analyzes the advantage of network of Beijing Communication Corporation and describes the importance of network optimization . It also presents the author 's own view on construction of local telephone network , bureau setting and design principle of communication computer room .

  28. 介绍固原电信分公司本地电话管理网网管系统的结构,符合ISO标准的网络管理的基本功能等。

    In this paper , the system structure of network management is discussed about local telephone network of Guyuan Telecom . At last , basic functions meeted ISO expectations are introduced about network management .

  29. 本文结合江苏C4本地网的实际情况,说明C4本地网纳入C3本地电话网的必要性,例举了4种C3本地网的组网方式。

    Based on the real C4 local network situations in Jiangsu province , this paper illustrates the necessity of integrating the C4 into the C3 and exemplifies 4 C3 local network configurations .