- terminal repetition

Methods : Telomerase activity was detected with telomeric repeat amplification protocol ( TRAP ) and its subunits were examined by RT-PCR .
Methods To detective the telomerase activity by TRAP and examine the positive expression of c-myc and p53 in tongue cancer by hybridization in situ .
A pair of primers was synthesized according to the reported sequence of Long TerminalRepeats ( LTR ) for Reticuloendotheliosis Virus ( REV ) .
Previous studies showed the long terminal repeat ( LTR ) of lentivirus has close relation with the ability of virulence and replication .
The EIAV proviral genomic long-terminal repeat ( LTR ) is a eukaryotic promotor , which plays an important regulatory role on transcription and replication of the virus .
To contrast the homogeneity of nucleotide sequence of eosinophilia on locus of U3 、 R 、 U5 to that of HERV-K strain , there showed nucleotide changes .
The Expression and Sequencing of Human Endogenous Retrovirus Long Terminal Repeats in Eosinophilia Cells
Bovine Foamy Viral Long Terminal Repeat is Functional and Can Be Trans-activated in Escherichia coli
Evaluation of the Pathogenicity of a Field Isolate of Marek ′ s Disease Virus Integrated with Retroviral Long Terminal Repeat Sequence
However , compared HEV with other Ads through the full length of genome , the terminal repeat and the G + C content , we find that the statue of HEV is close to ovine adenovirus rather than avian adenovirus .
A lot of repeat sequences , including insert sequences , tandem repeat sequences and long terminal repeat , were predicted , which might be the result of adaption to new environment or the insertion and deletion of gene on a large scale .
And ( 2 ) C - terminal non-repetitive region .
Objective : Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex that synthesizes telomeric DNA onto chromosome ends using its RNA component as template , enabling extension of cell lifespan and even immortalization .
Sequence Determination and Structural Analysis of Inverted Terminal Repeats ( ITR ) of Aviadenovirus Y_ ( 81 ) G_4 Strain Isolated from Goose
Study on the Integration of the Adeno-associated Virus Inverted Terminal Repeat Fold Structure in Eukaryotic Cell Chromosome in Vitro
The effects of the joint clearance variables to the position repeatability of the robot end effector are analyzed using a two-dimensional vector method to define the joint clearance variables .
The results showed that every base in ITR sequences was important for the activity of transposons . Deletion of any base could result in failture of identification and cut of the transposons .
Telomere locates on the terminal of DNA containing repeat DNA sequence .
These data suggest that the inverted repeat sequence at the ends of each gene segment could be an important target site for nucleocapsid protein , and therefore plays an important role during Hantavirus packaging to assemble the viral apparatus into a complete viral particle .
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex whose function is to add telomere repeats to chromosomal ends to make its stable and cell immortalization .
Background : Telomerase is a specialized type of reverse transcriptase which is the enzyme required for the addition of telomeric repeats to the ends of chromosomes and thus maintains chromosomal stability leading to cellular immortalization and unlimited replication of neoplastic cells .