
  • 网络chieftains mu
  1. 同样是为了尊重木氏土司。

    Also as a way of respect for Chieftain Mu .

  2. 丽江木氏土司档案文献评述

    A Comment on the Archival Literatures of the Headmen surnamed Mu in the Lijiang area

  3. 木氏土司在历史上也对多民族国家形成,稳定边疆,发展滇西北作出了积极贡献。

    Chieftain Mu Family makes a positive contribution to promote multi-ethnic formation , Stability border , to development in Northwest yunnan .

  4. 明代木氏土司主动学习汉文化,不断扩大与内地的交往。

    From the Ming dynasty , the chieftain of Lijiang began to learn from the Han culture , and interestingly communicant with the midland .

  5. 除绪论外,本文主要由以下六部分构成:第一部分首先介绍谱牒的概念和含义,并对木氏土司谱牒档案进行界定。

    In addition to the introduction , this paper consists of five parts : Part One : Firstly , introduce the concept of the genealogy , and pick out the genealogy from the literature about the Mu family .