
  1. 方法:运用T检验方法对某厂木型车间52名接触木尘工人肺功能进行了分析。

    Methods : The lung functions of 52 wood workers were analysised using T test .

  2. 另外,本研究观察到对叶百部茎的中柱维管束为周木型。

    Moreover , the vascular bundles in the stem of S. tuberosa were amphivasal . 4 .

  3. 茎中柱维管束为周木型,大小相间排列成环。

    The stem comprised amphivasal vascular bundles which alternated with each other and formed a ring .

  4. 东北资源枯竭型城市有煤炭型城市、石化型城市和林木型城市三种类型。

    In the northeast cities dried in resources , there are three types : coal mould city , the petrochemical city and the woods city .

  5. 制备出线宽1μm,宽度5μm的CHINA复杂结构,以及杆间距、层间距均为5μm的三维木堆型光子晶体结构。

    A CHINA model with width of 1 μ m is made , and a wood-pile 3D photonic crystal structure with log and layer space of 5 μ m is fabricated .

  6. 与KP相比,ASP废液中木素含有较多的羧基、缩合型愈创木基结构以及愈创木酚型的伯醇醚。

    There were more carboxyl groups , condensed guaiacyl units and guaiacyl primary alcohol in the waste ASP liquor than those in KP waste liquor .

  7. 杨木乙醇木素型造纸湿强剂的合成及应用

    Synthesis and application of paper wet-strength agent from aspen ethanol pulping lignin

  8. 6天为一疗程,一般观察2-3个疗程。结果:临床观察证明,泻心疏肝汤治疗小心太息症(木郁火旺型)取得了较好的临床疗效。

    Days as a course of treatment generally observed 2-3.Result : Clinical observations show that careful treatment of Xie Xin Shu Gan Tang to child neurosis ( Mu Yu huo Wang type ) achieved good clinical efficacy .

  9. 木捆排排型参数对其运行水阻力影响的试验研究

    An experimental study on the influence of parameters of BOUND-LOG raft type on running resistance of water

  10. 松材线虫萎蔫病病死木的空间分布型

    A Study on the Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Dead Pine Trees of Pine Wilt Nematode Disease

  11. 一份需求意见在2005年5月发布了,每个竞标商必须为木仓族各型木仓械提供4把样木仓进行为期180天的试验。

    A request for proposals was published in May2005 with a timescale of180 days in which to respond with written submissions along with four examples of each variant for testing .