
cháo yáng
  • exposed to the sun;face the sun;sunny;with a sunny, usu. southern, aspect;be exposed to the sun;the rising sun


zhāo yáng
  • the rising sun;the morning sun
朝阳 [zhāo yáng]
  • [be exposed to the sun; sunny] 向着太阳

  • 背山朝阳的小楼房

  • [the rising sun] 早晨刚刚升起的太阳

  • 迎着朝阳

朝阳[cháo yáng]
朝阳[zhāo yáng]
  1. 春节特别节目《朝阳行动》策划研究

    In the spring festival the special program " action exposed to the sun " plans to study

  2. 朝阳映红了东方的天空。

    The rising sun flames the eastern sky .

  3. 这间屋朝阳。

    The room has a southern exposure .

  4. 银发产业其实是未来的朝阳产业。

    The silver-haired industry is actually an emerging industry .

  5. 会对初升的朝阳欢呼跳跃

    You will cheer for the rising sun

  6. 现在东方地平线上升起了一轮朝阳,这弯残月就在西边天际失去了光泽。

    Now that a new light shone upon the horizon , this older luminary paled in the west .

  7. 因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点——坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。

    So ... beginning today and lasting a lifetime through --- Hang in there , and don 't be afraid to feel like the morning sun is shining ... just for you .

  8. 因为这是一个朝阳产业,MBA的声望还没有真正建立起来。

    Because this is an early industry , the cachet of an MBA is not really there .

  9. 常温捕收剂Gd(703)在朝阳磷矿南矿段的应用

    The application of normal temperature collector Gd_ ( 703 ) in Chaoyang Phosphate Mine

  10. 散客接待日,3D大剧场将定时播放三部分别反映朝阳历史、现在和未来的影片,具体播放时间为10:30一场、14:30一场。

    Three movies will be shown in3D grand theatre at10:30 and14:30 for the individual tourists , introducing the past , the present and the future of Chaoyang district .

  11. 新兴的朝阳行业广阔的发展空间&中国EMC产业发展现状与前景

    The Rising Industry and the Widest Developing Space & The Present Status and Foreground of Chinese EMC Industry

  12. 结论朝阳市HFRS疫情的三间分布符合家鼠型HFRS的流行病学特征;

    Conclusion The spatial , temporal and population distribution of HFRS was consistent with epidemiological characteristics of the disease .

  13. 旅游业是国际公认的朝阳产业,伴随着中国加入WTO和2008年奥运会的临近,青岛旅游业面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。

    Tourism industry is a generally recognized rising sun industry , and with China 's entry into WTO and the incoming Olympic Games Qingdao 2008 , the Qingdao tourist industry is faced with an unprecedented opportunity and challenge .

  14. 李芊惠说他们明年计划将调查范围扩大到朝阳区的麦子店和CBD,海淀区的五道口。

    Li said they will survey Maizidian and the CBD , both in Chaoyang district , and Wudaokou , in Haidian district , next year .

  15. 北京柏悦酒店(ParkHyatt)正好赶在2008年奥运会开幕前开业,有246间客房,位于北京市东北部的朝阳区。

    And just in time for the 2008 Summer Games , the Park Hyatt , with 246 rooms , opened in the Chaoyang District in the northeast part of town .

  16. 辽河裂谷东侧存在壳内高导层,整个断面上地幔高导层发育,在辽河断陷及朝阳、义县地区反映为上地幔隆起区,在西拉木伦河一带出现落差达50km左右的台阶;

    There exists a high & conductivhy layer in the east side of Liao River depression area .

  17. 以Sybase提供的WarehouseStudio为开发平台,对朝阳供电公司原有的数据源进行重新组织,建立了供电预测数据仓库。

    With the warehouse studio provided by Sybase corporation as the development platform , the data source of Chaoyang electric power supply company is reorganized and the data warehouse of power supply forecast is built .

  18. 并以朝阳市为例做具体研究,结果表明此种方法的评价结果能为环境改造和城市合理规划提供科学依据,而且GIS的应用,使得城市生态环境质量评价结果具有直观、形象、动态的特点。

    Taking Chaoyang as a proven case , it shows this method can offer gist of environment use and city plan , at the same time , it makes the results of city eco-environmental quality and effect intuitionistic , visualizing , dynamic by the use of GIS .

  19. 方法:回顾分析朝阳医院1998年8月~2001年1月间药物治疗101例下肢DVT患者的情况。

    Methods : We reviewed clinical data of 101 patients who were treated for DVT of lower extremity at Chaoyang hospital during Aug.1998 to Jan.2001 . Results : The treatment results are satisfactory after one course of pharmacotherapy .

  20. 他还竭力避开外国人扎堆居住的区域:外国侨民爱逛位于朝阳区的三里屯(Sanlitun),这儿以喧嚣热闹、但鱼目混珠的酒吧街出名。

    He is also keen to avoid living where many foreigners flock : the expat haunt Sanlitun , an area in the Chaoyang district , renowned for its vibrant , but gritty , bar street .

  21. 月际分析表明,朝阳地区ET0年内变化趋势为单峰型,最大值发生在5月份,最小值发生在1月份,各站点变化情况具有一致性。

    Monthly analysis shows that the trend during the year of ETo is a single peak in Chaoyang area . The maximum value of ETo occurs in May , the minimum value occurs in January , various stands change situation has the uniformity .

  22. 第四章是对朝阳地区古建筑环境进行分析。

    Chapter four analysis the environment of Chaoyang ' ancient buildings .

  23. 健康产业是充满活力的朝阳产业

    The Health Industry Will Be a Rising-sun Industry Full of Vitality

  24. 时间序列分析在辽宁朝阳地区干旱灾变中的应用

    Application of Time Series Analysis in Drought Calamities Forecast in Chaoyang

  25. 朝阳在新的一天冉冉升起。

    The sun is rising in the morning of another day .

  26. 全球变暖环境下朝阳北部地区气温变化趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Environment Global Warming Temperature Changes in Northern Chaoyang

  27. 中国移动在朝阳农村通信市场营销策略研究

    Research of Marketing Strategy of China Mobile in Chaoyang Rural Area

  28. 朝阳寺水电站扩机增容工程弧门支座加固

    Strengthening of Arch-gate bracket for project of Chaoyang Temple Hydropower Station

  29. 网络游戏产业是一个新兴的朝阳产业。

    The online game industry is an emerging sunrise industry .

  30. 朝阳隋唐墓葬研究

    A Research on Tombs of Sui-Tang Dynasties in Chaoyang Region