
  • 网络performance pledge;commitment;SERVICE;service promise
  1. 运输署自一九九二年十二月起实施牌照服务的服务承诺计划。

    A performance pledge scheme for licensing services was introduced in December 1992 .

  2. 我国加入WTO签定的教育服务承诺具有鲜明的政策性意义。

    The commitment to articles of WTO on educational service embodies policy signification .

  3. 但是,客观存在的各种不足,又使我国难以在短时间内全面兑现加入WTO的教育服务承诺。

    But all kinds of objective disadvantages make China difficult to completely keep the educational services promises when entering into WTO .

  4. 随着加入WTO,我国所作出的教育服务承诺将使我国民办高等教育面临新的机遇和挑战。

    With acceding to WTO , the promise of education service made by our country 's government , would bring a series of new opportunities and challenges .

  5. 加入WTO后,教育服务承诺对我国教育将产生深刻影响,教育事业的发展面临机遇和挑战。

    After China 's Entry into WTO the Promise of education service will effect the nation 's education deeply . The development of education is facing the opportunity and challenge .

  6. 由此标志X品牌将再次启程,拓展中国户外市场,我们将对中国的户外朋友实现X品牌的服务承诺。

    The well-known American sports agents and marketing companies linear soft-shoe brand K Roller Skating shoes ( SoftbootTM skate ) . This marks Brand X will again leave China to expand outdoor market .

  7. 活动当天尽管是阴雨天气,但IBM的志愿者都如期到达,用行动兑现服务承诺。

    Despite the unpleasant weather on the event day , all the IBM volunteers arrived at community center on time , picked up the disabled people and heading for the Forest Park .

  8. IKO公司出品的产品已成为优质名牌产品的代表,通过全球的营销网络实现为用户方便、快捷的服务承诺。

    IKO Corporation produces the product has become the high quality famous brand goods representative , through the global marketing network realization for the user convenient , quick serves the pledge .

  9. 服务承诺:我们的低价收费将使你满足;

    Service commitment : our budget prices will make you satisfied ;

  10. 服务承诺:高校图书馆的实践与启示

    Services Guarantee : the Practice in Academic Library and its Implications

  11. 中国教育服务承诺与中外合作办学

    Chinese Promise to Serve Education and Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools

  12. 试论商业服务承诺制的约束机制建设

    On the Construction of Restricting Function of Business Services ' Commitment

  13. 服务承诺制&医德建设的一剂良药

    A Dose of Good Medicine on Construction of Medical Moral

  14. 温馨服务承诺的实施与评价

    Evaluation and Conduction of the Activity Warm Service Promise

  15. 不同类型服务承诺对消费者信任和购买意愿影响的研究

    The Effects of Different Kinds of Service Guarantee on Consumers'Trust and Purchase Intention

  16. 图书馆实行社会服务承诺制的思考

    Thoughts on Libraries Implementing Social Service Commitment System

  17. 服务承诺和行风建设

    Service Commitments and the Formation of Working Style

  18. 监察和检讨入境事务处实践服务承诺的表现;

    To monitor and review the fulfilment of performance pledges by the immigration department ;

  19. 服务承诺:诚信、规范、专业、快捷。

    Service commitment : the good faith , the standard , professional , efficient .

  20. 服务承诺:精益求精,用心服务,风雨无阻。

    Service commitment : strives for perfection , whole-hearted service , rain or shine .

  21. 要想自信地作出承诺,您需要衡量自己对服务承诺的符合度。

    To do that with confidence , you need to measure your compliance to them .

  22. 逆向选择与物流服务承诺

    Reverse Selection and Logistics Service Commitment

  23. 服务承诺:客户是企业的上帝,质量是企业的生命。

    Service Promise : Customer is the god and quality is the life of the enterprise .

  24. 一九九六年十二月,服务承诺计划再扩展至包括车辆检验服务和政府隧道服务。

    The scheme was extended in December 1996 to cover vehicle examination and government tunnel services .

  25. 开展社会服务承诺制加强医院两个文明建设

    Hospitals'Social Services to Strengthen Civilization Construction

  26. 实现“让人民群众在省人民医院看得上病、看得起病、看得好病”的服务承诺。

    We promise to provide good medical service at reasonable prices in out provincial people 's hospital .

  27. 先是全国40个繁忙机场对外公布了《航班延误治理服务承诺》。

    In the first place , China's40 busy airports announced the " flight delay governance pledges " .

  28. 在研究过程中,引入顾客信任和情感承诺等中介变量,构建了有无服务承诺对顾客购后行为意向影响的关系模型。

    In the research process , we introduced the mediator variables including customer trust and affective commitment .

  29. 阐述图书馆实行社会服务承诺制是吸引读者利用图书馆的重要途径。

    The paper expounds that libraries implementing social service commitment system is an important way to attract readers .

  30. 试论水电勘察设计行业的职业道德规范和服务承诺

    Trial discussion about professional moral standards and service commitment in the hydroelectricity exploration and design industry Technological Exploration