
  • 网络Server Manager;server management;Server Administration and Management
  1. 重新设计的Web服务器管理

    Redesigned Web server management

  2. IPv6网络中DNS服务器管理机制的研究与设计

    Research and Design DNS Server Management Mechanism in IPv6 Network

  3. 它可以简化虚拟服务器管理,提高业务工作负载弹性,甚至有助于在PowerSystems服务器上实现云计算。

    It simplifies virtual-server management , improves business workload resiliency and even facilitates cloud computing on Power Systems servers .

  4. 安装有关站点内容发布、web和ftp服务器管理的文档。

    Installs documentation about publishing site content , and web and FTP server administration .

  5. WebSphere应用服务器管理服务可用于身份验证和角色管理。

    WebSphere Application Server administrative services are used for authentication and role management .

  6. CM服务器管理GUI负载测试

    CM Server Administration GUI load test

  7. 本文假设您对计算机系统和Domino服务器管理有基本的理解。

    This article assumes a general knowledge of computer systems and of Domino server administration .

  8. ISA是基于Web的跨平台的数据库服务器管理工具,用于监视多个Informix服务器。

    ISA is a Web-based cross-platform database server administration tool , used to monitor multiple Informix servers .

  9. 要在关闭isa服务器管理之前应用更改吗?

    Do you want to apply the changes before closing ISA Server management ?

  10. 可以使用WebSphere应用服务器管理控制台中的安全配置向导完成安全配置和存储库配置。

    You can use the security configuration wizard in the WebSphere Application Server administration console to complete the security configuration and repository configuration .

  11. 在服务器管理工具的左窗格中展开服务器,展开您基于WindowsSBS的计算机,然后单击队列。

    In the left pane of the Server Management tool , expand Servers , expand your Windows SBS-based computer , and then click Queues .

  12. EIS进行的处理是同步的,因此可以成为J2EE应用程序服务器管理的事务的一部分。

    Processing done by the EIS is synchronous and thus can become part of a transaction managed by the J2EE application server .

  13. 阐述了Sybase复制服务器管理的重要性。

    It was expounded the importance of the management of Sybase Replication Server .

  14. 元数据服务器管理inode空间,将文件名转变为元数据。

    Metadata servers manage the inode space , converting file names to metadata .

  15. 不使用root特权来安装软件对于长期使用桌面Linux和服务器管理的用户来说会有些不知所措,不过这对于大部分软件来说都不是什么大问题。

    Installing software without root privileges is a bit disconcerting for users with a long history of desktop Linux and server admin , but it 's no big deal for most software .

  16. 通过高级的admin任务提供自动化的任务的例子包含服务器管理、集群管理和资源管理。

    Examples of tasks that offer automation through a high level admin task include server management , cluster management , and resource management .

  17. 您可以将SOAP用于内部服务器管理通信,而将RMI用于管理客户机,反过来也是一样的,也可以同样地使用它们。

    You can use SOAP for internal server administrative communication and RMI for your administration clients , or vice versa , or make them both the same .

  18. 然后对服务器管理系统进行总体的分析与设计,并采用JSP及Perl作为主要的程序开发语言,进行系统开发。

    And then the server management system analysis and design of overall , and USES the JSP and Perl as the main application development , system development language .

  19. 再用VB开发了专用的网络电焊机现场服务器管理软件,实现现场服务器与电焊机的通讯;

    Then the particular managing software exploited by VB is loaded in local server in network controlled welding machine system , so that the local server could communicate with the welding machine ;

  20. 任何共享对象(比如工作队列和工作项状态)都由Terracotta服务器管理(并有效地同步)。

    Any shared objects ( such as the work queue and work item statuses ) are managed ( and effectively synchronized ) by the Terracotta server .

  21. 虚拟化能够降低与传统服务器管理相关的劳动力成本,减少使用中的有形硬件资产的数量,以及减少包括CPU、I/O、网络、服务器存储和数据库资源在内的资源的逻辑大小。

    It decreases the labor costs associated with managing traditional servers and reduces the number of tangible hardware assets in use and the logical size of resources including CPU , I / O , network , server storage , and database resources .

  22. 针对数据库服务器管理影响客户端访问数据库,用SQL-DMO数据库管理功能和VB语言开发了一个应用系统可实现客户端对数据库的管理。

    Aiming at the influence of database server management on client accessing database , a server application system was developed with SQL-DMO database manage function and VB . SQL-DMO database can be managed with the system at the client-side .

  23. 系统管理员应当从管理服务器管理它们。

    The system administrator should manage them from the management server .

  24. 这个组件帮助应用程序服务器管理事务的边界。

    This component helps the application server manage transaction boundaries .

  25. 应用服务器管理连接用户与其所需数据的过程。

    Application servers manage the process of connecting users to that data .

  26. 客户请求的一个被服务器管理的对象。

    A client 's representation of an object managed by the server .

  27. 服务器管理和服务路由是中枢对等实体的核心功能。

    Server management and service route are the kernel of hub peer .

  28. 就像在应用程序服务器管理控制台中一样,这里也有三个必填字段。

    As in the Application Server administration console , there are three mandatory fields .

  29. 你将去报到的服务器管理部门由他负责。

    He is in charge of the Server Management Department you will report to .

  30. 一些产品提供浮动许可证,这种许可证由许可证服务器管理。

    Some products offer a floating licenses , which are managed by a license server .