
  • 网络tangible construction market
  1. 对黄河有形建筑市场建设的探讨

    Discussion on building tangible construction market in the Yellow River Basin

  2. 随着工程招标相关法律、法规的日益完善,有形建筑市场的运作必然将朝着更为规范化的方向发展。

    With the increasingly sophisticated of the laws and regulations for the project bidding , the operation of the tangible construction market will develop towards more standardized .

  3. 建立统一有形建筑市场的若干思考

    A probe into the establishing of unified and formal architectural markets

  4. 浅谈健全有形建筑市场规范建设工程招投标

    On Visible Building Market Perfection and Project Tendering and Bidding Standardization

  5. 有形建筑市场计算机管理系统的探讨

    Discussion on Computer Managerial System of the Visible Building Market

  6. 论有形建筑市场存在的合理性及其发展定位

    On Rationality and its Development Orientation of Existence of Tangible Building Market

  7. 虽然在我国大多数城市已经建立了有形建筑市场。

    The tangible construction markets have been established in most cities in China .

  8. 论有形建筑市场特点及其社会功效

    The Characteristics and Social Function of Tangible Architectural Market

  9. 第四部分:针对第三部分中论及的问题,提出两点规范措施,一是将招标纳入有形建筑市场中进行;

    Part ⅳ: two measures are suggested to solve the problems mentioned in Part III.

  10. 有形建筑市场工作探讨

    Discussion on work in tangible building market

  11. 有形建筑市场的定位及其作用

    Position and Function of Formation Construction Market

  12. 建立统一的有形建筑市场是规范招标投标活动的重大举措。

    Establishing unified and formal architectual markets is an important measure to standardize calling for tenders and submitting tenders .

  13. 这种种原因造成我国有形建筑市场发展不规范,不合理,监管不力等多重问题。

    These cause the development of the physical construction market in China not only standardized , irrational , but also ineffective supervision .

  14. 作为我国建筑工程行业的一项有利尝试,有形建筑市场的发展有着一个不平凡的过程。

    As a useful attempt in the field of construction project in China , the development of the physical construction market has a non-trivial process .

  15. 必须狠抓有形建筑市场的规范化建设,积极推行公开招标投标制和项目法人责任制,才能实现造价控制的目标。

    We must build standard construction markets , practice public bidding and legal responsibility for item legal person ; thus striving to achieve cost control target .

  16. 我国对招标投标的政府规制主要表现为有形建筑市场制度和工程合同备案制度,但这两种规制模式在不同程度上存在着规制过度。

    There are excess of regulation in tangible construction market and the construction contracts recording system , which are the main government regulation forms in the tendering procedure .

  17. 在此基础上,结合青岛市有形建筑市场招标投标运行体系的发展,提出了趋向规范的分析和建议。

    And then , combine with the development of bidding system in the tangible construction market in Qingdao , the author give us useful proposals and analysis in the course of tending standardization .

  18. 但是由于市场经济的不完善.有形建筑市场在其运作过程中仍存在一些问题,如评标办法不完善,业主行为不规范,投标方行为不规范。

    But because of the imperfect marketing economy , there are some problems in the tangible construction markets , such as the irregulation of bid evaluation , owners ' behavior , bidders ' behavior and other parts .

  19. 上述观点和建议,在实证中证明是可行有效的,它对浙江省有形建筑市场的培育与发展具有重要的实际价值。

    The above viewpoints and suggestion have been proved to be effective in practice , and they have important practice value for not only HangZhou city but also the whole country of the development and maturity of the ZheJiang 's corporeal construction market .

  20. 文章从有形建筑市场的现状出发,探讨有形建筑市场的定义、功能、进场交易的范围及政府部门应加强监管的措施等方面的问题。

    In light of the demand for formal architectural markets , a probe is made into the definition , function and entry dealing scope of formal architectural markets and some suggestions are put forward with which the governmental department can better strengthen and supervise the architectural markets .

  21. 招标投标活动的目的一是为了建立有形有序的建筑市场、鼓励竞争、防腐倡廉;

    One of bidding 's purposes is to establish an orderly construction market in which competition will be encouraged and corruption will be resisted absolutely .