
  1. 它是航天局为了在未来十年重返月球而开发出的一系列系统和设备中的一部分。

    It is part of a range of systems and equipment being developed by the space agency for its planned return to the moon over the next decade .

  2. 随着太空探测技术的发展,各国陆续开展了对外层空间的探测,作为人类探测太阳系和其他星球最理想的跳板和中转基地,月球在开发外层空间中具有特殊的地位。

    With the development of deep-space probe technology , many countries begin to study the deep-space probe . Lunar plays a particular role on develop out space as a gangplank and transit base to probe solar system and other ideal star .

  3. 月球的开发和利用对人类的发展具有重要的意义,目前世界主要航天国家都已经开展了各自的月球探测计划,掀起了新一轮月球探测高潮。

    Exploiting and using the moon make great sense to human evolution . At present , the main countries in the domain of space exploration have put their own schemes of exploring the moon into practice , and raise a new round of upsurge of lunar exploration .

  4. 月球某些资源的开发利用前景

    Prospect of Exploration and Utilization of Some Lunar Resources

  5. 它是嫦娥三号远征的一部分,而嫦娥三号着陆月球的目的是开发和测试未来探测计划的关键技术。

    The mission was part of the Chang'e 3 expedition , which as well as landing on the moon was to develop and test key technologies for future missions .

  6. 月壤厚度的研究对未来月球探测、登月与月球资源开发均具有十分重要的意义。

    Research on lunar soil thickness is very important in lunar exploration , human lunar landing and lunar resource exploitation in the future .

  7. 21世纪月球探测的主要趋势是建立月球基地,开发利用月球的矿产资源、能源和特殊环境,为人类社会的可持续发展发挥长期而有效的支撑作用。

    The establishment of the lunar base is the main trend of the lunar exploration and detection in the 21st century , because the exploration and utilization of the lunar mineral resources , energy and specific environment will effectively support the sustainable development of human society .