
  1. 维生素C对妇女月经血量影响的观察

    The Effects of Vitamin C on Menstrual Blood Loss in Women

  2. 维生素E治疗后月经血量下降率为35.21%,过氧化氢酶有明显降低(P<0.01)。

    After vitamin E treatment , the quantity of menstrual blood decreased 35.21 % . The peroxidase activity significantly decreased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  3. 但月经血量(MBL)>80ml者例外,其缺铁率持续进行性增高,第24周期达66.7%。

    However the inci-dence of iron deficiency was continuously increasing in the MBL > 80ml group which rea-ched to 66.7 % at the 24 th cycle .

  4. MultiloadCu-375宫内节育器对月经血量、血红蛋白,平均红细胞血红蛋白、血清铁蛋白的影响

    Influence of multiload cu-375 IUD upon menstrual blood loss , hemoglobin level , mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and serum ferritin

  5. 月经血量与血清纤维蛋白裂解产物的关系

    Relationship between Menstrual Blood Loss and Serum Fibrin Degradation Products . J

  6. 宫内节育器与月经血量的关系

    Relationship Between IUD and Menstrual Blood Loss

  7. 131例健康妇女月经血量测定

    Menstrual Blood Loss in Healthy Chinese Women

  8. 自1983年7月1日至1984年3月31日共接受对象6236例,其中210例作放置前后的月经血量和相应的血红蛋白测定。

    From 1 July , 1983 to 31 March , 1984 , a total of 6,236 cases had been recruited .

  9. 子宫异常出血是宫腔内良性病变的主要症状,可表现为:月经血量增多、经期延长、不规则阴道流血、接触性出血及少数绝经后阴道流血和阴道排液等。

    The main symptom is abnormal uterine bleeding , including menorrhagia , irregular vaginal bleeding , prolonged menstrual period , contact bleeding , postmenopausal vaginal bleeding , vaginal discharge and so on .