
  1. 江阴市月城镇控制性详细规划中的创新性探索

    Innovation of regulatory detailed planning in Yuecheng town of Jiangyin City

  2. 中国11月城镇调查失业率为5.2%,较10月下降0.1%。

    China 's surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.2 percent in November , down by 0.1 percent from October .

  3. 该报告称,在这10万个岗位中,上半年新增就业7万个,约占1至6月城镇新增就业的1%。

    The report said of the 100000 jobs , 70000 were newly created during H1 , about 1 % of new jobs in urban areas during the period .

  4. 今年1至5月,城镇固定资产投资同比增长25.9%,低于1至4月26.1%的增幅,为连续第三个月出现回落。

    The increase in urban fixed asset investment fell for the third straight month to 25.9 per cent year-to-date , down from 26.1 per cent the month before .

  5. 1-9月,城镇新增就业超过1000万人、与去年同期相比多增了十几万人,31个大城市调查失业率保持在5%左右。

    From January to September , more than 10 million urban jobs were created , over 100,000 more than that of the same period of last year . Surveyed unemployment rate has stayed at around 5 % in 31 big cities .

  6. 尽管房地产价格以每年约10%的速度上涨,但居民收入增速更快过去12个月,中国城镇家庭收入增长17%。

    While property prices have been rising by some 10 per cent a year , incomes have risen even faster urban household income grew 17 per cent over the last 12 months .

  7. 现在搜索进行到了第二个月,许多沿海城镇启用了重型器械处理成堆的瓦砾。

    As part of the search that has extended into a second month , many coastal towns are using heavy machinery to jar free mounds of rubble .

  8. 失业率已连续4个月下降,前11个月城镇新增就业近1100万人。

    The unemployment rate has dropped for four months in a row , with nearly 11 million new urban jobs created in the first 11 months .

  9. 在2011年8月至2012年8月间,该城镇及周边地区的家暴事件数量从一年前的90起增加到120起。

    The number of violent incidents in the town and surrounding area increased to 124 between August 2011 and August 2012 – compared to 90 in the previous 12 months .