
  1. 月亮穿过你的星座帮助你追寻自己的感觉。

    Being aware of the Moon traveling through your sign today can help you keep in touch with your feelings .

  2. 月亮在反思的星座合逆行的行星,不适合治疗,药剂会作用病人的伤口。

    The Moon in ruminating signs joined to retrograde planets , it is not then good to purge ; the potion will work upward to the patients injury .

  3. 为了回复顾客或者个人研究,我喜欢编一个关于行运月亮宫位、星座和阶段的故事,尤其是行运新月和满月。

    For returning clients or personal study , I have enjoyed weaving a story of the progressed Moon 's house , sign and phase , especially the progressed New and Full Moon .