
  • 网络Ira;Elah
  1. 巴沙与他列祖同睡,葬在得撒。他儿子以拉接续他作王。

    And Baasha slept with his fathers and was buried at Tirzah , and Elah his son reigned in his place .

  2. 两千年前于以色列王国中,腓力斯军队开拔至以拉峡谷中扎营。

    Two thousand years ago in the Kingdom of Israel , the Philistine army marched into the valley of Elah and set up camp .

  3. 对316L不锈钢合金,σy和σz在整个熔覆高度上以拉应力作用为主。

    For 316L stainless steel alloy , In the whole cladding height , y and z are positive .

  4. TiC/Al2O3/TiN复合涂层温度从800℃下降到0℃时,在TiN涂层内以拉应力为主,在硬质合金基体内以压应力为主。

    When the temperature drops from 800 ℃ to 0 ℃ for TiC / Al2O3 / TiN composite coating with cemented carbide substrate , there is tensile stress in TiN coating .

  5. 在考虑超载情况下,根据Reissner厚板理论,建立了轴对称圆板模型,以拉破坏为控制条件,导出了顶板安全厚度的解析解。

    Considering surcharge based on Reissner thick plate theory , an axisymmetric circular plate model was put forward , and a formula was brought forth considering tensile failure .

  6. 你应该珍视你的朋友,并时不时送给他们一两件礼物以拉进距离。

    Treasure them and bind them closer with an occasional present .

  7. 在便雅悯有以拉的儿子示每;

    Shimei the son of Ela , in Benjamin ;

  8. 以拉都在哥林多住下了。特罗非摩病了,我就留他在米利都。

    Erastus abode at Corinth : but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick .

  9. 少数民族习惯法中的公共事务管理权利&以拉祜族卡些为例

    Public Administration Right in Minority Custom Law

  10. 重点推导了岩桥以拉剪复合破坏时,非贯通节理岩体的峰值强度公式。

    The shear strength of jointed rock mass under the combined action of shear and tension was determined .

  11. 亚玛谢与他列祖同睡之后,亚撒利雅收回以拉他仍归犹大,又重新修理。

    He built Elath , and restored it to Judah , after that the king slept with his fathers .

  12. 当时亚兰王利汛收回以拉他归与亚兰,将犹大人从以拉他赶出去。

    At that time , Rezin king of Aram recovered Elath for Aram by driving out the men of Judah .

  13. 喜马拉雅期以拉张和走滑构造为主,局部有挤压特征。

    Tensile structure and strike - slip structure were the most , and extrusion character locally appeared in Himalayan epoch .

  14. 以拉削阻力作为刚性导向可靠制动的研究体力负荷大小可通过可调阻力制动部分来调节。

    Braking reliability study on using broaching resistance as rigidity guid The physical load can be adjusted by the adjustable resistance part .

  15. 碎裂围岩的变形破坏方式主要为坍塌、掉块以及剥落,其变形破坏机制为以拉、压应力造成的张裂、拉裂破坏及卸荷回弹。

    Its deformation and failure concentrate on the tension and pull crack damage caused by tensile stress and compressive stress and unloading rebound .

  16. 而对于以拉压效应为主的空间结构,则其厚度和跨度之比可以较小。

    A spatial roof typically is formed by the effects of compression and tension , and the span to depth ratio is relatively small .

  17. 犹大王亚哈斯十二年,以拉的儿子何细亚在撒马利亚登基作以色列王九年。

    In the twelfth year of Ahaz king of Judah began Hoshea the son of Elah to reign in Samaria over Israel nine years .

  18. 正手弧圈球抢攻积极凶狠,动作小、力量大、还原快,线路上侧身抢攻以拉斜线大角为主。

    Forehand Loop sights active fierce , action is small , powerful , fast restore on the line to pull sideways slash bighorn main sights .

  19. 各种不同的大火成岩省在时空分布及组成上都具有相似性,它们具有非常大的体积、高的喷发速率,岩石类型以拉斑玄武岩为主。

    Various LIPs have important temporal , spatial and compositional similarities , characterized exclusively by huge melt volume , high eruption rates and preponderant tholeiite .

  20. 以拉剪强度为特性指标,通过热氧加速老化试验,参照环境考核试验,综合评估其使用寿命。

    Evaluation of the life by means of the shear strength of sample which pass through heating oxygen aging test according to environmental test specification was .

  21. 于是从帮助他的人中,打发提摩太,以拉都二人,往马其顿去。自己暂时等在亚细亚。

    So he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto him , Timotheus and Erastus ; but he himself stayed in Asia for a season .

  22. 以色列王以拉的儿子何细亚第三年、犹大王亚哈斯的儿子希西家登基。

    Now in the third year of hoshea , son of elah , king of israel , hezekiah , the son of ahaz , became king of judah .

  23. 本文以拉压应力损伤因子为内变量,采用混凝土塑性损伤模型,分析了坝体在地震荷载作用下的刚度退化以及在多维应力状态下拉应力引起的损伤破坏。

    In this paper , the stiffness degradation and damage failure in concrete dams subjected to strong ground motion are simulated by plastic-damage model based on damage index variable .

  24. 基性、中性、酸性熔岩和火山碎屑岩均有,以拉斑玄武岩、钙碱性火山岩和碱性火山岩系列为主,极少量过碱性火山岩。

    The basic , intermediate , acidic lava-and associated volcaniclastic rock are of widespread occurence , which are dominanted by tholeiite , alkali-lime and alkaline volcanic series , and some ultra-alkaline volcanic rock .

  25. 近年来,以拉大金融宽度和厚度的我国金融改革步伐明显加快,这必将对河南经济增长产生重大影响。

    In the recent years , our financial reform featuring the expansion of financial business has obviously accelerated its step , which is sure to impose a great impact on Henan economic growth .

  26. 国家公园服务组织建议,首先应该缓缓后退以拉大人和熊的距离,如果它试图跟着你的话,你应该很有攻击性地对着它大声说话、呼喊。

    The National Park Service recommends first trying to distance yourself from the animal by slowly backing away , or talking loudly and shouting at it aggressively if it attempts to follow you .

  27. 希西家王第四年,就是以色列王以拉的儿子何细亚第七年,亚述王撒缦以色上来围困撒玛利亚。

    In King Hezekiah 's fourth year , which was the seventh year of Hoshea son of Elah king of Israel , Shalmaneser king of Assyria marched against Samaria and laid siege to it .

  28. 头人在处理村民事务和履行职责的过程中,虽然更多地是以拉祜族传统的古礼古规作为依据,但是在具体的表述上已经更趋向于使用国家法律法规之类的话语。

    Although the headmen take the traditional rules of Lahu people as his rules when dealing with affairs of his village , he tends to use the terms of national laws and the like in his words .

  29. 本文介绍了燃气轮机涡轮叶片枞树形榫槽以拉削代替铣削工艺的研究工作,着重论述组合拉刀设计与改进。

    The research work on broaching of the fir-tree roots of turbo blades of combustion gas turbine instead of milling is introduced , and the design and improvement of modular broaching tool are described in the paper .

  30. 方法以拉氏变换解微分方程和隔室模型分析等经典的药物动力学方法,分析单室模型药物血管外给药零级释放和一级释放在释放阶段和释放完成后的药物动力学。

    Methods By the Laplace transform and the compartmental analysis method , the pharmacokinetic behaviors of the zero-order release and the first-order release of mono-compartment drugs administered by non-parenteral routes were deduced with divisions of the dose being absorbed during the release phase and after the release has terminated .