
zuì ɡāo jì lù
  • Highest Record;high record
  1. 参加本年度马拉松比赛的人数创下最高纪录。

    There 's a record entry for this year 's marathon .

  2. 失业数字已经达到了历来的最高纪录。

    Unemployment has reached a record high .

  3. 5月14日当天的单日接种数量也创下364100剂次的最高纪录。

    The day also witnessed the city 's highest daily inoculation number so far -- 364100 doses .

  4. 7月27日,国际黄金价格一度冲高至每盎司1944.68美元,刷新了2011年9月份创造的每盎司1921.15美元的最高纪录。

    Gold hit $ 1944.68 per ounce on Monday , breaking its previous record high of $ 1921.15 in September 2011 .

  5. 在决定禁止东京场馆现场观众之际,东京7月7日报告了920例新增感染病例,创下自5月中旬以来每日新增病例数的最高纪录。

    The spectator decision comes as Tokyo reported 920 new infections for Wednesday -- the highest daily caseload since the middle of May .

  6. unemploymentrate失业率失业率将创最高纪录。

    Unemployment rate will reach an all-time high .

  7. 就在本周,作为基准指数的上证综指(ShanghaiComposite)录得多年来新的最高纪录,今年迄今该指数涨幅已超过32%。

    The benchmark Shanghai Composite has notched fresh multi-year highs this week , with a year-to-date gain of more than 32 per cent .

  8. 好莱坞大片《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(Transformers:DarkoftheMoon)仍以1.02亿元保持着上映首日票房的最高纪录。

    The Hollywood blockbuster Transformers : Dark of the Moon remains the opening-day champ with 102 million yuan .

  9. 好莱坞大片《变形金刚3:月黑之时》(Transformers:DarkoftheMoon)仍以1.02亿元保持着上映首日票房的最高纪录。

    The Hollywood blockbuster " Transformers : Dark of the Moon " remains the opening-day champ with 102 million yuan .

  10. 科幻惊悚片《地心引力》(Gravity)上周末创下10月票房最高纪录,表明观众如果认为值得,仍然会选择观看较高票价的3D电影。

    Science-fiction thriller ' Gravity ' set an October box-office record this weekend and showed that audiences still will choose 3-D screenings for movies they believe are worth the higher price .

  11. 你能回忆出标准普尔500和德国股票指数(DAX)的历史最高纪录(all-timehigh)和52周以来最高价和最低价分别是多少吗?

    Can you recall what was the all time high and52-week high low for the S & P500 and the DAX of Germany ?

  12. 2011年,飞利浦设计荣获了99项国际设计大奖,创下了公司的历史最高纪录,其中包括多个iF和红点(RedDot)等在业内极受推崇的产品设计奖项。

    In 2011 , Philips Design received 99 major international design awards , including multiple prestigious if and red dot prizes for product design & the most ever for the brand .

  13. 法国施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)同意向一家中国公司支付2300万美元,以了结一起专利诉讼,这一和解金额创下中国知识产权案的最高纪录。

    France 's Schneider Electric has agreed to pay a Chinese company $ 23m to settle a patent lawsuit the largest recorded settlement in an intellectual property case in China .

  14. 加上这两年,他目前的合同还剩下两年5900万美元,哈登目前2.28亿美元的合同是NBA的最高纪录。

    Combined with the two years , $ 59 million left on his current contract , Harden is owed an NBA record $ 228 million of salary .

  15. 一项针对美国人口普查局(CensusBureau)数据进行的分析显示,美国黑人和白人的住房拥有率差距创下自16年前开始编制相关数据以来的最高纪录。

    The gap in home ownership between black and white Americans is the widest since records began 16 years ago , according to an analysis of US Census Bureau data .

  16. 另一家大宗商品资讯提供商阿格斯(Argus)评估的2月4日在东北亚交割的现货LNG价格为20.40美元/mmBtu,也创下最高纪录。

    Argus , another provider , assessed spot LNG for delivery to northeast Asia at $ 20.40/mmBtu on Feb. 4 , also a record .

  17. 1994年,珠宝、地产和娱乐业大亨杨受成(AlbertYeung)曾以1300万港元买下一个印有数字9的无字头车牌,创下当时的最高纪录。

    In 1994 , the jewelry , property and entertainment tycoon Albert Yeung bought 9 for what was then a record of $ 1.6 million .

  18. 今年,多亏了全世界病毒式传播开来的ALS冰桶挑战,对肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS,又称的葛雷克氏症)上升的关注度达到最高纪录。

    This year , awareness for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , better known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease , reached an all-time high around the world due to the viral ALS Ice Bucket Challenge .

  19. 斯托特表示,在没有“厄尔尼诺”(ElNiño)的一年,气温创出最高纪录是“很不寻常的”。“厄尔尼诺”是太平洋东部海域的一种海水周期性升温规律,它曾在前些年推升气温。

    Mr Stott said it was " remarkable " to see a record year of heat occur in the absence of an El Ni ñ o , a warming water pattern in the eastern Pacific Ocean that has boosted temperatures in the recent past .

  20. GoConnect的股价周四再度飙升91%,创下历史最高纪录。

    GoConnect 's shares rose another 91 % on Thursday to an all-time high .

  21. 斯托特表示,在没有厄尔尼诺(ElNi&241;o)的一年,气温创出最高纪录是很不寻常的。厄尔尼诺是太平洋东部海域的一种海水周期性升温规律,它曾在前些年推升气温。

    Mr Stott said it was remarkable to see a record year of heat occur in the absence of an El Ni & # 241 ; o , a warming water pattern in the eastern Pacific Ocean that has boosted temperatures in the recent past .

  22. 据汤森路透GFMS说,在黄金的供应方面,过去三年里金矿公司开采出更多黄金,黄金产量连续两年创历史最高纪录,2011年的黄金产量增加了3%。

    On the supply side , gold miners have pumped out more bullion for the past three years , including a 3 % gain in 2011 , to hit an all-time production high for two years running , according to GFMS .

  23. 美国管理专业研究生入学考试委员会(GMAC)最新公布的数据显示,去年,参加管理专业研究生入学考试(GMAT)的女性人数约为10.6万人,创历史最高纪录。

    Last year , almost 106,000 women the highest number ever took the GMAT , the standard admissions test for entry to MBA programs and other business graduate programs , according to the latest figures from the Graduate Management Admissions Council ( GMAC ) , which owns the test .

  24. 日本经济产业省(Meti)宣布,5月份环比产出增长的初步数据为5.9%,与4月份修订后的数据相同,都是1953年3月以来的最高纪录。

    The preliminary 5.9 per cent month-on-month output growth announced for May by the Ministry of Economy , Trade and Industry ( Meti ) was the same as the revised figure for the previous month , and the highest recorded since March 1953 .

  25. 在前两次并购交易创出最高纪录后不久,那些泡沫都破裂了,并带来了令人痛苦的后果。

    Shortly afterwards , those bubbles burst & with painful consequences .

  26. 观看足球比赛的人数达到了历史最高纪录。

    Attendances at football matches are at an all-time high .

  27. 这个令人难以置信的数字创下了二战以来的最高纪录。

    This is a post-second-world-war record and a mind-boggling amount .

  28. 此前的最高纪录为2011年的每股96.34美元。

    That comes after a record figure of $ 96.34 for 2011 .

  29. 空前最高纪录成功的世界市场的描述。

    All time high - description of successful world markets .

  30. 他们声称,这是有机体寿命延长方面所取得的最高纪录。

    They said it was the longest lifespan extension achieved in any organism .