
  1. 他有十天没上学了。

    He 's had ten days off school .

  2. 我们在海上航行十天之后,首次看见陆地。

    After ten days at sea , we had our first sight of land .

  3. 十天之中,我们采集到一百多个品种。

    In ten days we collected over 100 varieties .

  4. 离国庆节只有十天了。

    National Day is only ten days away .

  5. 我必须在站上再等十天&这十天真是度日如年。

    I had to wait in the station for another ten days - an eternity .

  6. 被围困的驻军设法坚持了十天,后来他们的给养完全耗尽了。

    The besieged garrison managed to hang out for ten days , after which their supplies became exhausted .

  7. 如果这些孩子要野营十天,他们需要知道烹调的基本知识。

    If the boys are going to camp for ten days , they 'll need to know the fundamentals of cooking .

  8. 每隔十天,国王就问鸡是否已经驯养好。

    Every ten days the king asked him whether the cock has finished training .

  9. 穆斯克还说,大约十天内,所有特斯拉ModelS型车的车主就能使用这款更新版的软件。

    The software update should be released to all Model S owners in about 10 days , Musk said .

  10. Wemustallowanhourforthemeeting.我们必须留出一小时的开会时间。我们从纽约旅行到香港必须准备用十天时间。

    We must allow ten days for traveling from New York to Hong Kong .

  11. N:你是说我在十天之内还拿不到现钱?

    N : You mean I won 't get the money for ten more days ?

  12. TA、TFP、TP发酵第一天与第十天之间没有显著差异性,但中间发酵八天与第一天含量有显著差异性。

    There was no significant difference between the first day and the tenth day for the contents of TA , TFP , and TP .

  13. 亚洲旅行社后院旅行(BackyardTravel)提供为期十天的旅游团,在野沢与周边景点游玩,包括七世纪的寺庙与该地区著名的雪猴栖息地。—

    The Asian operator Backyard Travel offers 10-day itineraries to explore Nozawa and nearby sights like a seventh-century temple and a refuge for the area 's famed snow monkeys . -

  14. (第十天:尽管董事长玛丽莎梅耶尔和主管另有选择,这款第十天公布的Logo是最受欢迎的)

    ( Day 10 : Despite the choice of CEO Marissa Mayer and Yahoo ! executives , the logo unveiled on day 10 proved to be the most popular )

  15. 然后,在我生产前十天,COVEN找到了我。

    Then , when I first ten days of production , COVEN to find me .

  16. 2014年2月4日,即第二季播出十天之前,Netflix宣布续订本剧第三季,并将于2015年2月播出。

    On February 4 , 2014 , ten days prior to the first available streaming release of the second season , Netflix announced that the show had been renewed for a third season .

  17. 由于日本海啸以及英国公共假日造成零部件供货短缺,英国境内最大的汽车生产商日产(nissan)将把位于森德兰的工厂关闭十天。

    Nissan , the biggest car producer in the UK , is shutting its Sunderland plant for 10 days as a shortage of parts owing to the Japan tsunami combines with the bank holidays .

  18. 实验组:从怀孕第十天起,将120mg/kg维甲酸(RetinoicAcid,RA)与石蜡油混悬液(40mg/ml)经胃管一次注入。

    In the experimental group , a single dose of 120mg / kg per body weight of all-trans-retinoic acid suspended in mineral oil ( 40mg / ml ) was given intragastrically to the pregnant rats on day 10 of pregnancy .

  19. 今年3月,德里首席部长阿尔温德·凯杰里沃(ArvindKejriwal)为了治疗慢性咳嗽,不得不离开了这里十天。

    Arvind Kejriwal , Delhi 's chief minister , had to leave the city for 10 days in March to cure a chronic cough .

  20. 当这种情况发生时,Tylenda和他的团队观测到,这颗星的发亮程度在十天之内提高了300倍以上。

    When this took place , Mr Tylenda and his team observed that the light from the star got brighter by a factor of300 over just ten days .

  21. 纳尔吉斯吹袭前的十天,我到ChaungByei村去探望哥哥一家,在他们的小店里帮忙做生意。

    Ten days before Nargis , I went visiting my brother and his family in Chaung Byei village to help them with their business of running a shop .

  22. 伊拉克警方称,这枚炸弹藏在巴格达多拉区Rasheed市场的前门附近,当装载水果和蔬菜的卡车等待进入市场卸载时发生爆炸。这是十天来同一菜市场发生的第二次爆炸。

    Iraqi police said that a bomb , hidden near the front gate of the Rasheed market in the Dora district of Baghdad , went off as trucks loaded with fruits and vegetables were waiting to enter the market to unload . The explosion was the second at the same market in 10 days .

  23. 零售商店的店主们连续罢工十天。

    The store keepers went on strike for ten days straight .

  24. 但是十天之后,他就回到了帕洛阿尔托的家中。

    Ten days later he was heading home to Palo Alto .

  25. 下了十天雨后河堤决口了。

    After ten day of rain the river burst its bank .

  26. 卡卡的中国朋友十天以后离开了。

    KaKa 's Chinese friend left his school ten days later .

  27. 由于工作完成了,他们有十天的假期。

    The work finished , they had ten days ' leave .

  28. 这项工作最多只要大约十天时间。

    The job will take about ten days at the outside .

  29. 请注意本帐单必须在十天内付款

    Please note that this bill must be pay within 10 day

  30. 过了十天,扁鹊又见到蔡桓公。

    Ten days later , Bian Que saw Huan Gong again .