- 名most favorable nation treatment;most-favored-nation treatment;MFN treatment

[most-favored-nation treatment] 国与国之间根据某些条约规定的条文,在进出口贸易、税收、通航等方面互相给予优惠利益、提供必要的方便、享受某些特权等
Although most-favored-nation treatment principle is considered as the foundation of GATT / WTO multilateral trade system , Article 24 of GATT on regional trade agreement exits as the exception of most-favored-nation treatment principle .
Through a detailed analysis of " most-favored-nation treatment clause "," national treatment " and " exception " of GATT , at this stage , we cannot say the carbon tariffs of the United States broke the basic rules of WTO .
The most favored nation treatment is the cornerstone and nucleus of WTO .
The first principle of WTO non-discrimination principle is commonly realized through most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment .
WTO establishes some principles as the most favored nation treatment , national treatment , transparency , etc.
Analysis of effect scope application of MFN Treatment in TRIPS Agreement
After China entering the WTO , the basic principles of the WTO requires perfect and fair market competing system .
With entry to WTO , China can enjoy the multilateral , unconditional and permanent most-favoured-nation clause among more 140 countries .
This kind of situation was anticipated when China negotiated its entry into the World Trade Organisation along with most-favoured-nation treatment from the US .
TRIPS Agreement has stipulated the general terms as well as exceptions of MFN Treatment in its effect scope ;
Regional trading arrangements , such as FTAs , have legally consisted in the GATT / WTO system from the start as an exception to the principl of MFN .
Legal Analysis on the Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment of GATS
An Affiliation WTO empress , our country has enjoyed the most-favored nation treatment and citizen 's treatment , acquired the more stable exit market , won more beneficial international environment .
Because of the region regulation of the WTO , regional economic arrangement develops greatly under the WTO , although regional economic arrangement does not agree with the MFN ( most-favored-nation ) treatment principle .
The paper makes analysis of the WTO on the basis of the game theory and the new institutional economics . It holds that MFN and DSM are the most important institutions of the WTO ;
And according to the provisions of Annex of GATS , the MFN exemptions should be terminated in December 31,2004 .
The tax principle of WTO favors most-favored-nation treatments national treatment , it also requires the tax collection and management system to be normal and transparent , which will bring great challenge to tax collection and management .
The core of the GATT / WTO multilateral trade system is promoting free international trade , reducing trade barriers , advocating most-favored nation treatment and non-discrimination treatment , forbidding carrying out the quantity restrictions .
The paper first talks about the five basic principles , the principle of most favored nation treatment , the principle of national treatment , transparent principle , market admittance principle and the principle of exception , which work in the international businesses .
RTAs ( Regional trade Agreements ) , as the exception to the most favored nation treatment rules of WTO , established their status in the times of GATT and made the relevant rules to regulate and steer the signing and developing of the kind of agreements .
What concussion can most-favoured-nation treatment principle bring to domestic economy ?
U.S. MFN Trading Status for China in 1994 : An Analysis
There are two forms of most-favored-nation treatment : conditional and unconditional .
The most-favoured-nation status is also a form of control .
American businesses in Washington seek to extend granting China most-favored-nation trading status
Agreement on Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment for Areas of Western Germany under Military Occupatio
Three , political content of MFN issues concerning China .
Application of national and MFN treatment to foreign nationals 53
All the tariff reductions and exemptions were applied on an MFN basis .
MFN clause generally applies to the substantive problem .