
  • 网络utmost;most likely;MPN;AC-BE
  1. 远远超出数量或程度的正常标准的;达到最大可能的程度。

    Far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree ; to an utmost degree .

  2. 最大可能的发挥形成性考核对学生学习的促进作用。

    This system has a facilitative effect of formative assessment on learners ' learning to their utmost .

  3. 尼克松和黑格尽最大可能将外交政策与丑闻分开。

    Nixon and Haig insulated foreign policy to the greatest extent possible from the scandal .

  4. 所谓的X效率是指在所有数量的资源中能够取得最大可能产出。

    The X efficiency is that can obtain in all resources of amount biggest may produce .

  5. 我们把Java和COM之间的一些高流量API桥接起来,这样需要我们的桥能提供最大可能的性能。

    We were bridging some high-traffic APIs between Java and COM , so we needed to achieve the best possible performance from our bridges .

  6. 而这一点恰好符合VaR值在估算正常情况下最大可能损失金额的特性。

    This is exactly in line with estimates VaR value in normal circumstances the greatest possible amount of the loss .

  7. 经过对J曲线的适当策略分析,可以得到目标最大可能存在的子图区域,或者多目标可能存在的区域。

    Under the analysis of some preference strategy for J plot , the most possible areas with targets are recommended .

  8. GALT(greatestavailablelogicaltime,最大可能逻辑时间)算法是HLA(HighLevelArchitecture,高层体系结构)接口规范中时间管理服务能否实现的关键技术。

    GALT ( Greatest Available Logical Time ) algorithm is the key technology which decides whether time management service in the interface specification of HLA ( High Level Architecture ) can be realized .

  9. 在数据压缩的研究工作基础上,提出FRD算法,嵌入了TAG算法。FRD算法采用半联接程序,以构造一个全归约程序,最大可能地减少通讯代价。

    Based on above work , this paper also provides FRD algorithm by using TAG algorithm .

  10. 着重研究了凸极率(ld/lq)对电机最大可能速度、逆变器功率(VA)和电流控制特性的影响。

    The influence of the saliency ratio on inverter volt-ampere ratings , maximum feasible speed , and current control characteristics were discussed .

  11. 试验采用最大可能法(MPN)计这两种微生物菌群的数量。

    Nitrifiers and denitrifiers populations were estimated by the most probable number ( MPN ) method .

  12. 软件中采用多线程、线程池等技术,最大可能地利用硬盘、CPU等硬件资源,避免资源闲置,以提高检测效率。

    Multi-thread and thread pool technology are used in the software for the best possible use of hardware resources such as hard disk , CPU , avoiding idle resources and improving the inspecting efficiency .

  13. 这种模型反映了投资者对于证券组合的期望收益率要求达到某一值,同时要求在一定置信度下,证券组合潜在的最大可能损失不超过VaR。

    This model reflected that expected return ( rate ) of portfolio attain some a value , meanwhile we request the highest possible loss ( should ) be ensured not to exceed VaR.

  14. VaR的全称是ValueAtRisk,意为处于风险中的价值,被定义为在正常的市场波动情况下,在一定的置信水平下,投资组合在未来某一个特定时期内的最大可能损失。

    Value at Risk ( VaR ), which means " the value at risk ", is defined as the maximum possible loss that a portfolio will lose under normal market fluctuations , with a given confidence level , over a certain time horizon .

  15. 如果阵列的最大可能大小(给定其类型)不是太大,则第一次是将值分配给变量时DB2会为最大大小分配空间。

    If the maximum possible size of the array ( given its type ) is not deemed too big , DB2 allocates the space for maximum size the first time a value is assigned to a variable .

  16. 在险价值(VaR)的出现使得金融资产组合在一定时期内最大可能损失的定量化成为可能,到目前,在险价值已成为金融风险管理系统的奠基石。

    The emergence of Value at Risk ( VaR ) enables us to quantify the maximum loss of financial portfolios in certain period . And it has become the fundation of financial risk measurement system up to now .

  17. VaR(ValueatRist),也称在险价值,通过衡量在一定概率水平(置信度)下,资产价值在未来特定时期内的最大可能损失来确定资产的在险价值。

    VaR ( Value at Rist ), also called Value at risk , measuring the the maximum possible loss of assets in a probability of a certain level ( confidence level ) and a specific period of time .

  18. △FosB蛋白质最大可能位于细胞核内,蛋白上有16个Ser,5个Thr,5个Tyr,可能成为蛋白激酶磷酸化的位点。

    The △ FosB protein might be located in nucleus with 16 Ser , 5 Thr and 5 Tyr which probably be protein kinase phosphorylation sites .

  19. 文章从一个真实的案例出发,探讨了在CIF条件下买方遭遇货损时如何选择索赔对象,从而最大可能的减少风险,降低损失这一问题。

    A king a real case for example , the paper discusses the ways the buyer claims for the damages so as to minimize the risks and losses under CIF .

  20. 设f(n,k,r)是不含C-圈的n阶r-一致超图的最大可能边数,我们主要是确定f(n,k,r)或给出它的一个下界。

    Let f ( n , k , r ) be the maximum possible number of edges in a r-uniform hypergraph of order n which contains no k-C-cycle , we mainly determine f ( n , k , r ) or give a lower bound of it .

  21. 计算机科学家AlanKay的一句名言是:预测未来的最好方式,就是去创造未来。因此,我们每一日都将尽最大可能,将专家们的答案变为现实。&KarenWickre和AlanEagle。

    As computer scientist Alan Kay has famously observed , the best way to predict the future is to invent it , so we will be doing our best to make good on our experts'words every day .

  22. 独立分量分析(ICA)是最近才发展起来的一种统计学方法,旨在寻求对非高斯分布数据进行有效表示,使得各个分量在统计学上独立,或者尽最大可能地独立。

    ICA is a novel statistical method developed recently , which is used to find a representation of the Non Gaussian multivariate data , so that each components of the vector are independent statistically , or as independent as possible .

  23. 并按最大可能原理和多结果输出原理进行词汇评分实验,实验结果表明:用HMM对汉语进行标注排歧,正确率很高。

    The experiments for lexical score are made according to maximum likelihood principle and multi result output principle , and the experimental results show , when HMM is used to disambiguate for Chinese tagging , the accuracy rate is high .

  24. VaR是一种衡量和管理金融市场风险的有效方法,其优点便是能够把投资风险描述为一个显性函数并导出形象数据,即最大可能损失,这是传统的度量工具所望尘莫及的。

    VaR is an effective way to measure the financial market risk and have the advantage that the investment risk can be described as a dominant function and export the image data on the maximum possible loss , which is incomparable by the traditional methods .

  25. 在有关(火用)理论的基础上,分析了利用高压工质能量可能提高的效率,对NH3系统,最大可能提高的效率能达到60%。

    Based on the theory of exergy , the possible efficiency to be improved of the refrigeration system using the high pressure refrigerant was analyzed . For the refrigeration system using NH3 , the possibility would be 60 % .

  26. 采用固定开关频率电流追踪PWM细分控制实现方式,形成对步进电机相电流的小范围闭环控制,固定了斩波频率,尽最大可能使步进电机的相电流趋向于给定的正余弦电流波形。

    Frequency fixing PWM current tracking method was adopted in the control system . In such control system , the chop frequency is fixed , and the motor phase current is controlled with small closed loop , which can lead the motor phase current to approach given cosine current waveform .

  27. 负责质量和临床分析的区域医学主任迈克尔&12539;坎特(MichaelKanter)说,该系统使得临床医师能够尽最大可能回去查找并弥补所有的失误。

    Michael Kanter , regional medical director of quality and clinical analysis , says the system enables clinicians to go back ' as far as is feasible to find all of the errors that we can and fix them . '

  28. 利用随机分析方法可确定滑坡安全系数的分布形态,计算出最大可能安全系数下的滑坡破坏概率Pf,用最大可能安全系数和可靠性得出可靠安全系数来评价该滑坡的稳定性。

    The stochastic analysis method was adopted to analyse the distribution of safety factor and the failure probabilities P_f of most likely factor was decided , therefore the reliable safety factor , based on safety factor and reliability , was obtained to appraise the landslide stability .

  29. 针对风险型决策问题中最大可能决策准则的Lindley悖论,提出了一个可以消除Lindley悖论的新的决策准则&最小风险决策准则。

    Aiming at the Lindley paradox of maximal probability criterion in the risky decision , this paper provides a new decision criterion that can eliminate from Lindley paradox , namely Minimum Risk Criterion .

  30. 最佳围产保健方案是在围产保健的基础上,通过孕前保健建册与20w出生监测,将围产保健概念的外延做了最大可能的延伸;

    The best health care project was on the basis of health care , by setting pre pregnancy health care handbook and birth monitoring for 20 w , that extended furthest the extension of the concept of health care .