- 网络The last days;last day;The Final Days

In the last days of the Soviet Union , one of Mikhail Gorbachev 's lieutenants came to him with a plea : ditch the Soviet planned economy and open up to market reforms as China had .
Sometimes it was as long as a year ; sometimes as short as twenty-four hours , but always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours .
the final days of Anna Nicole Smith , a hearing resumes in Los Angeles today .
His daughter ministered to him in his last days .
This is my explanation and my comfort in these last days .
Salvation that would only come at the end of the last days .
In his final months , Mr. Jobs became even more dedicated to such sentiments .
A fictional last few days .
Although Jimmy was very weak in his last days , he was still in high spirits .
He had them to hold and roll over in his mind during his last days and months .
In my opinion , no medicine is effective for him , let him pass his last days quietly 。
Before he died he had attempted to return to China for his final days , but was refused .
Without the last days , in other words , the world might never have had 65-inch flat-screen televisions .
By the end , the factory was having to fly in materials to fill urgent orders at great expense .
If I couldn 't do that , well , I 'd try to make my final days as meaningful as possible .
I just hope he enjoys everyday of the rest of his life , and I will always be there for him .
However , despite having Chronic Backstabbing Disorder ( sorry Last Days of FOXHOUND ), perhaps Miller is to be trusted for once .
If I knew these were to be Dad 's final days , I would have asked to go with him to Denmark .
But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed man chose to spend his last days or his last hours .
A guy who was no stranger to controversy during his final days in Washington , Gilbert Arenas always manages to stir up headlines .
A child during the final days of the Khmer Rouge , he emigrated to America and enrolled at the Art Institute of Chicago .
You can prolong the starvation process by ingesting much-needed salt , but it 's hard to deny how miserable your final days would be .
But he gave me the strength to go back in there and fight to make my husband 's last days the best they could be .
Afterwards , as the Daimyo 's last day passed , he held the child against his heart in order to savor their last moments together .
I am sorry that I wasn 't there for the last few days of your life . I 'm sorry that I never got to say goodbye .
In the final days you will also see the Masters revealed , and they will prepare you for the quantum leap forward you are about to make .
My thoughts turned to my mother and her final days , after cancer had spread through her body and it was clear that there was no coming back .
so if you fall gravely ill there now , you will be hastily dispatched by plane to the mainland , where you can end your days without getting arrested .
Loti , " the final days of Beijing " is a foreign land full of folk music will be unfamiliar with the perceived ability of the main result of shielding out .
When comedian George Simmons ( Adam Sandler ) is diagnosed with terminal cancer , he surrounds himself with a group of young up-and-comers to help inspire his final round of stand-up material .