
  • 网络Last Mile;last kilometer
  1. ERP应用中的最后一公里问题分析与对策

    The Analysis and Solution of Last Kilometer in ERP Application

  2. 文章在第二部分给出了PLC技术解决最后一公里问题的具体方案;

    In the second part , the paper proposed a concrete plan with PLC to solve the " last kilometer " problem ;

  3. 这六个OASISSCA技术委员会打算解决SOA项目实现中非常困难的‘最后一公里’的问题。

    These six OASIS SCA TCs plan to address the tough'last mile'of SOA project implementation .

  4. 用于解决最后一公里问题的EPON

    EPON that is Used Solved the Problem of the Last One-kilometer

  5. 无线Mesh网络是一种多跳自组织的无线网络,可以被用于最后一公里宽带无线接入。

    Wireless mesh networks ( WMN ), which is multi-hop and self-organized , can be applied in last mile broadband wireless access .

  6. 无线mesh网作为因特网最后一公里接入方案,能提供一种灵活低成本的高速多跳通信。

    As the " last mile " access solutions to the Internet , wireless mesh networks ( WMNs ) can provide a kind of flexible , low-cost and high-speed multihop communication .

  7. 数字用户线(DSL)技术,就是解决这最后一公里接入瓶颈的主要技术之一。

    The DSL is one of the mostly technology , which can resolve the problem ( we call it the last kilometer ) .

  8. 网络已经成为当今人们交流信息的一种方式,无源光网络技术(PON)是一种新兴的覆盖最后一公里的宽带光纤接入技术。

    Now internet has become a method of communication while PON is an emerging broadband optical fiber access technology covering the last kilometer .

  9. WMN一般不作为一个独立的网络结构存在,而是作为因特网的最后一公里接入网。

    Generally , wireless mesh network cannot act as an independent network , but as the last mile access network of internet .

  10. 而新型HFC网络带宽大、费用低,是解决信息高速公路最后一公里的优选方案。

    Whereas new HFC network has the advantage of bandwidth and cost , consequently , it is desired to behave more and more perfectly on " the last kilometer " of information superhighway .

  11. EPON(以太无源光网络)作为一种颇具竞争力的光纤到户最后一公里的解决方案,近些年来越来越受到人们的重视。

    Nowadays , Ethernet Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) as a competitive solution for the first mile of FTTH ( Fiber to the Home ) is becoming more and more popular .

  12. 本文研究的课题是内蒙古赤峰电信局实施的LMDS系统作为最后一公里接入传输方式的技术改造项目。

    Inner Mongolia ChiFeng city telecommunications company 's LMDS which is regarded as the last one kilometer receiving transmitting technology reforming item has been studied in this paper .

  13. 以太网无源光网络(EPON)系统因为其接入距离长、可用带宽高,成为解决全光网络最后一公里最具竞争力的技术方案。

    EPON ( Ethernet Passive Optical Network ) systems have been considered as the most competitive solution to resolve " the first one mile " problem in all-optical networks because its long distance and wide available bandwidth .

  14. EPON是基于以太网的技术,采用无连接的传送方式,解决了光纤接入最后一公里的问题,可在以太网之上提供多种业务。

    EPON ( Ethernet Passive OpticalNetwork ) is based upon ethernet , adopt Connectionless-Oriented transmission , resolve the access network issue of " The First Mile " accessed by fiber and can supply multiple services over ethernet .

  15. 混合光纤/同轴电缆(HFC)网络是目前很有竞争力的宽带用户接入技术之一,有望解决信息高速公路的最后一公里问题。

    The Hybrid Fiber / Coax ( HFC ) network is one of the broadband access networks with high competitive power , and is expected to be the solution of the " last mile " for the Information Superhighway .

  16. 不对称数字用户环线(ADSL,AsymmetricalDigitalSubscriberLoop)技术利用现有的电话线网络,适合解决目前宽带网络的瓶颈&最后一公里问题,其应用越来越广泛,对检测设备的要求也越来越高。

    Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop ( ADSL ) is suitable to eliminate " the last mile " bottleneck of current broadband solutions , which use the existing telephone network and apply more and more abroad . It results in the higher demands of the detecting equipment .

  17. 无线通信技术的进步大大推动了无线网络的发展,WiMAX宽带无线接入技术为用户提供宽带网络接入和多媒体服务,解决了最后一公里的接入问题,受到了广泛关注。

    Wireless communications technology progress greatly promotes the development of wireless network , WiMAX broadband wireless access technology provides users with broadband access and multimedia services , which solves the last mile problem and is received widespread access .

  18. 无源光网络(PON)通过时分复用共享光纤和中心局的设备,每个用户的成本非常低廉,因此被认为是解决最后一公里的最理想的解决方案。

    Passive optical network ( PON ) is regarded as one of the most promising solution for the first mile , by sharing the feed fiber and central office equipments to a large number of subscribers .

  19. 无线局域网常常被看成是有线网络和用户端计算机之间的最后一公里链路,从IEEE在1997年批准第一个无线局域网标准IEEE802.11规范开始,对于这方面的研究正在迅速发展。

    WLAN is generally considered as the ' last mile ' in the connection of computers and wired networks . In 1997 , IEEE started to frame and to approve WLAN standards called IEEE 802.11 . Since then , research about this field has been developed rapidly .

  20. 金塔模式:破解最后一公里僵局

    Jinta Mode : Break Up " The Last Kilometer " Impasse

  21. 随着光纤接入的最后一公里问题,无线光通信技术应运而生了。

    Wireless optical communication emerges with the last - mile problem .

  22. 用于最后一公里的自由空间光通信系统

    Free space optical communication system using for " the last mile "

  23. 从最后一公里到第一公里&宽带接入推动网络一体化

    From Last mile to First mile & Broadband Access Promotes Network Integration

  24. 从三个层面突破最后一公里

    Breaking through " Last One Kilometer " from Three Aspects

  25. 信息高速公路最后一公里接入网用铜缆

    Copper Cables Used for the Last Kilometre Access Network of the Information Highway

  26. 电力线载波通信技术在最后一公里问题中的应用

    Application of PLC in " Last Kilometer " Problem

  27. 关于农业信息化最后一公里的探讨与实践

    Discuss and Practice about Agricultural Informative Final a Kilometer

  28. 无线宽带最后一公里接入技术&WiMAX

    Wireless Broadband " Last Mile " Access Technology-WiMAX

  29. 跨越农业信息化最后一公里之路径分析

    Analysis of the way of Span the " Last One Kilometer " of Agricultural Informatization

  30. 宽带接入的普及,进一步突破了信息服务最后一公里的瓶颈;

    The widespread Broadband access has made a breakthrough of " last mile " problem .