
qū xiàn jī fēn
  • curvilinear integral
  1. 通过对Green公式的离散变形,建立了重积分到曲线积分的公式,用多种方法推导出任意多形的面积公式。

    In this paper , we derived the discrete Formula of Green and establish formula of from multiple integral to curvilinear integral . By different methods , we derive any polygon area formula .

  2. 用曲线积分计算桥梁正截面承载能力

    Bearing capacity of normal section for bridge calculated by curvilinear integral

  3. 三次NURBS曲线积分问题的数值方法及应用研究

    Numerical Method for the Integral of Cubic NURBS Curve and It ′ s Application

  4. Spotlight模式合成孔径雷达成像能用沿上半圆曲线积分的层析成像来实现。

    We show that Spotlight mode synthetic aperture radar imaging can be interpreted as a tomographic reconstructing problem along the upper half circular curves .

  5. 应用复分析和曲线积分方法研究了满足Hermite插值的五次PH曲线的构造,导出了其相应的Bézier表示。

    Using complex analysis and curve integration , the construction of PH quintic which satisfies Hermite interpolation conditions is studied in this paper and its corresponding B é zier representation is derived .

  6. 本文定义了Fuzzy值函数及其在平面或空间可度量几何体上的积分,从而给出了Fuzzy值函数的曲线积分和曲面积分,讨论了它们的性质和计算方法。

    The article defines the Fuzzy valued function and its integral on a plane or a metrizable geometric solid in space , gives out the definitions of the curvilinear and surface integral on the interval valued function and hence investigates their properties and computational methodology .

  7. 本文利用曲线积分的方法,导出了V型偶极子天线在空间任一点处远区场的一般数学表示式以及方向性函数、辐射电阻和方向性系数的计算式。

    In this paper the general formulas on calculating far-field for the Vee Dipole Antenna at the space are derived from method of curvilinear integration and the field pattern , the radiation resistance and the directivity are given .

  8. PDE模型机平均推力应处于推力壁压力曲线积分法与弹簧-质量-阻尼系统法所测推力之间。

    It was estimated that the average thrust of the model PDE was between the value obtained by thrust wall pressure integration method and spring-mass-damper system method .

  9. 同时采用推力壁压力曲线积分法和弹簧-质量-阻尼系统法对一PDE模型机在不同频率多循环工况下的平均推力特性进行实验研究。

    Using thrust wall pressure integration method and spring-mass-damper system method synchronously , the average thrust characteristics of a model pulse detonation engine operated in variety frequencies were investigated experimentally .

  10. 曲线积分与路径无关的另一证法

    A new proof on independence of path of a line integral

  11. 曲线积分与曲面积分计算公式的新证明

    New Meth to Prove Computational Formulas of Line Integral and Surface Integral

  12. 曲线积分与曲面积分中值定理

    The Mean Value Theorem of Integrate of Curve and Surface

  13. 解析平面变形辊拔的曲线积分法

    The Curvilinear Integration to Solve the Plane Strain Drawing Through Idling Rolls

  14. 抛物线模拔速度场的曲线积分问题

    The Curvillinear Integral Problems to Velocity Field . for Drawing Through Parabolic Dies

  15. 积分路径上含有孤立奇点的第二类曲线积分

    The Second Sort of Curve Integral of Isolated Odd Point in Integral Path

  16. 双曲线模平面变形拉拔挤压的曲线积分法

    A curvilinear integral method to solve plane drawing and extrusion through hyperbolic dies

  17. 两类曲线积分关系的一点补充

    Supplement of the Relations Between Two Curve Line Integrals

  18. 计算矢量曲线积分的常见错误分析

    The Analysis of Ordinary Errors in Vector Curve Integration

  19. 曲线积分中辅助积分路径的研究

    Research on Auxiliary Integral Way in Curvilinear Integration

  20. 用曲线积分法计算洪水流量的分析

    Calculation of flood flow by curve integration method

  21. 平面上第二类曲线积分的对称原理

    Several Principles of Symmetry for the Line Integral of Vector Fields on the Plane

  22. 曲线积分与路线无关性定理的推广

    Generalization of a Theorem on the Curve Integral

  23. 复连域上的势函数及其在曲线积分计算中的应用

    The Potential Function in the Multiply-Connected Region and Its Application to the Computation of Line Integrals

  24. 复连通区域曲线积分与路径无关的充要条件

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Path Independence of a Line Integral in a Complex Connected Region

  25. 在非单连通域上曲线积分问题的注释

    A note about the question of line integrals of a function on non simply connected region

  26. 边界曲线积分方程的小波解法

    Wavelet method for boundary integral equation

  27. 第二型无穷曲线积分

    The second infinite curve integral

  28. 对曲线积分与路径无关的一个必要条件的改进证法

    An Improved Proof of a Necessary Condition for the Independence fo the Path of a Line Integral

  29. 曲线积分的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Curvilinear Integrals

  30. 关于曲线积分中值定理中间点的一个一般性结果

    A More Universal Result on the Intermediate Point in the Mean Value Theorem for First Form Curve Integrals