
qū liú
  • meander
曲流[qū liú]
  1. 曲流分维不可盲目比较。

    The fractal dimension of the incised meander may not compare blindly .

  2. 河流沉积包括辫状曲流河和高弯度曲流河。

    The fluviation included braided meander stream and high curving degree meander stream .

  3. H2段北部发育辫状河,南部发育曲流河;

    The north H2 developed braided river , while the south H2 developed meandering river .

  4. H3段西部发育辫状河,东部发育曲流河。

    The west H3 zone developed braided river , while the east H3 zone developed meandering river .

  5. 主要成果与创新如下:1、明确提出H2、H3段研究区为辫状河向曲流河的过渡区。

    Definitely brought forward that H2 and H3 lied in the transition zone from braided river to meandering river in the research area .

  6. 从沉积学的角度重建了第V成因单元的沉积体系,识别出两种沉积体系,分别是位于研究区西北部的辫状河沉积体系和东南部的曲流河沉积体系。

    According to sedimentology , the depositional system of Unit V , Yan'an Formation , has been reconstructed , it is revealed that there is braided stream system in the northwest of study area , and meandering stream system develops in the southeast .

  7. S1和S2旋回主要为辫状河沉积;S3旋回早期以曲流河沉积为主;

    The S1 and S2 cycles are mainly composed of braided river facies , the early S3 cycle of meandering river facies and the late S3 and S4 cycles of delta facies .

  8. 分析结果表明,浅水三角洲的粒度累计曲线形态和粒度C-M图特征有别于曲流河和普通河控三角洲,体现了浅水三角洲独特的水动力特征。

    These grain size analyses show that the grain size probability cumulative curves and C-M patterns for the ( shallow - ) water deltas quite differ from those for the meandering streams and ( river ) - ( dominated )( deltas ), suggesting the unique hydrodynamics of the shallow-water deltas .

  9. 曲流河道砂体内部建筑结构研究

    A Study on Internal Architecture of Channel Sand in Meandering River

  10. 中国黄土分布区多沙曲流发育规律

    Evolution of Meanders with Hyperconcentrated Flow in the Loess Areas

  11. 曲流河是一种常见的河流演化的终极型式。

    Meadering Stream is a terminal type of river evolution .

  12. 她说话时,泪水曲流。

    While she spoke , the tears were running down .

  13. 扩张体系域时期是由辫状河向曲流河过渡;

    The braided river was transited to meandering river in extension system tract .

  14. 采用了微带馈电,同时采用曲流技术。

    The microstrip feed and the meandering technology are adopted in this scheme .

  15. 河流沉积体系既有辫状河相,也有曲流河相。

    River sedimentary system includes both braided stream facies and meandering river facies .

  16. 研究区沉积相模式与经典的曲流河沉积模式极为相似。

    The sedimentary model in study area is similar with classical meandering stream .

  17. 曲流河浅水海相三角洲主要发育于曲流河水系,沉积物较细,地形坡度平缓,喷流机制为似等密度流,水体密度较大,以河流、波浪和潮汐作用为主;

    The first kind of delta mainly developed in meandering stream water system ;

  18. 入流角对河道曲流形成的影响

    Influence of inflow angle on development of meander

  19. 古代阶梯状曲流砂坝河流沉积的识别

    Recognition of ancient stepped point - bar sediments

  20. 曲流河凹岸滩坝沉积模拟研究

    Concave bank Beach Bar Deposition of Meandering River

  21. 太行山、燕山山地中的深切曲流河谷形成于第四纪。

    In the Tathang and Yan Mountains , incised and meandering valleys formed in Quarternary .

  22. 主要可采煤层形成于曲流河体系的岸后沼泽;

    The main workable coal beds were formed in back swamp of meandering river system ;

  23. 边界条件对曲流发育影响的过程响应模型实验研究

    An experimental study of the influence of boundary conditions on meandering development with process response model

  24. 由此建立了洪泛期体系域、丰水期体系域辫状河、丰水期体系域曲流河和枯水期体系域4种河流相沉积模式。

    Based on three system tracts , the facies model of four river types are established .

  25. 曲流河、辫状河储层在我国的陆相盆地中广泛分布。

    The reservoir of meandering stream and braided stream are widely distributed in the continental facies basin .

  26. 地质年代、结构.曲流河砂体三维构型地质建模及数值模拟研究

    A geological age , formation Study on 3D architecture geology modeling and digital simulation in meandering reservoir

  27. 曲流河点砂坝具有较好的物性,是油气的主要储集体。

    With favorable reservoir quality , meandering river point bars are major reservoirs for oil and gas .

  28. 首先分析了标度区间的选取对曲流分形的影响。

    Firstly , research had analyzed the scale sector selection to the influence on the incised meander fractal .

  29. 描述了齐北地区河流相各沉积微相特征,并建立了高弯度曲流河沉积模式和低弯度曲流河沉积模式。

    The stream facies are divided into high curved meandering stream facies and low curved meandering stream facies .

  30. 曲流点坝薄夹层构形对驱油效率及剩余油形成与分布的影响

    Effects of thin meander dot dam interbeds on flushing efficiency and on formation and distribution of residual oil