
jǐnɡ tài
  • Jingtai
  1. 这次马拉松比赛5月22日上午在甘肃省白银市景泰县黄河石林景区举行,参赛人员共172人。

    The marathon , with a total of 172 participants , was held on Saturday morning in the Yellow River Stone Forest tourist site in Jingtai County , Baiyin City in Gansu province .

  2. 采用固相微萃取法(SPME),结合气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)技术手段对产自甘肃景泰条山农场的兰州“大接杏”杏汁及其发酵汁的挥发性物质进行了检测分析。

    The volatile compounds of " Dajie " apricot juice and its fermented juice were extracted and identified with solid-phase micro extraction ( SPME ) and gas chromatography-mass spectrum ( GC-MS ) .

  3. 本文介绍了用CaSO4∶Dy-Teflon薄膜剂量计测景泰兰产品表面剂量率的方法和结果。

    In this paper , the measuring method and results of surface dose rate of cloisonne using CaSO_4 ; Dy-Teflon foil dosimeter described .

  4. 从生产饲料的角度,经模糊综合评价,得到景泰荒漠绿洲区最佳玉米牧草立体种植模式为:燕麦与箭舌豌豆混播与玉米套种,带幅150cm。

    From the view of fodder production and analysis of fuzzy , the optimum model in Jingtai Desert Oasis area was oat mixed sowing with vetch and intercropping with maize , and 150 cm between rows .

  5. 北京景泰兰工艺及原材料中放射性含量的测定

    Measurement of radioactivity in enamel and raw materials of Beijing Cloisonne

  6. 天祝&景泰6.2级地震的地形变异常特征

    Characteristics of crustal deformation anomaly of Tianzhu-Jingtai earthquake with m_s 6.2

  7. 景泰灌区适宜与玉米套种的牧草品种比较试验

    Comparison between herbage varieties suited to interplant corn in Jingtai irrigation area

  8. 用热释光剂量计测量景泰兰产品的表面剂量率

    Determination of surface dose rate for Cloisonne using thermoluminescent dosimeters

  9. 甘肃省景泰县农业生态经济系统能值分析

    Emergy Analysis of Agricultural Eco-Economic System in Jingtai County , Gansu Province

  10. 地震地电方法在天祝&景泰6.2级地震前的预测预报

    Monitoring and predicting Tianzhu-Jingtai MS 6.2 earthquake by geoelectric method

  11. 景泰县苜蓿种植现状及发展对策研究

    The Planting Status and Development Countermeasures of Alfalfa in Jingtai

  12. 景泰四年(1453),调北京大理寺卿。

    Jingtai four years ( 1453 ), transfer Beijing supreme court of State .

  13. 1990年10月20景泰地震的活动图象及其特征

    Seismic pattern and characteristics of the Jingtai earthquake of Oct. 20 , 1990

  14. 2000年6月6日甘肃景泰5.9级地震震源机制解

    Focal mechanism of Jingtai m S5.9 earthquake on June 6,2000 , gansu , china

  15. 甘肃省景泰县下石炭统灰岩岩溶水的赋存规律

    Regularities of karst water occurrence in Lower Carboniferous , Jingtai county , Gansu Province

  16. 景泰绿洲边缘荒漠草地土壤特征研究

    Study on the soil properties of desert grassland in the edge of Jingtai oasis

  17. 景泰第一茬苜蓿昆虫群落及数量动态

    Population dynamic and composition of insect community in alfalfa after first cutting in Jingtai

  18. 因始于明代(1450~1456)景泰年间而得名。

    It was named after Emperor Jingtai ( 1450-1456 ) of the Ming Dynasty .

  19. 景泰枸杞害虫种类及主要害虫的发生规律

    The Species and Occurrence Laws of Main Insect Pests of Chinese Wolfberry in Jingtai

  20. 干旱灌区地下水基本特征与水文地质问题&以甘肃景泰灌区为例

    The basic features of the subterranean and the hydrogeologic problems in the arid irrigation areas

  21. 景泰5.9级地震后大地电磁跟踪监测研究

    Magnetotelluric monitoring after the Jingtai m_s5.9 earthquake

  22. 的田间试验,测定各处理不同土层的土壤可溶性盐分和盐离子含量,研究了其对景泰县引黄灌区土壤盐分的生物抑制效应。

    For studying their effect on restraining soil salt content in Jing-tai Yellow River irrigation areas .

  23. 景泰六年(1455),进阶通议大夫,复大理卿。

    Jingtai six years ( 1455 ), advanced through the meeting the doctor , re-Dali Qing .

  24. 景泰县野生牧草资源调查及开发利用初探

    Investigation on wild forage resource and its development and utilization in Jingtai county , Gansu province

  25. 景泰川电灌二期工程用泵的研制

    Development of the Pump Used for the Second Phase of the Project of Jingtai Pump Station

  26. 景泰兰产品光亮镀金研究

    Bright gold plating on Cloisonne products

  27. 定边&景泰剖面:壳内低阻层仅出现在弧形断裂带区,但上地幔低阻层在整个剖面上都有分布。

    In the Dingbian-Jingtai profile : crustal low resistivity layer only exists in the arcuate fault zones ;

  28. 景泰元年(1450),奉敕如四川、云南督饷。

    Jingtai first year ( 1450 ), Feng Chi , such as Sichuan , Yunnan Governor rates .

  29. 以水盐平衡理论为指导防治景泰灌区土壤次生盐渍化

    Policy of Secondary Salinization Prevention and Reclamation in Jingtai Irrigated Region under the Concept of Water-salts Balance

  30. 有收藏的古董古玩,像景泰花瓶、钧瓷、清中期的鎏金花盆等。

    Have collection of antique curio , like Jingtai vases , Jun , pots of gold and so on .