
  • 网络Biology;general biology
  1. 普通生物学教学软件的编制和应用

    Making and Application of Computer Multimedia of the General Biology

  2. 改革普通生物学绪论课教学的尝试

    Experience in Reforming of Introduction Lesson of General Biology

  3. 《普通生物学》教学内容改革与实践成果报告

    Teaching content 's reform and practice result 's report on the ordinary biology

  4. 《普通生物学》课程教学中渗透环境教育的研究

    Infiltration of Environmental Education in Teaching of General Biology

  5. 《普通生物学》实验课程教学改革初探

    Preliminary Study on Teaching Reform of General Biology Experiment

  6. 浅谈普通生物学教学中的素质教育

    Primarily on Qualification Education in General Biology Teaching

  7. 启发式教学在《普通生物学》教学中的应用

    Application of the Heuristic Teaching on General Biology

  8. 普通生物学实践教学探析

    The Study on Experiment Teaching of General Biology

  9. 在《普通生物学》教学中加强人文素质教育的尝试

    A Experiment of Strengthening the Humane Quality Education in the Teaching of General Biology

  10. 《普通生物学》教学改革的探索和实践

    The Reform of Teaching on General Biology

  11. 在普通生物学教学中对大学生进行素质教育的探索与实践

    The Probe and Practice of the Quality Education to College Students in General Biology Teaching

  12. 基于网络环境的高职高专《普通生物学》教改探索

    Primary Research on Teaching Reform of General Biology Based on Network Environment in Higher Vocational Colleges

  13. 加州大学伯克利分校提供一系列的在线课程,包括普通生物学和人类情感学等等。

    UC Berkeley Free Courses From General Biology to Human Emotion , Berkley offers a variety of courses .

  14. 课程包括实验心理学,统计和数据分析,精神药理学,普通生物学,动物生理学。

    Courses include experimental psychology , statistics and data analysis , psychopharmacology , general biology , and animal physiology .

  15. 并以实例论述了几种启发式教学方法在《普通生物学》教学过程中的灵活运用。

    In the teaching process of the lesson we discussed flexible use of a few heuristic teaching through some examples .

  16. 文章针对工科类学生的特点,对如何运用启发式教学,提高《普通生物学》的教学质量,达到高标准的要求,进行了分析总结。

    According to the characteristics of the engineering student , how application of the heuristic teaching , raising the teaching quantity of the lesson and attaining the high standard request , we carried on the analytical summary .

  17. 论述了师专普通生物学教学内容要侧重体现生物多样性的特点,做到统一性与多样性的有机结合,体现教学内容的现代化;

    This article discusses that the teaching content of general biology in teachers college should place much emphasis on the feature of biological variety , make organic combination of unity and variety , and embody the modernization of teaching content .

  18. 在进行基因组步行PCR克隆真菌木聚糖酶基因的研究中,探索并建立了一套可在普通分子生物学实验室采用的高得率、高质量真菌染色体DNA的抽提方法。

    When we cloned fungal xylanase gene with the method of Genomic walking PCR , we constructed a simple and cheap protocol for extraction of fungal chromosomal DNA .

  19. 多媒体在普通高校生物学教学中的适用性探讨

    A Research on the Application of the Multimedia Teaching in Biology Education

  20. 建议多媒体教学与传统的教学相结合,遵循生物学教学原理,更好地促进多媒体在普通高校生物学教学中的应用。

    It is suggested that the multimedia teaching should be combined with the traditional teaching , following the biological education principle to accelerate the application of the multimedia teaching in biology education .

  21. 使该技术实验能在普通的分子生物学实验室进行。

    The techniques developed can be applied in normal molecular biology labs . 2 .

  22. 普通高校细胞生物学实验教学的现状与改革

    The Current Situation and Reform of the Experimental Teaching of Cell Biology in Ordinary University

  23. 普通人在生物学允许的限度内的寿命,仅仅有百分之十是由我们的基因决定的。

    established that only about 10 percent of how long the average person lives , within certain biological limits , is dictated by our genes .

  24. 普通院校《动物生物学》课程教学内容改革初探

    Initial Exploration into Teaching Contents Reform in Animal Biology in Universities

  25. 生物固硫型煤和普通煤对儿童生物学指标的对比研究

    Comparison between influences using bio-briquette and raw coal on biological indexes of children

  26. 新型长效尿素与普通尿素理化生物学性状的比较

    The Comparison of Physical and Chemical and Biological Property the New Controlled-release Urea and Common urea

  27. 全日制普通高级中学的生物学教学,是在九年义务教育的基础上实施的、较高层次的生物学教育。

    Biology education in senior middle school is more high-level Biology education on the nine-year compulsory education basis .

  28. 就我国普通院校的《动物生物学》教学内容改革进行了初步的探讨,旨在促进我国普通院校《动物生物学》教学改革的不断深入进行。

    This paper presents an initial study of teaching contents reform in animal biology in the universities in China with the purpose of further promoting teaching reform for this course .