
  • 网络Ordinary diesel;REGULAR DIESEL
  1. 这些火力发电厂之前使用普通柴油来帮助煤炭燃烧,燃烧温度较高,但Chen表示,生物柴油燃烧起来更加清洁。

    These thermal power plants previously used regular diesel to help the coal burn at higher temperatures but Mr Chen says biodiesel burns much more cleanly .

  2. 这台发动机与普通柴油发动机的工作原理并没有太大差异,但拥有更高的功率密度。

    This engine with regular diesel engine works , and there is not much difference , but with a higher power density .

  3. 相比普通柴油,燃用生物柴油可以减少CO、CO2、SO2、HC、微粒以及碳烟的排放且不会影响柴油机工作性能。

    Compared with conventional diesel fuel , the biodiesel can significantly reduce emissions of CO , CO_2 , SO_2 , HC , total particulate , soot and no significant change has been found in engine performance .

  4. 研究结果表明:对于普通柴油燃料,在突增负荷工况下,燃油开始增加后,总碳氢HCt排放浓度急剧增加,最大值达到稳态工况的100倍左右。

    Experiment results indicate that by using diesel fuel that HC_t emission rapidly increased at sudden loading operation , which the peak approximately 100 times of steady operations .

  5. 使用双燃料发动机与普通柴油机作钻机动力的经济性分析

    Dual-fuel Engine with Ordinary Diesel Technical and Economic Comparative Analysis

  6. 双燃料发动机与普通柴油机的技术经济对比分析

    Comparison Analysis of Technology and Economic Performance between Dual Fuel Engine and Ordinary Diesel Engine

  7. 为了揭示磁化是否对燃油雾化质量有影响,作者对磁化柴油和普通柴油的雾化特性在同样实验条件下作了对比研究。

    To explore the magnetization effects on the characteristics of fuel spray , an experimental investigation was carried out .

  8. 测试结果表明,在紫外光的照射下,由于光催化的作用普通柴油中有自由基信号;

    Under illumination of ultraviolet radiation , there is signal of free radicals of ordinary diesel oil because of photo-catalysis .

  9. 将煤制柴油与普通柴油按容积比的混合燃料,采用油膜雾化燃烧方式,燃料代用率可达50%;

    Replacement rate of coal liquid fuel is about 50 % by premixed fuel film combustion in the mixture form .

  10. 生物柴油仍比普通柴油要贵,所以显然并非每个人都选择使用生物柴油。

    ' And it 's still more expensive than normal diesel , so of course not everyone makes that choice . '

  11. 其各项燃烧指标优于或与普通柴油相仿,满足欧洲Ⅱ排放标准。

    The burning index of this bio-diesel fuel was similar with or even better than diesel fuel and the emission met Europe II standard .

  12. 科学家的观点,产自于天然椰油的生物柴油在机上不如普通柴油好用,并且脂肪酸沉积物会对机损害。

    According to some scientists , the biodiesel produced from crude coconut oil may not run through engines as easily as diesel , and fatty-acid deposits can damage engines in the long run .

  13. 为此,详细介绍了排气制动功的测试方案及测试设备的选用、排气制动耐久实验方案的编制与实现,给出了柴油机排气制动测量结果,并与普通柴油机进行了对比试验。

    Then the paper introduces the exhaust brake power testing project and endurable examing method in detail , and gives the survey result that tested by this method . It also carries on the contrast experiment with the normal diesel machine .

  14. 而低质油的物理化学性质较普通轻质柴油而言要差得多。

    But the physical and chemical properties of heavy oil are much worse than diesel .

  15. 二甲醚的物理化学性质与柴油相比存在较大的区别,无法直接应用于普通的柴油机。

    The physical and chemical property of DME is very different with diesel . It can not be used in general automobile engine .

  16. 普通轻柴油标准以GB252-94标准中的一等品为基础,只设一个等级;

    The common light diesel oil standard should be based on the first class standard in GB 252-94 , and there is only one grade .

  17. 研究结果表明,脱臭馏出物中制备的生物柴油与普通的0柴油性质相似,脂肪酸甲酯质量分数在90%以上。

    It shows that the properties of biodiesel are very close to diesel fuel and the mass fraction of fatty acid methyl ester is above 90 % .

  18. 该公司的普通产品——柴油发动机、变速箱、火花塞等——是在潍坊的一座工厂生产出来的。潍坊拥有850万人口,中国十分之一的出口鸡肉都产自当地。

    Its less luxurious products-diesel engines , transmissions , spark plugs and the like-are made in a plant in Weifang , a city that boasts one-tenth of China 's chicken exports and a population of 8.5 million people .

  19. 但是最新研究表明,这款车在竞争中败给了普通的汽油和柴油车。

    But a new study claims that it 's losing ground to ordinary petrol and diesel cars .