
  • 网络Mighty
  1. 昨日,市场担忧美国政府7000亿美元的救援计划可能不足以终结这场金融危机,引发美国金融市场震荡:美元大幅贬值,股市暴跌,华尔街曾经显赫一时的投行转向日本求助,以求渡过难关。

    The US financial system was shaken by fears that a $ 700bn government rescue plan might not be enough to end the financial crisis yesterday as the dollar sank , stock markets tumbled and once mighty Wall Street names turned to Japan to safeguard their future .

  2. 看看爱多VCD和一些中外合资等显赫一时的民企,他们今安在?

    Love to see more Sino-foreign joint ventures , such as VCD and a number of prominent private enterprises of the time , in their current security ?

  3. 美使拥有它的人显赫一时。

    Beauty makes princes of those who have it .

  4. 他因为作战勇敢而显赫一时。

    He distinguished himself by many brave actions .

  5. 宾州共和党可称显赫一时。

    Pennsylvania Republicans were riding high .

  6. 他因为作战勇敢而显赫一时。赫:现在,你知道你在跟谁战斗了。

    He distinguished himself by many brave actions . A : now u know who u were fighting .

  7. 曾经称霸地球显赫一时的恐龙,在白垩纪时代的这次温度巨变中,似乎全都灭绝了。

    The temperature drop during the Cretaceous period would almost certainly have wiped out an'abundance'of the world 's dinosaurs .

  8. 这种不良风气似乎在60年代初曾显赫一时的摄影师身上特别明显,但大卫·贝利是个例外。

    This seems particularly marked among the photographers who came to prominence in the early 1960s , David Bailey being the exception .

  9. 中国的商业文明源远流长,晋商作为明清时期的重要商帮之一,曾在中国历史上显赫一时。

    Chinese commercial civilization goes back to ancient times . As an important merchant group in late Ming and early Qing dynasties , Shanxi merchants are glorious for a time in Chinese history .