
xīnɡ jì fēi xínɡ
  • interstellar flight
  1. 我们的团队充满活力,美国国防高级研究计划署对我们也很有信心,星际飞行的梦想终将成真。

    And our team is both invigorated and sobered by the confidence DARPA has in us to make interstellar flight a reality .

  2. “我们的团队充满活力,美国国防高级研究计划署对我们也很有信心,星际飞行的梦想终将成真。”

    And our team is both invigorated and sobered by the confidence DARPA has in us to make interstellar flight a reality . '

  3. 不敢相信我们会作方舟星际飞行。

    I can 't believe we 're going through the ark .

  4. 根据月球研究和行星际飞行任务的需要,为了提高火箭的推重比,要为运载火箭新安装一个第三子级。

    Missions for study of the Moon and interplanetary flight required re-equipping the launch vehicle with a third stage to increase its power-mass characteristics .

  5. 然后,由停泊轨道向动平衡点目标周期轨道转移,利用该系统的不稳定流形逃逸以实现低能量的星际飞行。

    Then the spacecraft transfers from parking orbit to target periodic orbits associated with librations point , and escapes from unstable invariant manifold associated with the system to achieve interplanetary flight with low energy .

  6. 空间时间生物学是未来制约长期载人航天乃至月球和星际飞行的重要研究领域之一。

    Basing on introducing biological rhythms , especially the space biological rhythms , the paper gives an idea to develop the space chronobiology according to the needs of manned space flight in the fut .

  7. 这下好了,我怎么可能一边和斯坦.李讨论用银质冲浪板来星际飞行的科学依据,一边逐行扫描他的脸以寻找皮肤传染病的蛛丝马迹。

    How can I possibly discuss with Stan Lee the scientific foundation for interstellar flight on a silver surfboard when part of my brain will be scanning his face for signs of a contagious skin disease ?

  8. 21世纪世界各国都加快了太空探索的步伐,飞行任务的长时间远距离和深空环境的复杂性决定了天文导航方法成为最适合行星际飞行的自主导航方法。

    Many countries around the world have accelerated the pace of space exploration in the new century . The long-time and far-distance flight and the complicated environment determine the celestial navigation method as the most appropriate autonomous navigation method for deep space missions .

  9. X射线脉冲星导航(X-rayPulsar-basedNavigation,XPNAV)是近几年空间导航领域研究的热点,可为近地轨道、深空及星际空间飞行的航天器提供位置、速度、姿态和时间等全面的导航信息。

    As a hot spot on the research of space navigation in recent years , X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation ( XPNAV ) can offer abundant navigation information , such as position , velocity , attitude and time etc. for the spacecrafts in near-Earth orbit , deep space and interplanetary space .

  10. 对于行星际间飞行的航天器,确定其精确的轨道是非常重要的。

    It is very important to determine the accurate orbit of spacecraft .

  11. 随着人类对太空探索的深入,航天器的行星际间飞行越来越普遍。

    With the intensive research of space exploration , more spacecrafts have taken on the interplanetary flight missions .

  12. 随着数字宇宙,埃马尔特和海登天文馆可以考虑到星际空间飞行任务观众深。

    With Digital Universe , Emmart and the Hayden Planetarium can take viewers deep into space on interstellar missions .

  13. 本论文研究了适合星际巡航飞行的天文导航方法,并对其精度影响因素进行了针对性研究。

    This paper studies the autonomous celestial navigation method suitable for interplanetary cruise flight and analyses its accuracy influential factors .

  14. 在各种自主导航方法中,自主天文导航具有自主性好、导航精度高等优点,适合作为行星际间飞行的自主导航方法。

    Among several autonomous navigation methods , the celestial navigation method which is accurate and absolutely autonomous is appropriate for interplanetary spacecraft .

  15. 这一特性使其能够为近地轨道、地球同步轨道、大椭圆地球轨道、地月轨道及星际空间飞行的航天器提供位置、速度和时间等丰富的导航信息。

    The property can offer position , velocity , and accurate time navigation information for the spacecrafts in near-earth orbit , geostationary orbit , elliptic orbit or interplanetary orbit .

  16. 目前地面站的导航方式有很多缺陷,迫切需要行星际间飞行的航天器具有自主导航能力。

    At present , the navigation of interplanetary spacecraft mainly depends on the radio communication with ground station which has some disadvantages . So the ability of autonomous navigation is urgent necessity .

  17. 引力弹弓弹弓效应用于加速飞船在星际间飞行。美国航空航天局称这是一个重力辅助,并利用它来节省执行去木星和土星等外行星的任务时消耗的燃料。

    The slingshot effect is used to accelerate a spacecraft in a planetary flyby 。 NASA calls this a gravity assist , and exploits it to save fuel in missions to outer planets such as Jupiter and Saturn .

  18. 有时他甚至会悄悄地溜进博士的书房,坐在他的博学的脚旁的地毯上,轻轻地转动着地球仪和天体仪,环游世界,或在遥远的星际间飞行。

    sometimes he would even creep into the Doctor 's study , and , sitting on the carpet near his learned feet , turn the globes softly , and go round the world , or take a flight among the far - off stars .