
xīng chén
  • stars
星辰 [xīng chén]
  • [stars] 星的总称

  • 日月星辰

星辰[xīng chén]
  1. 月色朦胧,星辰昏暗。

    The moon was dimmed by clouds and the stars were darkened .

  2. 许多星辰不用望远镜便看不见。

    Many stars are invisible without a telescope .

  3. 在昨日星辰客栈,我总有种宾至如归的感觉。

    I always feel at home at Ye Olde Starre Inn .

  4. 直到星辰不再发光。

    Til the stars turn cold .

  5. “祝”,表达了对人类踏进星辰大海的美好祝愿,“融”,体现融合、协作,表达中国人和平利用太空、增进人类福祉的格局和愿景。

    Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology and cooperation ) reflects China 's vision of the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity .

  6. 有些星辰的密度(density)达到某一点就会爆炸。

    Some stars explode when their density increases to a certain point .

  7. 机动战士Z高达&星辰的鼓动是爱

    Mobile suits Z Gundam

  8. 而这部最新的“兔八哥和篮球相遇”的电影也将由《黑豹》电影导演RyanCoogler和《星际迷航:超越星辰》导演JustinLin共同执导。

    The new Looney Tunes-meets-basketball movie will also be produced by Black Panther director Ryan Coogler and Star Trek Beyond director Justin Lin.

  9. 此外,他还执导了HBO连续剧《真探》(2015)的前两集,以及最新电影《星际迷航3:超越星辰》(9月2日于中国上映)。

    He also directed the first two episodes of HBO 's True Detective ( 2015 ) and the most recent Star Trek Beyond ( in Chinese cinemas from Sept 2 ) .

  10. 终于,在一个逼迫星辰的高坡上,Ged脚下一滑,跌倒在地上,再也爬不起来了。

    And at last , on a high slope that ran up to the stars , Ged slipped and fell forward , and did not get up .

  11. 她在自画像中毫无保留地描绘身体上的痛苦,坦率地暗示充满动荡的情感生活,漫不经心地令自己上升到那个由炽烈燃烧、命运多舛的星辰组成的奇异星座,其中包括詹姆斯·迪恩(JamesDean)和玛丽莲·梦露(MarilynMonroe)等人。

    Through self-portraits that unsparingly depict her physical travails and that make frank allusion to a tumultuous emotional life , Kahlo inadvertently vaulted herself into that strange constellation of bright-burning , ill-fated stars , alongside James Dean and Marilyn Monroe .

  12. 她们穿上最好的丝质莎丽,戴上金手链,每位妇女的额头中央都有个珠光闪耀的bindi,有如星辰的暗影。

    They are wearing their finest silk saris and gold bracelets , and each woman has a brightly jeweled bindi in the center of her forehead , like a dim echo of the starlight above us .

  13. 萨满教星辰崇拜与北方天文学的萌芽

    The Star Worship of Shamanism and the Germ of Northern Astronomy

  14. 我以这星辰之名向你起誓!

    This I swear ! This I swear by the stars !

  15. 一位修行完备的人,他实际上是与宇宙星辰相契合,同为一体;

    A man of perfect practice actually integrates himself with cosmos .

  16. 黄昏星亮了!爱情和憩息的星辰!

    The evening star , the star of love and rest !

  17. 黑暗中,树枝间缀满星辰。

    In the darkness , the trees are full of starlight .

  18. 希腊与中国古代星辰神话的文化比较

    A Comparative Study of Cultural Difference between Greek and Chinese Star Myths

  19. 幸福有限责任公司震惊星辰

    The Firm of Happiness , Limited was one to astonish the stars

  20. 并非从星辰我采集我的推断;

    Not from the stars do I my judgment pluck ;

  21. 天文符号:用来表示天体星辰的符号。

    Astronomical sign : Symbols to represent stars of the heavenly body .

  22. 问情为何物让星辰眼亮我的路。

    Show me what love is be my guiding star .

  23. 我要求你的心像上帝的星辰一样忠诚。

    I require your heart to be true as God 's stars .

  24. 没有白天,黑夜,星辰,没有光!

    No day , no night , no stars , no Light !

  25. 星辰殒落,火光四起。

    Falling , the star , flaming , the fire .

  26. 我仰望天空不见星辰闪耀

    I have been watching but the stars refuse to shine

  27. 但我的说话却像天空的星辰,永远不变。

    My words are like the stars that never change .

  28. 回失去的星辰,我们在行动;

    Return Your Star , we are on the way .

  29. 你,是太阳月亮和星辰,难道不是么?

    You are the sun and moon and stars , are you ?

  30. 根据太阳和星辰的位置为船只定位。

    Fix a ship 's position by observing the sun and stars .