
Xīnɡ qī sān
  • Wednesday;Wed.
  1. 星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。

    On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter .

  2. 联邦法庭的一桩案件提前到星期三审理。

    A Federal Court case had been fast tracked to Wednesday

  3. 他回想起她星期三总是很晚回家。

    He recalled that she always came home late on Wednesdays .

  4. 产前检查时间为星期三。

    The antenatal clinic is on Wednesdays .

  5. 星期三市中心的大集会成了直接的导火索。

    The immediate flashpoint was Wednesday 's big rally in the city centre

  6. 戴维总是在星期三接阿利斯泰尔放学。

    David always collects Alistair from school on Wednesdays .

  7. 还安排了娱乐活动,星期三是男扮女装演出,星期天是脱衣舞演出。

    Entertainment is laid on too , in the form of drag on Wednesdays and strippers on Sundays

  8. 法院的判决将于星期三公布。

    The findings of the court will be published on wednesday .

  9. 老师定于星期三晚上会见家长。

    The teacher assigned Wednesday evening to meet the parents .

  10. 代表团星期三到达北京。

    The delegation arrived in Beijing on wednesday .

  11. 每年8月的最后一个星期三,西班牙布诺镇都会举办世界上规模最大的食物大战——番茄大战。

    On the last Wednesday of every August , the Spanish town of Bu ñ ol hosts La Tomatina — the world 's largest food fight .

  12. 星期三,Rjukan的居民得到了他们的第一缕冬日阳光:附近山腰上的一排反光板被设置好了。

    Wednesday , residents of Rjukan received their very first ray of winter sunshine : A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to received .

  13. 安娜:你是说星期三的聚会吗?

    Anna : Do you mean the party on Wednesday ?

  14. 莎拉:嗯,上星期三我有幸参加了一个关于慈善的会议。

    Sara : Well , I was lucky enough to go to a conference on charity last Wednesday .

  15. A:下个星期三就满6个月了。

    A : He will be six months old next Wednesday .

  16. 如果能在星期三前完成就太好了。

    It would be really nice to get this done by Wednesday .

  17. 她不会在星期三前完成。

    She 's not going to be done by Wednesday .

  18. 我会完成它,只是不会在星期三前做好。好的。

    I 'm going to get it done , just not by Wednesday . A : Okay .

  19. 你们对于你们两个怎样才可能在星期三前完成这项项目有任何想法吗?

    A : Do you have any ideas about how the two of you might finish this project by Wednesday ?

  20. 星期三,鸵鸟在餐厅里看着心爱的人用餐,竟忘了为自己点菜。

    On Wednesday the ostrich watched his beloved dining in a restaurant . He forgot to order supper for himself .

  21. 所以在我听起来,这整起冲突的重点就是在星期三前完成项目还有拿到奖金。

    A : So it sounds to me like the heart of the conflict is getting the project finished by Wednesday and getting the bonus .

  22. 星期三下午2:00怎么样?B:我们部门没问题。不知道你们其他人觉得怎样?

    How about Wednesday afternoon at2:00 p.m. ? B : That 's all right for my department .

  23. Google星期三通过官方博客透露,他们开始根据用户的地理位置与搜索历史,为用户定制搜索结果。

    Google has begun showing details about how it customizes search results for location and search history .

  24. 星期三总统在Arizona宣布了这个计划,这个州有很多房子款项借出人收回。

    The president announced the plan Wednesday in Arizona , a state with many houses repossessed by lenders .

  25. 美国国会外交事务小组委员会星期三就甲型H1N1流感疫情对于美国和世界的影响举行听证会。

    A congressional foreign affairs subcommittee held a hearing Wednesday on the national and global implications of the H1N1 flu epidemic .

  26. 在星期三,Menu食品公司首席执行官告知美联社,他们公司正将一种不知名的食品配料当做动物肾衰竭的可能原因。

    The chief executive of Menu Foods told the Associated Press on Wednesday that the company is looking at one unnamed ingredient as the possible cause of the renal failure .

  27. 星期三下午晚些时候,我去了ACB学院。

    Late Wednesday afternoon , I began following a site called College ACB .

  28. 在星期三Bil放风筝。

    On Wednesday Bill flies his kite .

  29. 新合约将在到期月份的第三个星期三以现金结算,而不是像传统LME合约那样以实物结算。

    The contracts will be cash settled on the third Wednesday of each maturity month – rather than physically settled as in traditional LME contracts .

  30. 据CNN报道,苹果公司副总裁菲利普•席勒星期三下午在旧金山YerbaBuena中心介绍iPhone5时,这是一个绝对的宝石,他说。

    According to CNN , Apple Vice President Philip Schiller introduced the iPhone 5 at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon . It 's an absolute jewel , he said .