
  • 网络Old Market
  1. 这个You-tube视频展现了今年早些时候在这个城市旧市场的战火。

    This You-tube video shows that fire in the city 's old market earlier this year .

  2. MousaAtteya咖啡厅是位于开罗市中心旧市场的八卦中心。

    The Mousa Atteya coffee shop is the clinking hub of an old market in central Cairo .

  3. 到衰退期,在维持旧市场份额的同时,对新产品进行改良或用创新产品替代旧产品。

    In declining stage the new products are to be improved or the innovative products while maintaining the old markets must replace the old products .

  4. 旧汽车市场已经饱和。

    The market for the used car is saturated .

  5. 生产观念是一种旧的市场经营观念。

    Production concept is one of the oldest marketing philosophies .

  6. 国外的旧机床市场

    Pre - owned Machine Tool Market Abroad

  7. 旧机动车市场是现代汽车流通新体系的重要组成部分;

    The used motor vehicle market is an important part of the current vehicle marketing system .

  8. 旧的市场格局将被打破,新的市场格局正在形成。

    The old market pattern will be broken and the new market pattern will be taking shape .

  9. 不对称信息结构对旧机动车市场机制起消极作用;

    The nonsymmetrical information structure plays a negative role to the system of the used motor vehicle market .

  10. 在一些人看来,上述观点就算不是朝着里根时代旧自由市场观点的倒退,可能也有自私之嫌。

    To some , these arguments might sound self-serving , if not a throwback to old Reagan-era free-market views .

  11. 二是原来的农资市场网络已经支离破碎,出现了以连锁经营的现代流通方式,改造和整合旧的市场网络的巨大空间;

    Second , as former market networks of agricultural means of production are broken up , there is a great space for EAMP reforming old market network by chain store ;

  12. 确保国有资产不致流失、防止旧机动车市场的非法交易具有重要的意义。

    It has an important significance to guarantee reasonable tax levey for our country , to prevent state - owned assets from lossing and avoiding illegal trade in old motor vehicle market .

  13. 医改的深入,导致以国有医院占绝对垄断地位的旧的医疗市场逐步被打破,同时,我国加入WTO后将医疗服务行业将迎来外资医院的挑战,新的医疗市场正在加速建立之中。

    With the reform of medical system and the entry WTO of China , the old medical market is been breaking and the new medical market taking form gradually .

  14. 我在旧杂货拍卖市场买的那台割草机结果没有用。我真是买错了。

    The lawnmower I bought in the jumble sale turned out to be useless ; I really caught a cold with that one !

  15. 当我们穿过旧德里的市场时走了很长一段路,我们在一个广场上停下来休息。

    As we had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi , we stopped at a square to have a rest .

  16. 团队热潮受到一种观念的驱使,即组织人员的旧方法对于现代市场和员工期待来说都太过死板。

    The fashion for teams is driven by a sense that the old way of organising people is too rigid for both the modern marketplace and the expectations of employees .

  17. 如果你正在纽约市寻找特价阁楼,BernieMadoff的旧公寓仍在市场上出售。

    And if you are looking for a bargain penthouse in New York City , Bernie Madoff 's old apartment , still on the market .

  18. 天津市旧区物业管理市场需求调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis of market needs of Tianjin old residential zone facility management

  19. 平均实现,直到库存产品旧印章在各种市场销售完毕。

    Uniformity will be achieved , to the extent that stocks of products bearing the old seal is exhausted in the various markets .