
shí jiān píng jūn
  • time average
时间平均[shí jiān píng jūn]
  1. 提出了一种二阶精度隐式矢通量分裂单步差分格式并用于求解时间平均N-S方程组。

    A one step two order accuracy Implicit Flux Vector Splitting ( IFVS ) scheme is provided to solve the time average N S equations .

  2. 采用该方法只需用普通的CCD摄像机分别摄取被测物体的静态下在图像及其在谐波振动状态下的一幅时间平均成像,即可求得该物体的角振幅。

    These images are captured with a CCD camera , the first image is recorded when the object as in static state and the second image is a time average image recorded when the body as in angular vibration .

  3. 初中每天书面作业完成时间平均不超过90分钟。通知提出的其他要求包括:

    The average amount of time junior high school students spend on written homework every day should be less than 90 minutes , according to the circular .

  4. 通知要求,小学一二年级不布置书面家庭作业,小学其他年级每天书面作业完成时间平均不超过60分钟。

    Primary schools should ensure that students in the first and second grades do not have written homework . Those in higher grades should complete their homework within one hour , the circular said .

  5. 结果15例均顺利完成手术,手术时间平均23.5(15~90)min。

    The mean operation time was 23.5 min ( 15 ~ 90 min ) .

  6. 术后呼吸支持时间平均为(23.6±7.9)h。

    The mean postoperative ventilation time was ( 23.6 ± 7.9 ) h ( 19 ~ 44 h ) .

  7. 结果手术时间平均约18min,住院日期3d。

    Results Mean operative time circular stapling procedure was 18 minutes , and mean hospitalization time of the patients was 3 days .

  8. 结果本组手术均顺利完成,手术时间平均17.5(10~28)min,住院时间平均5(3~7)d。

    Result Operating time was 17.5 min in average , hospital stay was 5 days in average .

  9. 笔者认为VΔT是与介质的时间平均强度相应的,与地震活动的时、空分布图象有相应关系的特征量。

    It is considered that V Δ T is a characteristic quantity which relates to medium strength and space - time distribution patterns of seismicity .

  10. 背景流场考虑为尾迹时间平均速度流场和Kármán涡街流场。

    The time-averaged velocity field of the wake and Karman vortex street flow field are considered as two kinds of the background flow field .

  11. 结果应用DR机和PACS系统后,患者检查总计等待时间平均缩短了60%;

    Results After application of DR and PACS systems , the patients , total waiting duration was reduced by 60 % ;

  12. Ⅱa、Ⅱb期患者术后无瘤时间平均为11.5个月,存活时间为15个月;Ⅲ期患者存活8~15个月;

    Patients with stage ⅱ a and ⅱ b survived 11.5 months with no tumor recurrence , average survival time was 15 months , and the patients with stage ⅲ survived 8-15 months averagely .

  13. 结果手术时间平均41.5min.术后6~8h患者能下床活动,伤口疼痛2~3d。

    Results The average operation time was 41.5 minutes . The patients could move around 6 ~ 8 hours later after operation .

  14. 我们对18例急性心肌梗塞住院患者进行次极量踏车运动试验,梗塞距运动试验的时间平均34天(18~60天)。结果表明,运动诱发ST段压低者7例;

    Eighteen patients underwent heart rate limited ergometer electrocardiographic exercise testing at 34 days ( 18 to 60 days ) after acute myocardial infarction during hospitalization .

  15. 用数字散斑干涉术时间平均法测得的物体表面稳态振动,可描述为受高频分量调制的零阶Bessel函数。

    The time-averaged speckle pattern of vibration can be described as a zero-order bessel function by high frequency modulation .

  16. 调查发现,22%的员工每天听MP3的时间平均为3个小时。

    According to the study , 22 percent of workers spend an average of three hours per day listening to MP3 players .

  17. 此组病例发病急骤,发病至入院时间平均5h,至死亡时间5h~5天,其中24h内死亡9例。

    Sudden onset was noted in all cases with an average of 5 hours from onset to death .

  18. 结果皮肤伸展术作用时间平均52(10~120)min,最大皮肤伸展宽度平均4.8(3.5~10)cm,创面均Ⅰ期愈合,平均愈合时间13(10~18)d。

    Result Average duration for skin stretching was 52 min , maximal stretch width was 4.8 cm in average . All cases had primary healing with average healing duration of 13 days .

  19. 入院至手术时间平均6d,其中7d以上者46例,术后出现并发症9例(19.6%);

    Among 46 cases longer than 7 days , 9 cases ( 19.6 % ) had postoperative complications .

  20. 结果:修复体的加工时间平均在20min以内,其中贴面所需时间最少,嵌体需要时间最长。

    Results : The average fabrication time was less than 20 minutes .

  21. 该算法利用信道的时间平均相关取代统计相关,结合了基于特征值分解的低秩建模,从而近似地实现MMSE估计。

    This algorithm utilizes time-average channel correlation matrix in place of exact channel correlation matrix and approximates the MMSE estimator by a low-rank structure .

  22. 发生眼内炎时间平均为伤后6d(5~7d)。

    The endophthalmitis occurred from 5 to 7 days after ocular injury with a mean of 6 days .

  23. 结果9侧小腿上腓肠神经均顺利游离和切取,长度为30 ̄42cm,手术时间平均每侧约30min。

    Results The length of nerve graft harvested from 30 to 42 cm in 9 calves .

  24. 治疗组起效时间平均约为10d,对照组为14d。

    The average time to show the effect in the treatment group was 10 d , and that in the control group was 14 d.

  25. 术后肠蠕动恢复时间平均1.9d;

    The average postoperative convalescence of intestinal peristalsis was 1.9 days ;

  26. 应用Markov性能势的基本性质,在很一般性的假设条件下,直接导出了无限时间平均代价模型在紧致行动集上的最优性方程及其解的存在性定理。

    Under quite general assumptions , the optimality equation is directly established and the existence theorem of optimal solution is proved for infinite time average cost model in a compact action set by using basic properties of the Markov performance potentials .

  27. 前路手术时间平均150min,后路手术时间平均60min。

    The average of anterior operation time was 150 minutes and the posterior was 60 minutes .

  28. 发病至入院时间平均84h。

    The duration from onset of symptoms to admission was 24-168 hours ( mean 84 hours ) .

  29. 产后出现第一次发情的时间平均为102d左右。

    The average time when ewe of post partum appears first oestrus is approximately 102d .

  30. 结果:手术时间平均为11.2min(5~25min)。

    Results : Average operation time is 11.2min ( 5 ~ 25min ) .