
zǎo bó
  • premature beat
早搏[zǎo bó]
  1. 动态心电图监测室上性早搏ST段下移的临床价值探讨

    Clinical value of dynamic electrocardiogram in the detection of ST segment shifting downward of supraventricular premature beat

  2. 目的:观察长航对人ST段及室性早搏者心率变异性变化的影响。

    Objective : To analysis the ST segment and the correlation between ventricular premature beat and heart rate variability during long voyage .

  3. 111例成人急性柯萨奇病毒B心肌炎后室性早搏的长期随访

    Long-term follow-up of patients with acute Coxsackie B viral myocarditis manifested as isolate ventricular tachyarrhythmia

  4. 源于右室流出道室性早搏患者的心脏MRI分析

    Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Right Ventricular outflow Tract Ectopic Activity

  5. 运动试验引起的室上性早搏ST段压低的临床意义

    The Significance of ST Segment Depression in Supraventricular Premature Beats Resulting

  6. 室性早搏呈典型巨R波型ST段抬高一例

    A case of premature ventricular beat with typical large R wave type ST segment elevation

  7. 结论DC患者室性早搏后的HRT现象变钝。

    Conclusion HRT is dramatically blunted in DC patients .

  8. 平板运动试验中室性早搏ST段下移诊断冠状动脉病变的价值

    The Value of ST Depression in Ventricular Premature Complexes During Treadmill Exercise Test to Diagnose Coronary Artery Disease

  9. 本文报告了3例室性早搏R波落在P波上(RonP现象)引起室性心动过速。

    Three cases suffering from ventricular tachycardia because of the R wave of premature ventricular contraction on the P wave ( R on P ) were reported .

  10. 目的:研究起源于右室流出道室性早搏患者右室流出道的MRI表现。

    Purpose : To study the MRI feature of right ventricular outflow tract in patients with symptomatic right ventricular outflow tract ectopic activity .

  11. 食管癌PF方案化疗发生频发室性早搏1例

    A case report of frequent premature ventricular beats in treating esophageal carcinoma with PF regime chemotherapy

  12. 早搏引起心动周期突然改变时QT间期和RR间距的关系

    Relationship between QT and RR Interval in the Cardiac Cycle Abruptly Changed by Premature Beats

  13. 冠心病室性早搏Lown's分级与QT离散度的关系

    Relationship between Lown 's stratification of ventricular ectopic and QT dispersion in patients with coronary artery disease

  14. 1150例室性早搏的DCG检测与分析

    DCG Detection and Analysis of Ventricular Premature Beat in 1150 Cases

  15. 方法测定并比较不同类型早搏发生前后窦性激动的QT间期。

    Methods The QT intervals of sinus excitation before and after extrasystole in 120 patients were measured and compared .

  16. 心悸的中医分型与早搏昼夜分布的相关性研究ω(2,2g/(3+2))~2的分类

    The Correlative Study on the Classification of TCM Syndromes with Palpitation and Circadian Premature Distribute

  17. 复杂性室性早搏;急性心肌梗死伴ST-T电交替,或广泛前壁心肌梗死伴墓碑样ST段抬高;

    Or extensive anterior myocardial infarction with tombstone ST segment elevation , dilated cardiomyopathy with advance QRS complex low voltage .

  18. CHD组与非CHD组相比,单发室性和房性早搏的发生率无明显差异(P0.05)。

    There is no significant difference in the incidence of single chamber atrial premature beats between CHD group and non-CHD group ( P 0.05 ) .

  19. 结果1.治疗后两组室性早搏情况均有改善,两组有效率比较,差异无显著性(P0.05)。

    After treatment , the situation had improved ventricular premature beats , the efficiency of the two groups , the difference was not significant ( P 0.05 ) .

  20. ST段异常和早搏是新发房颤的预测因素:Niigata预防医学研究

    ST-segment abnormalities and premature complexes are predictors of new-onset atrial fibrillation : The Niigata Preventive Medicine Study

  21. STI测定早搏后强化对估价冠心病心肌储备功能的初步探讨

    Postextrasystolic Potentiation as Measured by STI in the Assessment of Myocardial Reserve in Coronary Artery Disease

  22. 射频导管消融治疗室性早搏术中的监测微波暗室点频RCS测试方法研究与误差分析

    Monitoring in the procedures of radiofrequency ablation in premature ventricular beats Research and Error Analyses on CW RCS Measurements in Microwave Anechoic Chamber

  23. 频发性室性早搏的Holter分布特点分析室性早搏心电向量图特征的临床意义

    Holter feature of frequent ventricular ectopic beats The Clinical Significance of Vectorcardiographic Patterns of Ventricular Ectopic Beat

  24. 随着早搏联律间期的缩短或(和)早搏代偿间期的延长,RLV+dp/dtmax逐渐增大;

    With the shortening of the extra-systolic interval and the lengthening of the extrasystolic compensatory interval , RLV + dp / dt max was gradually increased .

  25. 结果:在离婚,确诊前内科门诊,发作频率主诉等变量上存在显著差异(P<0.05),在有无早搏变量上存在非常显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results : There was significant differences in divorce , medical consultation before diagnosis , frequency of panic attacks ( P < 0 05 ) and strongly significant difference in the presence of premature beats ( P < 0 01 ) .

  26. 文中利用了具有模糊化输入、输出的前向神经网络(BP网络)的分类识别能力,实现了ECG信号中的正常心拍和室性早搏自动识别。

    Using the classification capability of a feedforward neural network provided with fuzzy input and output , automatic identification of normal heart beat and premature ventricular contractions of the ECG signal is realized .

  27. 在22例(71%)反复PAF发作的病人中,有15例病人是由同一形态的房性早搏触发。

    In15 of22 patients ( 71 % ) with multiple episodes of PAF , ectopic beats that initiated PAF were consistently monomorphic .

  28. CARTO电解剖标测指导频发室性早搏的射频消融

    Radiofrequency ablation of frequent premature ventricular contractions guided by CARTO

  29. 检查前窦性心动过速19例,室上性早搏1例,ST段压低2例。

    The ECGs before the endoscopic examinations were applied and showed sinus tachycardia in 19 cases , supraventricular premature beats ( SPB ) in one cases , ST segment depression in 2 cases .

  30. 1例患者衣室流出道侧壁变薄,有一局限性凹陷(4mm×4mm,2mm厚)。结论:右室流出道室性早搏可能不伴心脏结构改变。

    Conclusion : right ventricular outflow tract ectopic activity probably do not associate with structural abnormality of heart .