
  1. 于是对于死亡的恐惧日盛。

    The fear of death then amplifies with each passing day .

  2. 近些年来,一代影响力日盛的东欧设计师已崭露头角。

    Recently , a generation of increasingly powerful Eastern European designers has emerged .

  3. 其作为三大德系豪车品牌替代之选的声誉日盛。

    It is gaining credibility as an alternative to the three German premium carmakers .

  4. 近年,关于核心价值观的问题研究日盛,是社会关注和争鸣的重点课题之一。

    Socialist core values in recent years become the subject of academic attention and the focus of the study .

  5. “坚持企业创新,追求持续完善,制造一流产品”是上海日盛电气有限公司一贯坚持的发展宗旨。

    Risheng always sticks to the development tenet " Abide by enterprise innovation , Pursue continuous improvement , Manufacture top product " .

  6. 尽管柏林作为一个科技创业中心的声望日盛,但要获得不错的互联网接入,办理手续经常很缓慢。

    despite Berlin 's growing reputation as a tech start-up hub , obtaining a decent internet connection is often a slow process .

  7. 因为普通的美国老百姓中反移民情绪日盛一日,而且,如果亨廷顿可作一支风标的话,学术界的观察家们也不例外。

    There is rising opposition to immigration among ordinary Americans and , if Huntington is any indication , among academic observers as well .

  8. 所有的施耐德日盛集团服务人员都只使用经过持久质量认证的原装进口零配件以确保使用的可靠性和持久性。

    All service representatives from SCHNEIDER-SUNSHINE group only use long-term qualified spare parts imported from overseas , to ensure its reliability and permanence .

  9. 随着文化交流日盛,生态批评传播到中国,并形成了当今文学研究中的文学批评思潮。

    With the development of cultural communication , it is propagated in China and shapes a trend of literary criticism in literary studies .

  10. 然而,尽管传言日盛,但中国汽车厂商昨日有意淡化了参与竞购克莱斯勒的说法。

    However , in spite of the mounting speculation , the Chinese car companies yesterday played down the idea of entering a bidding war for Chrysler .

  11. 在异质文化交流、对话日盛的今天,本文选定文本互文性批评这一文学文本具有的特征和话语批评策略,具有较强的学术和现实意义。

    Their talks today when it is at heterogeneous cultural exchanges-this words criticize tactics and characteristic which texts have intertextuality criticism-have relatively strong academy and realistic meanings .

  12. 然而,这些最新的治疗手段通常都会使用到价格昂贵的药品。在外界对医疗费用高企的担忧情绪日盛的情况下,这让医生、患者和保险公司都面临两难选择。

    The latest advances , however , typically involve expensive drugs that will require difficult choices by doctors , patients and insurers amid growing concern over health-care costs .

  13. 由于其威名赫赫,故而需求日盛,那些留在故土的轻骑兵们则踏上佣兵生涯。

    Well renowned as elite light cavalry , those that remained in their native land prefer to take lucrative work as mercenaries , since they are much in demand .

  14. 在美国和欧洲,宽松的信贷市场促使收购活动日盛,私人股权投资机构正大规模收购上市公司,其涉足领域各式各样,甚至包括医院、音像公司。

    In the US and Europe , a boom in takeover activity fuelled by cheap debt has seenprivate-equity groups buy large listed companies in sectors as diverse as hospitals and music production .

  15. 尤其是近些年中国与非洲国家之间,在经济、贸易和国际经济合作方面的关系日渐加强,交往日盛。

    Especially in recent years , China has strengthened its economic , trade and international economic cooperation with African countries . There has been an increasing communication between China and African countries .

  16. 城乡赌风日盛、已成为社会的一大公害,不仅败坏了社会风气,而且引发了其他犯罪。

    The daily popularity of gambling both in the cities and countryside , which has become a bad social problem , corrupted the social convention , and brought in other crimes as well .

  17. 这些经济体仍相对不成熟,容易受到意外事件的冲击,这可能源于政策失误、保护主义日盛、内部不稳定等等。这些因素可能会让这些经济体的估值回归均值水平。

    These economies are still relatively immature and vulnerable to unexpected shocks , which could be due to policy errors , rising protectionism , internal instability etc. These factors could all result in reversion to the mean .

  18. 互联网的触角正在以飞快的速度向社会的各个层面、各个领域延伸,对新生事物历来敏感的高等学校受其影响日盛。

    The feeler of Internet is being extended in each aspect , each field from speed to society quickly , the institution of higher education always sensitive to new things is influenced by it the sun is held .

  19. 然而,在庆祝之余,头脑较为冷静的银行家可能正在反思一个更令人担忧的趋势:保护主义情绪的明显升温,政府和国内监管机构对跨境交易敌意日盛。

    Yet amid all the celebrations , more sober-minded bankers may be reflecting on a rather more worrying trend : the apparent rise of protectionist sentiment , and the growing hostility of governments and national regulators towards cross-border deals .