
  • 网络ministry of defense;Japan Ministry of Defense
  1. 日本防卫省(MinistryofDefense)表示,在那段时期,日本航空自卫队曾八次出动飞机来应对台湾飞机。但防卫省没有透露详情。

    Japan 's defense ministry said its air force had scrambled jets eight times during that period to respond to Taiwanese planes , but declined to elaborate .

  2. 今年7月,日本防卫省将一份向自卫队供应150架军用直升机的合同,授予了由美国贝尔直升机(BellHelicopter)和日本富士重工(FujiHeavyIndustries)组成的联合体。此举令整个军工行业都感到意外。

    There was industry-wide surprise in July when the defence ministry awarded a contract to a consortium of Bell Helicopter of the US and Japan 's Fuji Heavy Industries to supply 150 military helicopters to the self-defence forces .

  3. 知情人士表示,空中客车(Airbus)正考虑对日本防卫省采取法律行动,原因是该公司在向日本陆上自卫队供应直升机的竞标中败北,丢掉了价值数十亿美元的订单。

    Airbus is eyeing legal action against Japan 's ministry of defence after losing out on a multibillion-dollar deal to supply helicopters to the country 's ground self-defence forces , said people familiar with the situation .

  4. 中国国防部长梁光烈还说,与日本防卫省官员的会谈是有建设性的。

    The Chinese Defense Minister also said talks with Japan 's defense officials were positive .

  5. 空客拒绝就针对日本防卫省采取法律行动的可能性置评。

    Airbus declined to comment on the possibility of taking legal action against the Japanese defence ministry .

  6. 日本防卫省发言人拒绝就空客可能采取的法律行动置评,不过,该发言人表示遴选过程适当、公平而且完全透明。

    A spokesman for the Japanese defence ministry declined to comment on any potential legal action by Airbus but said the selection process had been appropriate , fair and fully transparent .

  7. 日本防卫省一名官员表示,在两起火控雷达照射事件中,日方指挥官均采取改变航向等“标准规避动作”,没有启用自身的武器系统。

    A Japanese Defence Ministry official said that in both radar incidents Japanese commanders took " standard evasive manoeuvres " such as changing course but did not engage their own weapons systems .

  8. 西方外交官及业内人士称,空客就招投标过程对日本防卫省采取法律行动,是这家欧洲航空航天集团正在考虑的“几种可能申诉方式之一”。

    Legal action by Airbus against Japan 's defence ministry over the tender process is described by western diplomats and industry insiders as " one of several possible avenues of complaint " being considered by the European aerospace group .