
  • 网络japan surrender;japanese surrender;surrender of japan
  1. 也谈日本投降的条件问题

    A Re-study of the Conditions of Japanese Surrender in W.W.II

  2. 因为他知道距离日本投降不远了。

    Because he was sure that the Japanese surrender would come very soon .

  3. 第二次世界大战结束日本投降的时候,有些日本人切腹自杀。

    When Japan surrendered at the end of World War , a few Japanese committed the happy dispatch .

  4. 1945年日本投降一周后,“I-400”号和“I-401”号潜艇在海里被缴获。

    An I-400 and I-401 were captured at sea a week after the Japanese surrendered in1945 .

  5. 日本投降以前的老解放区。

    Old Liberated Areas established before the Japanese surrender .

  6. 末代皇帝以前的宫殿在日本投降后被劫掠一空。

    The Former Palaces of the Last Emperor was looted after the Japanese surrender .

  7. 在日本投降以后,他们决定要使中国回复到过去的旧秩序。

    After Japan 's surrender they were determined to restore the old order in China .

  8. 我出生的那年&一九四五年,正是日本投降的年头。

    The year of1945 , when I was born , was the time that the Japanese surrendered .

  9. 在英国殖民者港督杨慕琦爵士率领下的长官们向日本投降。

    British colonial officials headed by Governor Mark Aitchison Young of Hong Kong surrenders to the Japanese .

  10. 日本投降前后美国的对日政策与战后日本军国主义的复活

    American Policy to Japan around Its Surrender and the Revival of Japanese Militarism in the Postwar Period

  11. 为纪念日本投降70周年,该书被翻拍成一部电影。这本书节奏极其紧张,令人几乎喘不过气来。

    The book - remade as a film for the 70th anniversary - is almost unbearably tense .

  12. 日本投降的决定因素是苏联参战。

    The decisive factor for Japan 's surrender is the entry of the Soviet Union into the war .

  13. 晚清至日本投降前宣化县财政税收概况

    Outline of Xuanhua 's Financial Taxation & From the Late Period of Qing Dynasty to that of Japanese Surrender

  14. 日本投降后,叶圣陶又回到上海,但他很快就因为参加了民主运动而面临着迫害。

    He returned to Shanghai after Japan 's defeat and soon faced persecution for his participation in the democracy movement .

  15. 日本投降后,他奉命进攻绥远、热河、察哈尔三省解放区。

    After japan 's surrender he was ordered to attack the liberated areas in suiyuan , Jehol and Chahar provinces .

  16. 因此,结束战争;为迫使日本投降,投掷原子弹。

    Therefore , to end the war ; to force the Japanese to surrender , the atom bombs were dropped .

  17. 麦杜菲告诉美联社,那时候他正在纽约,换乘地铁的时候被告知日本投降了。

    McDuffie had told the AP he was changing trains in New York when he was told that Japan had surrendered .

  18. 日本投降后,这座矿山作为战利品,移交给了一家英国公司。

    The British seized the mine as war spoils after Japan 's surrender and handed it over to a British company .

  19. Hillenbrand小说中令人吃惊的是日本投降之后战俘们的遭遇。

    One of the most startling parts of Hillenbrand 's book is her recounting of what happened to the POWs once Japan surrendered .

  20. 1938年广州沦陷,1939年广州基督教青年会迁往韶关,直到1945年日本投降才迁回广州。

    In1938 , Gangzhou fell to Japanese hands and in1939 , the YMCA of Guangzhou transferred to Shaoguan and in1945 it moved back to Guangzhou .

  21. 日本投降“二战”胜利日水手乔治的父亲在1911年只身来到美国,靠捕鱼来抚养他们一家人。

    George Mendonsa -- the VJ Day Sailor George 's father came to America alone in 1911 and raised his sons on the water fishing .

  22. 里奇曾在二战期间效力于澳大利亚皇家海军,并于1945年在东京湾见证了日本投降。

    Mr Ritchie was a seaman in the Royal Australian Navy during the Second World War and witnessed the Japanese surrender in Tokyo Bay in 1945 .

  23. 日本投降之后,占日盟军震惊于该敕语要求青少年为了天皇献身,并废止了这一做法。

    Following Japan 's surrender , the allied occupiers ended the practice , appalled by its demands for juvenile self-sacrifice in the name of the emperor .

  24. 为加速日本投降,美国以雅尔塔密约为条件劝说苏联对日宣战。

    In order to accelerate the surrender of Japan , the United States offered the Yalta deal as the reward for Soviet Union declaring war on Japan .

  25. 日本投降至大反攻,即一九四五年九月至一九四七年八月两年内所解放的地区。

    Areas liberated between the Japanese surrender and the time of the general counter-offensive , that is , in the two years between September 1945 and August 1947 .

  26. 乔治则是海军一等兵。当他在和女友约会,从城市广播里听到了日本投降的消息。

    George , a first class sailor in the Navy , was on a date with another woman when he heard the news at Radio City Music Hall .

  27. 而在抗日以前,在抗日时期,乃至在日本投降后的一个时期,他们的觉悟都没有达到这样的程度。

    Never before has their awakening reached such a level , neither before nor during the War of Resistance , nor in the period immediately after the Japanese surrender .

  28. 1945年8月15日,日本投降后,苏联占领了千岛群岛、库页岛南部和“北方四岛”,并参加了盟国对日管制委员会。

    On August 15 ~ ( th ) 1945 , the Soviet Union captured the Caxa лин, Habomai Islands , and joined the " regulatory committee against Japan " .

  29. 〔2〕指一九四五年七月二十六日中、美、英三国在波茨坦会议过程中发表的促令日本投降的公告。

    This refers to the declaration made by China , Britain and the United States at the Potsdam conference on July 26 , 1945 , requiring Japan to surrender .

  30. 政府方面表示:解放区名词在日本投降以后,应成为过去,全国政令必须统一。

    The Government indicated that , since Japan had surrendered , the term ' Liberated Area ' should have become obsolete and that government administration throughout the country should be unified .