
  • 网络japanese army
  1. 接着进入日本陆军大学。

    Then enter the Japanese Army University .

  2. 《前日本陆军军人因准备和使用细菌武器被控案审判材料》,莫斯科:外国文书籍出版局,1950。

    Materials on the Trial of Former Serviceman of the Japanese Army Charged with Manufacturing and Employing Bacteriological Weapons , Foreign Languages Publishing House , Moscow , 1950 .

  3. 清末官员日本陆军考察热的社会背景

    The Social Background of Chinese Officials ' Investigation on Japanese Army In Late Qing Dynasty

  4. 从事细菌战研究的731部队,在整个日本陆军中有着非同寻常的地位。

    The Japanese Army 731 engaged in bacteriological warfare research was very special in all the Japanese land force .

  5. 中国战场拖住了日本陆军60%的兵力,中国战场在对日作战中占有很重要的地位。

    China had played a very important role in the war against Japan because 60 % of the Japanese military force was involved in this battlefield .

  6. 日本帝国陆军声名狼藉的化学部队进行了秘密的人体实验,而这些实验被认为犯有人类史上最恶劣的战争罪。

    The Imperial Japanese Army 's notorious medical research team carried out secret human experiments regarded as some of the worst war crimes in history .

  7. 只要中国不退出战争,几十万日本帝国陆军就会被牵制在亚洲大陆上。

    As long as China stayed in the war , hundreds of thousands of imperial Japanese Army soldiers could be tied down on the Asian mainland .

  8. 1937年中日战争全面爆发,日本海军作为水上和空中进攻的重要力量,协同日本陆军进行了南京攻略作战。

    The Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937 , Japanese navy , as an important waterway and air offensive forces , coordinated Japanese ground force to launched an attack against Nanjing .

  9. 阎锡山,山西五台县河边村人,生于1883年10月,1902年进入山西武备学堂,1904年被保送到日本留学,先入东京振武学校,后又进入日本陆军士官学校。

    Yan Xishan , Wu-tai mountain village , born in 1883 in He-bian village October , 1902 into Shanxi armament schools , 1904 walked to Japan to study abroad , enter first Tokyo martial schools , and vibration into Japanese army sergeant helped schools .