
  • 网络Japanese aggressors;japanese invader
  1. 我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。

    We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders .

  2. 日本侵略者强迫他说出游击队在什么地方。

    The Japanese invaders dragooned him into telling where the guerrilla forces were .

  3. 中国人民终于打败了日本侵略者。

    The Chinese people finally defeated the Japanese invaders .

  4. 二战期间,日本侵略者在中国横行霸道,无恶不作。

    During the Second World War , China had been overrun by Japanese invaders .

  5. 他们更看重保存实力,而不是如何击败日本侵略者。

    Their intention was to conserve manpower and equipment rather than defeat the Japanese .

  6. 论日本侵略者对中国文化教育的摧残与掠夺

    On Japanese invasion of Chinese culture and education

  7. 经过八年浴血奋战,中国人民终于打败了日本侵略者。

    After eight years of fighting , the Chinese people at lastdefeated the Japanese invaders .

  8. 二战期间,日本侵略者为自己烙上了凶残野蛮的恶名。

    During the Second World War the aggressive Japanese soldiers won themselves a savage reputation .

  9. 迅速地从马来亚派去大量空军增援力量说能切断日本侵略者的退路,并且置之于死地。

    Quick massive air reinforcements of Malaya could cut off and doom the Jap invaders .

  10. 为着打败日本侵略者,还需要扩大军队到几个九十万。

    To defeat the Japanese aggressors , we must increase them to several times this number .

  11. 在抗日战争中,中国人民同日本侵略者进行了面对面的斗争。

    During the Anti-Japanese War , Chinese people had a face-to-face struggle against the Japanese invaders .

  12. 例:.日本侵略者在二次世界大战期间犯下的血腥罪行使我们感到愤恨。

    The bloody crimes committed by the Japanese invaders during the Second World War incurred out enmity

  13. 从这里,他离开故国,远赴他乡,最终来到中国,和中国人民并肩抗击日本侵略者。

    It was also where he left to join the Chinese in the fight against Japanese invasion .

  14. 在日军的武力威胁下,胶济沿线各煤矿业主被迫把煤矿的所有权交给日本侵略者。

    With the intimidation of Japanese soldiers , the mine-owners had to deliver their mines to invaders .

  15. 它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶。

    It is the accomplice of Japanese invaders to carry out ideological enslavement activities in enemy-occupied area .

  16. 第一部分,主要阐述了日本侵略者重视掠夺华北棉花资源的原因。

    In the first section , I expounds the reason that Japan and puppet government plundered cotton resources .

  17. 难道日本侵略者和我们打了八个整年这件事,你们也忘了吗?

    Can it be that you have forgotten that the Japanese aggressors fought against us for eight whole years ?

  18. 他画了《群鼠图》以讽刺日本侵略者,还写了不少抒发国破之愤的诗。

    He drew the painting Mice to satirize the Japanese invaders and wrote several poems to express his anger .

  19. 可以这么说,统一战线是中国人民打败日本侵略者的根本斗争策略。

    It may be said that the United Front is the fundamental strategy for struggle to defeat the Japanese aggressors .

  20. 有日本侵略者和希特勒的爱国主义,有我们的爱国主义。

    There is the " patriotism " of the Japanese aggressors and of Hitler , and there is our patriotism .

  21. 她的回答简单而朴实:她只想向日本侵略者证明朝鲜人民永远不会屈服。

    Her response is that she simply hopes to demonstrate to the Japanese invaders that Koreans will never give up .

  22. 我们要打击日本侵略者,并且还要准备攻入城市,收复失地。

    We want to hit the Japanese aggressors hard and make preparations for seizing the cities and recovering our lost territories .

  23. 随着二十一条及有关条约的签订,日本侵略者的势力开始进入该地区。

    With the signature of twenty-one and the related treaty , the influence of the Japanese aggressors started to enter this area .

  24. 卢沟桥还是“七七事变”的见证者。从那时起,中国人民开始奋起反抗日本侵略者。

    The Lugouqiao Bridge was also a witness to the July7th Incident , when the Chinese people rose against the Japanese aggressors .

  25. 内蒙古东部地区紧邻东北三省,是日本侵略者较早窥视的地区之一。

    Eastern Area of Inner Mongolia adjacent to three Provinces of Northeast China was one of the regions which Japan aggressors peeped early .

  26. 这是因为日本侵略者和希特勒的战争,不但是损害世界人民的,也是损害其本国人民的。

    For the wars launched by the Japanese aggressors and Hitler are harming their own people as well as the people of the world .

  27. 芥川访问中国的时候,正是日本侵略者对中国步步紧逼,中国的反日情绪越来越高涨的时期。

    When he visited China , Japanese invaders were pressing on China at every stage , and Chinese anti-Japan sentiments were stronger and stronger .

  28. 他们为打败日本侵略者,争取抗日战争的胜利做出了巨大的贡献。

    They made great contributions in order to defeat the Japanese aggressrs and strive for the victory of the war of resistance against japan .

  29. 日本侵略者残酷的殖民统治不仅使东北地区的社会经济、政治结构发生了严重的动荡和混乱,同时给东北各阶层民众的社会心理带来了更深层次的伤害。

    The brutal colonial government of the Japanese imperialism caused serious changes and disorder to the social economy and political structure of the Northeast region .

  30. 通过审理,既揭露了日本侵略者在中国伤天害理的滔天罪行,伸张了人类正义;

    By the trial , the monstrous crimes perpetrated by the Japanese invaders in China were exposed and the justice of the humankind was promoted .