
  1. 导致很多人无法放弃它不敢放弃它。

    As a result , many become hooked on it .

  2. 我无法放弃我过去的生活。

    I couldn 't let go of my old life .

  3. 也许这就是为什么我无法放弃死亡一幕。

    Perhaps that 's why I could never pull off the death scene .

  4. 抓住生活,但不要抓得太紧,以致于无法放弃。

    Hold fast to life , but not so fast that you cannot let go .

  5. 因为这里有我无法放弃、无法搁置的事业啊!

    Because I can not give up here , can not set aside the cause ah !

  6. 可是我做不到,我真的无法放弃他,哪怕一分一秒。

    But I can not , I really can not give up him , even a minute .

  7. 抓住珍贵的每分钟。抓住生活,但不要抓得太紧,以致于无法放弃。

    Seize each golden minute.Hold fast to life , but not so fast that you cannot let go .

  8. 然而因为无法放弃自己的音乐理想,他离开了那个商业化的环境。

    Later , unable to drop his desires to play his own music , he left that commercial environment .

  9. 在《背叛》中,无法放弃对真爱的追求者从一开始就是所谓的“背德者”。

    In Betrayal , the characters who could not and would not give up love are destined to be the so-called " immoralists " .

  10. 虽然干扰可能是很重要的次要任务,而且无法放弃;但是,它确实分散了团队在最主要的任务上的注意力。

    Since the interruption is an important secondary task it cannot be dropped , however , it does divert teams attention from the primary task .

  11. 法老不让以色列人去有什麽动机呢?我们是否有为了一些我们无法放弃的东西而违背上帝?那会是一些什麽样的东西呢?

    What ulterior motives did the Pharaoh has for not letting the Israelis go ? Do we sometimes disobey God for things that we cannot let go ? What might those things be ?

  12. 除非你准备放弃某些有价值的东西,否则你根本不能真正变革,因为你永远摆脱不了你无法放弃的东西的控制。

    Unless you are prepared to give up something valuable you will never be able to truly change at all , because you 'll be forever in the control of things you can 't give up .

  13. 如果你不够自律,无法放弃美味的炸薯条,其实已经涌现了一个全新的行业帮助你落实健康饮食计划:有很多节食俱乐部、节食项目、节食应用可以选择。

    If you don 't have thepersonal discipline to stay away from those wonderful French fries , there 's an entireindustry that has sprung up to help you execute on your eat-healthy strategy : diet clubs , diet programs , diet apps galore .

  14. 它的MDA(ModelDrivenArchitecture,模型驱动体系结构)计划支持CORBA的扩展性和可靠性,同时又承认企业无法轻易放弃在其他技术上的投资。

    Its Model Driven Architecture ( MDA ) initiative champions the extensibility and reliability of CORBA while acknowledging that enterprises cannot simply abandon their investment in other technologies .

  15. 我将永远无法完全放弃这些感觉的。

    I shall never be able entirely to divest myself of this feeling .

  16. 我可以接受失败,但我无法接受放弃!

    I can accept failure , but I can not accept not trying !

  17. 这一局面与上世纪70年代的供应冲击不同,不过,由于卡车司机与通勤者无法轻易放弃出行,因此,即便很小的供应缺口也能导致油价大幅变动。

    That dynamic is different to the supply shocks of the 1970s , but because truck drivers and commuters cannot easily stop travelling , even a small deficit in supply can cause large moves in the oil price .

  18. 我无法让他放弃自己相信的事

    I can 't talk him out of his beliefs

  19. 信中告知这名员工,他无法控制的放弃行为给他的同事制造了无法忍受的恶劣的办公环境,他的很多同事都提出了投诉。

    The letter informed the worker that his uncontrollable flatulence created an intolerable and hostile environment for coworkers & many of which had lodged complaints .

  20. 我信仰上帝,也许我难以用冷冰冰的逻辑来描述这个信仰或为它辩护,但谁也无法说服我放弃它。

    Very likely I would get lost in trying to describe or defend , by cold logic , my belief in God but nobody could argue me out of it .

  21. 这里以色列看到的是现实威胁也是它不愿放弃发动军事打击的原因,它害怕国际社会无法说服伊朗放弃核计划。

    Here Israel sees an existential threat the reason it will not surrender the option of launching its own military strikes if the international community fails to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions .

  22. 孟淑娟说,即使是在这种企业背景下,她仍有攻读美国商学学位的心愿;但她接着说:“我无法看着自己放弃已经建立的人际网络。”

    Her desire to complete a US business degree remained , even in this corporate setting , Mong says , but adds : " I could not see myself giving up the network I had built . "

  23. 可我还是无法不能为她放弃我们的爱!

    But I am unable not to be able to give up our love for her !

  24. 本周,共和党人因为支持者太少、无法快速推动而放弃了这些做法。

    This week , the Republicans pulled back , with too little support to move quickly .

  25. 当然,如果我们发现目标根本无法达到,决定放弃就应该很容易。

    Of course , if we realise that a goal is simply unattainable , the decision to abandon it should be easy enough to make .

  26. 即使是这个令人沮丧的数字,也对一般美国人的处境有所美化,因为无法找到工作或放弃寻找工作的人数也增加了。

    Even this dismal figure overstates the case of typical Americans , as the number unable to find work or who have abandoned the search has risen .

  27. 瓦西里奇科夫和普拉托夫已同伯爵晤面,并向他解释莫斯科无法防守,只得放弃。

    Vassiltchekov and Platov had already seen the count , and informed him that the defence of Moscow was out of the question , and the city would be surrendered .

  28. 结果13例(14只眼)老年心血管疾病患者因术前评估发现手术禁忌证、无法耐受手术或手术后视力无法提高而放弃手术;

    Results Thirteen cases ( 14 eyes ) did not have PSI due to surgical contraindication or impossible to tolerate the operation or impossible to obtain an improvement of visual acuity after operation .

  29. 约翰逊无法也不愿削减“大社会”(greatsociety)项目的支出预算,同样,布什先生若不缓和其保守立场,也无法放弃他的减税计划。

    While Johnson was unable and unwilling to trim the great society spending from his budget , Mr Bush is similarly unable to abandon his tax cuts without alienating his conservative base .