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wú xiá
  • Flawless;be too busy;too busy;have no time;have no time to
无暇 [wú xiá]
  • [have no time to;too busy] 没有空闲

  • 无暇日

无暇[wú xiá]
  1. 忙忙碌碌的人们无暇停下来反思。

    People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect .

  2. 三重美白成份能有效抑制黑色素生成,改善肤色,滑爽如丝的配方,令妆容更洁净无暇。

    Three heavy beautiful and white agents , The energy availability inhibition melanin is born , the improvement skin color , slippery great such as the fomulation of the capillitium , it make makeup permit cleaner have no time .

  3. 她总是很忙,无暇听我说话。

    She was always too busy to listen .

  4. 罗兹局长无暇评论。

    Commissioner Rhodes was unavailable for comment .

  5. 昨天罗斯先生和伍德黑德先生都无暇发表意见。

    Neither Mr Rose nor Mr Woodhead was available for comment yesterday

  6. 大多数人都忙于自己的烦心事,而无暇提供太多的帮助。

    Most people are too busy with their own troubles to give much help .

  7. 黛安娜一生都在照顾他,对其他一切都无暇顾及。

    Diane had dedicated her life to caring for him to the exclusion of all else .

  8. 他们经常会收到关于人身安全问题的宣传册,但因为大量文案工作缠身,他们几乎无暇阅读。

    They are regularly sent booklets about personal safety , but they barely read them as they have so much paperwork to deal with

  9. 我手头已经堆满了各种工作,因此我无暇再搞别的事啦。

    I have got my hands full already with all kinds of work , and haven 't got the time for any more .

  10. 拖地机器人很受那些忙得无暇做家务的人的欢迎。

    Mopping robots are popular with people who are too busy to do housework .

  11. NETTEL(NotEnoughTimeToEnjoyLife,无暇享受生活,简称“奈特尔”)指夫妻为高收入全职人员、家中又有孩子需要照顾的家庭。

    Not Enough Time To Enjoy Life , or NETTEL , refers to the rising pool of households headed by two high-income-earning , full-time-working parents with dependent children .

  12. 用这种方式打字的时候,打字者光顾着看键盘了,可能无暇关注屏幕上打出来的内容。

    Use of this method may also prevent the typist from being able to see what has been typed without glancing away from the keys .

  13. 当父母忙碌而无暇陪伴孩子时,他们就将智能手机或平板电脑交给孩子玩。手机和平板里的各类游戏会让孩子找到乐趣,并且成为孩子的好朋友。

    When parents are too busy to spend time with their kids , they give them a smartphone or a tablet . All kinds of online games will entertain their kids and be their good friend .

  14. 大多数阿尔法人都能对信息和环境迅速做出评估,这样快速的信息处理过程使得他们无暇倾听他人,尤其是那些无法用“阿尔法语言”跟他们沟通的人。这种耐心缺失就有可能让他们忽略一些细微但是很重要的细节。

    Most Alphas assess information and situations very quickly , and this rapid processing can prevent them from listening to others — especially to those who don ’ t communicate in “ Alpha-speak . ” Their impatience can thus cause them to miss subtle but important details .

  15. 我会被训练成一名航空电子专家,这是一个主要由男性统治的维护领域,所以我立志要成为最优秀的,我被自己的雄心壮志搞得心烦意乱,根本无暇顾及自己的直觉。

    I was training to be an avionics specialist , a primarily male-dominated field of maintenance and therefore I was always on guard trying to be the best and not be any less than that . So I was naturally distracted by my goals and not in touch with my normal sense of intuition .

  16. 然而,移动IP并非完美无暇,例如,它可能引起显著的网络开销和冗长的切换延时等。

    However , using Mobile IP may cause excessive signaling traffic , long signaling delay and so on .

  17. 《People》杂志的最新一期采访中披露,当Gaga有机会洗漱时,她总是用象牙皂把自己的脸洗得纯净无暇。

    According to a new interview with People , Gaga has always cleansed with Ivory soap & when she gets the chance to cleanse , that is .

  18. 人间最大的幸福莫如既有爱情又清白无暇。(法国思想家卢梭.J.J.)

    There is no paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence . ( Jean Jacques Rousseau , French thinker )

  19. 女演员拉弗恩考克斯在上周二担任《美国达人秀》节目的评委,而谭芷昀翻唱的迈克尔波顿的歌曲“HowAmISupposedToLiveWithoutYou”,近乎无暇。

    With the actress guest-judging on " America 's Got Talent " on Tuesday 's episode , the 9-year-singer belted out a near-flawless version of Michael Bolton 's " How Am I Supposed To Live Without You . "

  20. (Twitter发言人蕾切尔•霍尔维茨(RachaelHorwitz)说高管们都无暇置评。)

    ( Rachael Horwitz , a spokeswoman for Twitter , said no executives were available to comment . )

  21. 它那种黑暗、光滑、转瞬即逝的优雅,让人如同在观看完美无暇的劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)车体所映射出的人生。

    With its dark , sleek , fugitive grace , it is like watching life reflected in the bodywork of a polished Rolls-Royce .

  22. 尽管无暇号事件使两国关系偏离了轨道,但在其它方面一直存在积极进展,例如中国决定派遣海军舰队前往索马里(HornofAfrica,非洲之角,是索马里的俗称译者注)海域护航,打击海盗。

    While the Impeccable incident steered the relationship off course , there have been other positive developments , including the Chinese decision to send naval ships to help protect waters off the Horn of Africa from piracy .

  23. 我还觉得自己有点像帕特里克&12539;贝特曼(PatrickBateman),就是《美国精神病人》(AmericanPsycho)里热衷护肤的杀人狂,但我忙着抚摸我那异常柔软的脸,无暇去思考这些。

    I also felt a little like Patrick Bateman , the murderous skin care devotee from ' American Psycho , ' but was too busy caressing my curiously soft face to brood on that .

  24. 没有多少Hellcats离开,但是这是完美无暇的榜样经营的纪念空军卡马里略,不太远西北奇诺。

    There aren 't too many Hellcats left , but this immaculate example is operated by the Commemorative Air Force in Camarillo , not too far northwest of Chino .

  25. 由于即将开始巡回演出无暇创作新作,北京的二人组合FM3将无法参加“唤醒巴特西”计划。

    The Beijing duo FM3 is not going to participate in Awakening Battersea as they 're about to launch a tour and are too engaged to create a new work for the project .

  26. 据说Twitter驻洛杉矶媒体主管奥米德•阿什塔里(OmidAshtari)称明星为“客户”,还说他的工作是为他们提供“客户服务”。(Twitter发言人蕾切尔•霍尔维茨(RachaelHorwitz)说高管们都无暇置评。)

    Omid Ashtari , Twitter 's man-on-the-ground in Los Angeles , is known to refer to celebrities as " clients " and say that his job is to provide them " customer service . " ( Rachael Horwitz , a spokeswoman for Twitter , said no executives were available to comment . )

  27. 市场调研机构OnePoll开展的这项研究发现,46%的受访者工作太忙无暇休息,而15%的人因为琐事缠身而忘记吃午饭。

    The study , which was carried out by OnePoll , also found 46 % of those polled find their job is simply too busy to take time out of their day to rejuvenate , whereas 15 % get so side-tracked they forget to take lunch .

  28. 美国随后派出一艘驱逐舰为“无暇”号护航。

    America later sent a guided-missile destroyer to protect the Impeccable .

  29. 在梦里,我们的爱情纯洁无暇。

    In dreams , we have no time to love purity .

  30. 要么整天忙忙碌碌,无暇去思考这一问题。

    But , this problem remain with us throughout the life .