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  1. 30例肠易激综合征患者的辨证施护

    Nursing Based on Differentiation for 30 Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

  2. 50例肛漏手术患者的辨证施护

    Nursing for 50 Patients after Recto - anal Fistula Operation

  3. 辨证施护肛瘘病人的疗效观察

    Effect of Evidence-based Nursing for Patients with the Anal Fistula

  4. 下肢骨骼牵引病人的辨证施护

    Nursing of TCM on the Patient With Skeletal Traction of Lower Limb

  5. 18例术后癃闭病人的辨证施护

    Selection of Nursing Based on Differential Diagnosis to 18 Postoperative Dysuria Patients

  6. 518例风湿性关节炎的中医辩证施护

    Nursing for 518 cases of rheumatic arthritis with traditional Chinese medicine regimen

  7. 运用辨证施护丰富整体护理内涵

    Enriching Whole Nurse Connotation by Making Nurse With Syndrome Differentiation

  8. 泌尿系结石体外冲击波碎石术后辨证施护

    Urinary Stones after ESWL Syndrome Nursing full-scale meal break system

  9. 辨证施护对出血性脑血管疾病患者便秘的影响

    Experience in Nursing Constipation Patients with Hemorrhagic Cerebrovascular Diseases

  10. 286例胃脘痛患者的辨证施护

    Dialectic Nursing Care of 286 Cases of Stomach Pain

  11. 目的:探讨中医辨证施护对于截瘫并发症的预防作用。

    Objective To study the effect of dialectical nursing for complications of paralysis .

  12. 脉诊在辨证施护意识障碍者中的指导作用

    Directive Effects of Pulse Examination on Syndrome Differentiation and Nursing the Unconscious Patients

  13. 中西医结合辨证施护老年股骨粗隆骨折38例小结

    Combined TCM and west medicine to nursing 38 cases of senile femur tuberosity fracture

  14. 目的:总结京万红药膏在皮肤再生修复应用中的作用和施护体会。

    Objective : To sum up regeneration and repair of skin coated Jingwanhong ointment .

  15. 中医辨证施护预防截瘫并发症的观察

    Observation on Prevention of Complications of Paralysis Using Dialectical Nursing of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  16. 慢性皮肤溃疡中药辨证换药及辨证施护效果观察

    Differential Dressing Change and Nursing Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Skin Ulcer

  17. 浅谈感冒的中医分型治疗与辨证施护

    A Light Discussion on Chinese Medicine 's Minute Treatment and Dialectical Nursing to Cold

  18. 针刺结合辨证施护对中风后抑郁患者护理干预的研究

    Acupuncture Combined with the Dialectic of Nursing Care of Patients with Post-stroke Depression Intervention Study

  19. 运用罗伊适应模式对急性心肌梗死病人施护的效果观察

    Observation the effect of Roy adaptation model on nursing in patients with acute cardiac infarction

  20. 结论中医辨证施护对控制早期肝性脑病具有较好的疗效。

    Nursing by differentiating signs has good curative effect on controlling early hepatic cerebral diseases .

  21. 脾肾气(阳)虚型患者腹膜透析的辨证施护

    Differential Nursing Care of the Patients with Deficiency of Spleen-yang and Kidney-yang Undergoing Peritoneal Dialysis

  22. 耳鸣耳聋患者的辨证施护

    Sympton-based Nursing Care for Patients with Tinnitus and Deafness According to Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  23. 59例肝脓肿的辩证施护

    Nursing Determined Based on the Differentiation of Symptoms and Signs Used on 59 Cases of Liver Abscess

  24. 结果:病人服用中药汤剂和辩证施护后基本痊愈。

    Results : The patients after taking the drinking broth and receving the dialectical nursing were essentially recovered .

  25. 目的:观察改良中药灌肠与合理施护对治疗急性胰腺炎伴肠梗阻的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the cure effect of improved TCD enema and reasonable nursing on acute pancreatitis accompanied with ileus .

  26. 目的:观察中医辨证施护在产后早期急性乳腺炎的应用效果。

    Objective : To observe the effect of applying traditional Chinese medical nursing to the early stage of acute postpartum mastitis .

  27. 进行辩证施护,达到以病人为中心的系统化整体护理。

    The systemic and overall nursing to the patient as the centre were achieved by nursing based on differentiation of symptoms and signs .

  28. 结论:采用中医辨证分型施护,能最大程度地提高睡眠质量。

    Conclusion : It can obviously improve the sleep quality to practice the nursing with differentiation of symptoms and signs of Traditional Chinese Medicine .

  29. 目的观察肝性脑病患者的早期症状和诱发因素,为辨证施护提供依据。

    Observe the early symptoms and predisposing cause of the patients with hepatic cerebral diseases , and provide foundation for nursing by differentiating signs .

  30. 结论通过因需施护,保证患者坚持长期有效透析,减少透析并发症,提高透析质量。

    Conclusion Nursing according to need can ensure patients ' long-term and effective dialysis , reduce complications of dialysis and improve the quality of dialysis .