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chū shì
  • become an official;take up an official post
出仕 [chū shì]
  • [become an official] 成为仕宦

  1. 康熙二年(1663),受召出仕,宦途平顺之际命运重蹈覆辙,再次遭劾,被革职逮问。

    The Kangxi two years ( 1663 ), is summoned to become an official , the official career is smooth when the destiny makes same mistakes over again , suffers once more he , is removed from office catches asked .

  2. 论赵孟頫出仕与其书画艺术的关系

    The Relationship Between Zhao Mengfu 's Official Career and His Arts of Calligraphy and Chinese Painting

  3. 科举出仕有世代重叠。

    The two generations overlap .

  4. 二是汉族士族不愿出仕于少数民族政权;

    The second reason is the Han noble families were unwilling to hold positions for the minority authority ;

  5. 或疏离或出仕,皆源于他面临政治高压、历史大势所表现出来的敏锐政治洞察力与生存机智,而其意义不外乎全身保命而已。

    Disenchanted or be a official , all came from his keen political insight and wisdoms in political high-pressures and historical trends . And its meaning nothing more than protecting life .

  6. 徐良傅的哲人气质、人格境界、诗性智慧对汤显祖为人为学、入仕出仕、诗赋传奇影响深刻;廉吏爱民,德博而化;

    XU Liang fu 's temperament of philosopher , state of personality and wisdom of poem deeply influence TANG Xian zu 's conduct , knowledge , official career , poem and romance .

  7. 明亡之后,不肯出仕满清的明遗老们,怀着对故国的眷恋之情,痛定思痛,深刻反思了明亡的根本原因&政治腐败。

    After subjugation , those surviving adherents of Ming Dynasty cherished the memory of the past , refused to work for the new regime and reflected on the basic reason to the subjugation & political corruption .

  8. 本文将以五代时期工笔花鸟画巨匠黄筌为切入点,介绍了他是如何走上艺术道路的,在出仕前后蜀宫廷时如何取得辉煌的成就。

    This will be the Five Dynasties period master Huang Quan Meticulous bird as a starting point , describes how he took the road of art , in the official career how to Shu court made a brilliant achievement .

  9. 魏野并非走终南捷径一类的隐士,他以隐修道,不重名利,以适性、随缘为其生存指向,所以绝不会出仕,真心归隐。

    Wei Ye Zhongnan not take shortcuts for a class of hermits , he implicitly monasticism , not heavy fame , with " adaptive ", " Going " point for their survival , it will not be official career , really Hermitage .

  10. 两人同处政权交替,动荡黑暗的纷乱时代,共同受儒家思想的影响几次出仕,但由于主体思想的不同使得两人在入仕和归隐时的心态有所不同。

    Two people in the interregnum , the turbulent and dark chaos common era , under the influence of Confucianism several outcome , but due to the different main body thought makes people in two into the official and hermit mentality when different .

  11. 孔子是春秋知识阶层的的代表人物,其一生可以分为求学教学期、出仕求仕期以及晚年教学期三个阶段。

    Confucius is the representative of shi in intellectual class , and his life can be divided into three phases : the phase of learning and teaching ; the phase of holding / pursuing an official position ; the phase of teaching in his later years .

  12. 形成此说的原因在于,唐宋实行科举制度以后,士人出仕的年龄起点大大降低,更由于元代人在特殊背景下对诸葛亮形象的塑造。

    The reasons for the belief are that the requirement for officials ' ages was moderated since the establishment of the imperial examination system in the Tang and Song Dynasties and that the image of Juge Liang was created in the special historical context in the Yuan Dynasty .