
  • 网络mix proportion
  1. 浅析RCC混凝土施工配合比的校审

    Initial analysis of the proofreading and review of RCC concrete construction mix proportion

  2. 用地方水泥进行冬期混凝土施工配合比设计

    Discussion about how to design construction mix proportion of winter concrete with local cement

  3. 三峡工程左导墙碾压混凝土38万m3,在满足设计要求的基础上对配合比进行优化调整,并经现场碾压试验,最终确定该部位碾压混凝土的施工配合比。

    The left guide wall at the Three Gorges project has a RCC volume of 380 000 m 3 . While meeting the design requirements , the construction mixes for RCC at the left guide were fixed finally by optimum adjustment of mixes and field compaction tests .

  4. 高速公路沥青混凝土表面层施工配合比设计与施工控制技术

    Mix Design and Construction Controlling Technology about Asphalt Concrete Surface of Expressway

  5. 正交设计法在泵送钢纤维混凝土施工配合比设计中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Orthogonal Design in the Proportioning of Steel Fiber-Reinforced Pumping Concrete

  6. 如何正确调整混凝土的施工配合比

    How to Adjust the Construction Mixture Ratio Correctly

  7. 沥青混凝土技术的难题之一为:选择出合适的施工配合比。

    First difficult problems of asphalt concrete technology are selection proper mixing proportion of construction .

  8. 闸基搅拌桩水泥土施工配合比试验研究

    Mix proportion test for construction of the sluice foundation piles made of the mixed round cement-soil

  9. 分析了调整混凝土施工配合比的重要性,提出了正确调整混凝土施工配合比应抓住的几个环节要点。

    The paper analyzed the importance of adjusting concrete construction mixture ratio , proposed some main points of correctly adjusting concrete construction mixture ratio .

  10. 介绍麒麟观一级电站工程双曲拱坝碾压混凝土配合比设计过程和施工配合比的确定。

    The determination of the mix design process and construction mix proportion is presented for Qilinguan ⅰ hydropower project with a double curvature thin arch dam .

  11. 为满足工程要求的强度、弹性模量、渗透系数等指标,对塑性混凝土进行了配合比试验,选出了符合工程要求的施工配合比。

    By tests , the construction mix proportion were selected in order to satisfy the demands of the project on plastic concrete , such as strength , permeability coefficient and tangent modulus .

  12. 沥青混合料施工配合比设计是道路施工中的一个关键环节,传统的平衡面积法,需要进行多次手工试算,计算工作量大,易产生误差,并且无法进行经济分析。

    Asphalt mix design is a key tache in the construction of roads . The traditional method is trail calculation by hand . The speed is slowly and it is easily to make mistakes .

  13. 通过总结海南省公路水泥混凝土滑模施工配合比试验与实践,探讨水泥砼的最佳配合比,以便确定水泥用量、砂率、级配类型、外加剂用量等指标的合理选用。

    Taking the tests of the cement slipform concrete construction in Hai'nan province , it discusses the selection of the optimum mixture ratio thus acquiring the amount of cement , sand ratio , gradation type and the use of additive .

  14. 本文结合轻集料混凝土工业墙板施工配合比的设计与试验,探讨几种轻集料如页岩陶粒、粘土陶粒和粉煤灰陶粒的物理性能,以及用此所配制的轻集料混凝土的性能。

    In the mix design research of lightweight aggregate concrete for wall panels , author studied some physical properties of expanded clay and shale and sintered fly ash , as well as characteristics of light concrete made of these aggregates .

  15. 对混凝土原材料控制、施工配合比控制、混凝土拌制过程的控制、混凝土在运输及浇筑过程中质量控制及混凝土养护控制等几方面进行分析,提出了混凝土质量控制的要求。

    The concrete quality control is emphasized from the aspects of raw material control , making-up control , mixing process control , quality control in transporting and pouring , and maintenance control . The requirement of concrete quality control is presented .

  16. 并结合具体配合比设计实例,介绍了设计条件、辅助试验、设计步骤,总结出冬期混凝土施工配合比设计的经验。

    At the same time combined with actual mix proportion design examples design condition , auxiliary experiments and design steps are in detail introduced . Finally experience about how to design construction mix proportion of winter concrete is summarized in this paper .

  17. 水泥砼滑模施工最佳配合比试验和探讨

    Testing the optimum mixture ratio during cement slipform concrete construction

  18. 混凝土施工中配合比的调整

    The adjustment of concrete 's mixture ratio in construction

  19. 根据混凝土理论和工程实践,针对工程施工混凝土配合比,提出了在混凝土设计、生产中的一些优化控制重点和措施。

    Based on the concrete theory and project practice , and aimed at the mixing proportion of concrete , some key points and measures on optimization control were put forward .

  20. 介绍了MFE-4乙烯基酯树脂胶泥的物理性能,在C/D,D段漂白塔砖板衬里施工中的配合比,胶泥的配制,砖板的衬砌以及耐蚀粉料的选择。

    The formulation , preparation and properties of MFE 4 Vinyl ester resin mud and the choice of anti corrosive powder for the mud are introduced , the application of the mud to the anti corrosive brick lining in C / D and D stage bleaching towers is discussed .

  21. 浅谈施工中混凝土配合比的控制

    Simple talk about the concrete mix proportion controlling in construction

  22. 腻子的施工与常见配合比

    Construction and usual mix ratio of putty

  23. 这样可以在实际施工中考虑配合比设计原则,初步确定各组分的用量,然后将初步确定的数据输入训练好的网络中,可以得到网络的预测结果。

    The artificial neural network 's forecasting result can be gained when data that are dosage of ingredient by calculating in the mixing ratio design principles are input into trained network .

  24. 结合揭阳至普宁高速公路的工程实践,从模板选择与施工、混凝土配合比、浇灌方法、拆模养护等方面,较详细地介绍了桥梁工程下部结构混凝土外观质量的控制方法。

    According to the practice of Jieyang-Puning Expressway , this paper introduces the quality control method for sub-structure concrete appearance of bridge engineering aiming at selection of form , construction , concrete mix design data , concreting method , form stripping and maintenance etc. .

  25. 根据现场实际情况,确定了混凝土的浇筑工艺,选择了混凝土的顶升施工机械及配合比,详细介绍了高大箱型钢柱混凝土顶升浇筑施工方法,提出了施工中的有关注意事项。

    According to actual condition in scene , it defines concrete pouring technique , selects the construction machine and adaptation ratio to concrete raising , introduces the construction method of big boxing piling bar concrete raising pouring in detail , and brings forward the matters need attention in construction .

  26. 实践证明,施工采用的RCC配合比基本合理,RCC施工工艺可行,现场试验为RCC坝体施工提供了可靠的依据。

    The practice showed that the RCC mix proportion adopted in the construction is rational and its construction technique is feasible . The field tests provided the construction of RCC dam body with reliable basis .

  27. 滑模施工路面混凝土的配合比优化设计与强度

    Mix Optimization Design and Strength of Concrete for Slipform Paver Constructed Pavement

  28. 深槽(孔)施工护壁稳定液配合比设计的系统分析

    System analysis of the mixture ratio of wainscot stabilizing solution used in deep slot

  29. 根据现场情况经配合比调整试验优选出宜于施工的硅粉混凝土配合比。

    Meanwhile , the optimal silica fume-concrete mix proportion suitable for the construction was determined based on field tests .

  30. 冬期滑模施工,应对混凝土配合比进行严格试配,并选取最佳混凝土配合比方案。

    Slip form construction in winter , we should test strictly on concrete mix proportion , and elect the best precept .