- 名agentive subject

They have their own characteristics . Live nouns often function as the agent subject ; non-life nouns often fill the post of patient object .
Looking from the verb and the noun are between the subject and the predicate semantics structural relation , the gearing sentence may divide into the agent subject gearing sentence , the object subject gearing sentence and executes the consubstantiality subject gearing sentence .
It is an efficient and analytic method to make sure whether the doer of the VP-structure is identical with the subject , and whether two doers are same .
Causative verbs that denote a physical change of state and have agentive subjects ( e.g. , break ) are also included in the test for purposes of comparison .
All types of English subjects are derivates of the prototypical agents ; Chinese topics are not the prototypical but very often the periphery members in the subject category .
For instance , agent is usually realized as subject , patient / theme realized as object , goal / location as indirect object , and instrument / source as oblique .