
duàn yǔ
  • conclusion;judgment
断语 [duàn yǔ]
  • [conclusion;judgment] 作结论的话;断定的话

  • 妄下断语

断语[duàn yǔ]
  1. 在艺术家的批判目光中,“什么都可以卖”的断语无疑带有反讽意味。

    In the artist 's critical perspective , the conclusion ALL FOR SALE is undoubtedly ironical .

  2. 将一个断语进行推广,并借助它介绍一类问题的通用解法。

    We popularize a conclusion , and give a solution to the same questions by applying the popularized conclusion .

  3. 我请求他们没看完我写的故事之前,别轻率地先下断语。

    I request them to suspend their decision until they have read my narrative .

  4. 我当然不能自己下断语。

    I must not decide on my own performance .

  5. 这个断语被称为希耳伯特空间的闭图象定理。

    The assertion is known as the closed graph theorem for Hilbert spaces .

  6. 这种香港经验的优劣,难下断语。

    It is hard to judge the merits and drawbacks of Hong kong 's practice .

  7. 听确双方意见后再下断语。

    Hear both sides before judging .

  8. 所以有人也许会急著下断语说,我们所处的三维空间,要膨胀就要有第四个维度存在。

    One might conclude that the expansion of our three-dimensional space requires the presence of a fourth dimension .

  9. 因为我的思念不是你们的思念,你们的行径也不是我的行径:上主的断语。

    For my thoughts are not your thoughts : nor your ways my ways , saith the Lord .

  10. 他必要由来路回去,决不能进入这城:上主的断语。

    He shall leave by the way he came and he shall not enter the city , word of Yahweh .

  11. 布伦特认为普莱费尔太单调乏味。我见到普莱费尔本人之后,不能不同意布伦特的断语。

    Blunt thought Playfair crushingly dull , and , having met the man , I could not disagree with his judgement .

  12. 不过对新加坡这样比较成熟的社会,你很难简单地用“好”或是“不好”去下断语。

    However , as Singapore is a grown-up society , one can hardly fix a simple tag of " good " or " bad " to it .

  13. 1923年列宁口授的论文《论合作制》有这样的断语:合作社在资本主义国家条件下是集体的资本主义组织。

    In his 1923 dictating paper , On the Cooperative System , Lenin concluded that the cooperative association under conditions of capitalist countries is the collective capitalist organization .

  14. 要是我大胆地下一句刻薄的断语,我真忍不住要说,其中一定大有蹊跷。

    If I were not afraid of judging harshly , I should be almost tempted to say that there is a strong appearance of duplicity in all this .

  15. 他们可能是西班牙人、土耳其人、阿拉伯人或印度人吗?但是他们的身型还不容许我下断语。

    But as to whether they 're Spaniards , Turks , Arabs , or East Indians , their physical characteristics don 't give me enough to go on .

  16. 尽管鲁迅参与论争具有英雄行为的意义,但客观上,他的言论也曾被归入文人相轻的断语之中。

    Though his actions of participating in the debate was heroic in a sense , actually his remarks were mistaken for the saying that intellectuals despise each other .

  17. 对此种批判进行分析到极致,可以总结在这样的断语里:思维本身只是一种无规定性的统一,或只是这个无规定性之统一的活动。

    In its final analysis this criticism is summed up in the assertion that in strictness thought is only the indeterminate unity and the action of this indeterminate unity .

  18. 罗斯:这简直太神奇了,你太妄下断语了,用点小技巧,钮扣胸罩就从袖子里出来。

    Ross : It 's amazing . Ok , you just reach in there , there 's one little maneuver , and bam , a bra right out the sleeve .

  19. 人们拥有了更多的写作自由,但个人化写作是否真正给人们提供了更多的想象自由、生命自由、历史自由和人性自由,却难下断语。

    When people enjoy more freedom in writing , it is hard to definitely conclude whether individualized writing could provide more freedom in imagination , life , history and human nature .

  20. 其实,如果康明奈亚斯乐意的话,他对于他底第二位主上,路易十一,也大可下同样的断语,因为路易十一底好隐秘确是他自己底灾星。

    Surely Comineus mought have made the same judgment also , if it had pleased him , of his secondmaster , Lewis the Eleventh , whose closeness was indeed his tormentor .

  21. 罩是古代建筑室内外各功能空间组织、划分的主要手段,是用在形式相近却又不完全相同的区域之间的割断语符号。

    The cover is the main way to organize and divide space that in and out of the ancient buildings , and it is a language symbol using in the similar but not all the same areas .