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shī wéi
  • illocution;action;behavior;conduct
  • give free play to
施为 [shī wéi]
  • (1) [behave; conduct]∶指所进行的行动

  • 不得妄自施为

  • (2) [give free play to]∶进行某种行动

  • 不敢施为

  1. 显然,如果列宾能任意施为,Evernote将在这场革命中扮演重要角色。

    Clearly if Libin has his way , Evernote will have a large role in that .

  2. 像“命名”这样的动词叫“施为动词”。

    Verbs like " name " are known as performative verbs .

  3. 只是这样的战略施为,可能会造成两岸增加军备竞赛的后果。

    As a result , military competition will be even more intensive .

  4. 论言语行为的施为性意义

    On the Illocutionary meaning of Speech Act

  5. 但只要有机会,粒子物理学家们都将全力施为。

    Yet given the chance , particle physicists will give it a run for its money .

  6. 因为语言具有修辞性和施为性,所有的语言也都倾向于是一种文学语言。

    Because language has the rhetorical and performative properties , all the languages are literary language .

  7. 最后是对目前情况下政府可施为的一些建议。

    Finally , under the present circumstances the government can be applied to some of the recommendations .

  8. 俄语施为现象探析

    On Russian Performative Phenomenon

  9. 综合的景观最大程度的运用了二者的成果,将自身融入社会现实,并被构建出易于自身施为的社会。

    Comprehensive spectacle maximize the two results , so it is easy to construct their own to reality .

  10. “不如你各自住着,好任意施为。”

    " You 'd prefer to be on your own , free to do as you please . "

  11. 促芽肥的施用方法以田面施为佳,叶面施用效果较差。

    As to the application method of budding fertilizer , the soil surface broadcast was better than foliar spray .

  12. 政府施为、社会参与、服务大众是公共卫生的基本特点。

    It was the basic character of public medical work that government donated , society participated , and people enjoyed .

  13. 说出这些句子是或者部分是实施某种行为。所以这些句子称为施为句。

    The uttering of these sentences is , or is a part of the doing of an action , so they are called performatives .

  14. 米勒以修辞性和施为性两个性质为基础,对一些具体的修辞方法以及使用效果进行了全新的理解。

    Miller gave a new understanding of the meaning and effect of the specific rhetorics basing on his understanding to the rhetorical and performative properties .

  15. 施用方法以基施为宜,集中条施或穴施效果较好。

    Drilling base fertilizer had no optimal effect on tobacco quality . It is appropriate to apply base fertilizer with methods of drill applying and hole applying .

  16. 米勒特意撰写文章来介绍这两种施为,并简单概括这两种施为的相同与差异。

    In order to do this , Miller has written a paper introducing these two kinds of performative acts and briefed the similarities and differences between them .

  17. 论述了言语行为理论的由来和发展,评价奥斯汀对表述句和施为句的区分以及言语行为的三分说,重点论述了他的言外行为。

    Chapter Two provides an overview of speech act theory , elaborates Austin 's distinction between constatives and performatives , his classification of speech acts and illocutionary acts .

  18. 作为言语行为理论创始人的奥斯汀认为文学是无效的施为言语并应排除在研究之外。

    J. Austin , the founder of speech act theory , holds that literature is infelicitous performative , and should be kept away from the studies on speech acts .

  19. 施为动词是英语中最常用也是最重要的一个词群,关于它的研究在语用学中占有重要的地位。

    One group of the most frequently-used and important words in English is performative verbs ( PVs ), the study of which occupies an important part in the field of pragmatics .

  20. 文学语言的修辞性使我们对于同一事情可能有不同的理解,施为性则要求我们对自己的理解负责。

    The rhetoric property of the literary language made us have different understanding of the same things in literature , and the performative property of the literature language made us be responsible for what we understand .

  21. 国家通过成文法的语言将其对实际和象征意义的权力的理解和施为强加于大众。

    In that sense , statutory laws present a crossroad where language and legal forces interact . The state imposes its interpretation and appropriation of physical and symbolic power on the public through the language of statutory laws .

  22. 第三章双重意义修辞的建构和接受过程,主要从言语施为者和接受者两个不同的角度,研究双重意义修辞的动态运作过程,和第二章的静态描写、剖析相得益彰。

    In Chapter three , mainly from the different aspects of speaker and hearer , the dynamic manipulation process of the rhetoric of double meanings is researched , which brings out the best in each with Chapter two , the static description .

  23. 促芽肥以收割前10d施下为好,促苗肥宜在主季收割后越早施用越好。

    The fertilizer for promoting bud development is supplied at 10 day before harvest , the fertilizer for promoting ratooning development is supplied as soon as possible after the mid-season rice is harvested .

  24. 在较高土壤肥力基础上,小麦、玉米年产量达15000kgHM2,小麦最佳氮肥施量为150~1875kgHM2,玉米为300~375kgHM2。

    In higher level of soil fertility , the yield of wheat , maize up to 15000 kg / hm 2 , the best nitrogen fertilizer applying quantity is 150 ~ 187.5 kg / hm 2 for wheat and 300 ~ 375 kg / hm 2 for maize .

  25. 甘肃天水具有建设生态城市的可行性,其实施策略为制定科学合理的城市规划,创建生态景观和大力发展旅游业等。

    The feasibility and executive tactics on how to build the ecological city in accordance with local situation is discussed in this article .

  26. 庄臣泰华施另外为您提供培训课程,该课程将全年开设,并不断更新培训内容。

    JohnsonDiversey provides additional ongoing training sessions , which will be run throughout the year for refresher training as well as general information .

  27. 以施氮为例,精确管理的施肥方案要比粗放管理节约肥料48.7%。

    As an example , the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application by site specific management could be decreased by 48.7 % when compared with the traditional management .

  28. 为了更好地在高校开展研究性学习,我们可将其实施分为三个阶段:初期阶段、中期阶段、后期阶段。在不同的阶段有不同的目标定位。

    To better achieve this purpose , we divide the implementing process into three stages : preliminary stage , mid stage and later stage , each with different orientations .

  29. 土壤施用玉米面和甘薯面能显著促进烟草的生长发育,显著提高烟草品质,以施用量为50g/盆的烟草综合表现最好;

    Appling maize or sweet potato flour in pot soil could remarkably promote the growth and improve the quality of tobacco . The optimal dosage is 50g / pot .

  30. 以不施氮为对照,施氮量在150kg/hm2时,新增纯收益最大(为13.91%),而施氮量在75kg/hm2时,则可取得最高的边际成本报酬率及氮肥农学利用率。

    Net profit with nitrogen level of 150 kg / hm2 was largest ( 13.91 % ), while margin cost reward rates and nitrogen agronomic efficiency with nitrogen level of 75 kg / hm2 was highest .