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  • 网络Quotations from Er Cheng;The Quotations of Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi
  1. 二程语录在近代汉语词汇史研究上的价值

    The Value of Two-Cheng Ana in the Study of Neoteric Chinese Lexical History

  2. 二程语录与近代汉语研究

    Er Cheng Yu Lu and Modern Chinese Studies

  3. 二程语录词汇研究

    Er Cheng 's Quotations Vocabulary Research

  4. 《汉语大词典》漏收的二程语录词语义项补释9则

    Study on Term of Meaning in the Quotations from Two-Cheng Which are not Collected in the Great Chinese Dictionary

  5. 第五章余论,总结出二程语录词汇的四大特点:历史继承性,语素义结合性,理学色彩和口语性。

    The fifth chapter is conclusion , summing up four characters of the Er Cheng 's Quotations ' phrases : history successive nature , word element meaning union nature , Confucianism color and colloquial character .

  6. 本文分为七部分,第一部分是绪论,对二程语录的作者,成书背景和版本做了简要介绍,并对其研究意义和研究现状作了一番综述。指出了二程语录被动式研究的价值。

    The first part is the introduction , the paper briefly introduces author , the background of the writing and version , makes a review of the research significance and research situation , and points out passive research value .