
fānɡ ɡé wǎnɡ
  • grid
  1. 提出采用Bezier曲线解决水泵叶轮水力模型轴面投影流线及叶片绘型的方格网流线的动态调控方法,详尽地分析了在叶轮CAD中应用Bezier曲线的具体思路与方法。

    This paper presents the dynamic controlling method of stream lines on axial plane projection of the hydraulic model and square grid of the blade drawing of the pump impeller . The ideas and methods of the application of Bezier curve in impeller CAD are analyzed in detail .

  2. 海南炼化建筑方格网布设方法浅谈

    Comment on Construction Square Grid in a Hainan Refinery

  3. 土方计算的基本方法有断面法、方格网法、等高线法及基于数字高程模型(DEM)法。

    There are Transect , Table , Contours and Digital Elevation Model several methods for earthwork calculation in civil engineering .

  4. 本文应用GPS、RTK及CAD技术,提出了一种建立施工方格网的新方法;

    In this articles using technology Of GPS RTK CAD , putting forward a new ways for founding working control networks of power plant ;

  5. 研究方法:应用数字高程模型(DEM)原理,结合土方量计算的方格网法,借助ERDASIMAGINE遥感图像处理软件,建立土方量计算模型。

    Methods of DEM and grid principle were employed . A model was built using ERDAS IMAGINE software .

  6. 结果表明,DEM法适用于所有场地,且精度较高,方格网法只适用于平坦场地;

    The result shows that the DEM is applicable to all fields and with higher precision . Table is applicable to the flat field only ;

  7. 传统的方格网法主要运用于工程量计算方面。

    Traditionally , grid is mainly used for engineering calculation .

  8. 由长细钢丝编织成方格网增强混凝土,可以在方向性上弥补短钢纤维乱向掺与的不足。

    It may remedy the insufficient of steel fiber concrete .

  9. 中密方格网配筋混凝土圆板的极限分析和设计

    Limit Analysis and Design of Circular Concrete Slabs with Nonhomogeneous Net Reinforcement

  10. 该方格网还用来进行放射性浅孔测量。

    The surveyed grids were also used for radiometric probing .

  11. 方格网法是工程土方量计算中应用最为普遍的一种方法。

    Square grid is a common method used to estimate earthwork quantity .

  12. 建立高精度施工控制方格网

    Set up High Precision Control Squared Network to Construction

  13. 有限元在测边建筑方格网平差中的应用

    Application of Finite Element Method to Adjustment of Linear Measurement Building Rectangular Network

  14. 从城市空间形态的性能指标看方格网城市

    Evaluating Grid City from City Space Forms Performance Guidelines

  15. 方格网套箍混凝土的强度和变形

    Strength and deformability of confined concrete with net reinforcement

  16. 无对角线四边形法加密建筑方格网

    Non-diagonal quadrilateral method to densify grid squares for buidings

  17. 方格网法场地工程土方量计算程序

    Computational Program for Earthwork Quantity with Square Grid

  18. Ⅱ级建筑方格网的布设

    The Layout of Grade ⅱ Construction Grid Network

  19. 天津钢铁工业结构调整易地改造工程建筑方格网测量方案

    Programme of Measuring Building Grid of Reforming Project for Tianjin Iron & Steel Industry Structure Regulation

  20. 方格网城市的重新解读

    The Reinterpretation of the Gridiron City

  21. 本方法选用了简单实用的带状方格网式数字地形模型。

    A simple and practical digital topographic model of the band-formed grid method has been chosen .

  22. 无对角线四边形法建立建筑方格网的精度估算

    Precision Estimate of Building Square Grid Established with the Method of the Parallelogram Grid of Non & Subtense Angle Line

  23. 本文报导了24个高配筋率的方格网套箍混凝土柱体轴压试验结果。

    This paper presents the test results of 24 axially-loaded confined concrete stub columns with net reinforcement of high steel ratio .

  24. 对于建筑方格网来说,重要的方面之一就是可以评定网中任意元素的精度。

    As for building square grid , one of the important ways is to estimate the precision of any elements in the grid .

  25. 无对角线四边形法是建立建筑方格网中二级网的有效方法。对于建筑方格网来说,重要的方面之一是可以评定网中任意元素的精度。

    One of the important factors involved in building a square grid is the way to estimate the precision of any elements in the grid .

  26. 本文对建立数字地形模型的常用方法(方格网法)进行了解析和介绍。

    Common method ( source grid method ) is analysed and introduced , and relation between square grid method and topographic map with different scale was presented .

  27. 从古至今,以方格网的方法构筑城市空间结构和布局所形成的方格网城市是城市形态的一种基本模式。

    Grid city , which is derived from the method of grid to establish city space structure and planning , is one of the basic modes of city form .

  28. 介绍了古代运用正方形构图的实例和正方形的特点、性质及方格网的使用。

    This paper introduces the actual instances of " square " patterns applied in ancient times and the characteristics and natures of squares as well as the uses of grid squares .

  29. 根据很多保留下来的实例,我们了解到埃及人利用了一种精细等距的方格网来在石头或墙面进行划分;

    From many examples preserved to us we know that the Egyptians effected this subdivision of the stone or wall surface by means of a finely meshed network of equal squares ;

  30. WILD-A10仪带地球曲率自动改正装置的77点方格网量测精度有时很低,达不到0.05‰。其原因是地球曲率自动改正装置机械部分有故障。

    The measure precision of 77 grid points of automatic rectification device of earth curvature of WILD A10 is sometimes very slow and can 't achieve 0.05 ‰ because of its mechanism obstacle .