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fāng cái
  • just now
方才 [fāng cái]
  • (1) [just now]

  • (2) 时间刚过去不久;适才

  • 您方才干吗去了

  • 雨村道:方才何故不令发签?--《红楼梦》

  • (3) 表示时间或条件关系,跟才相同而语气稍重

  • 直到下雨,她方才进屋

方才[fāng cái]
  1. 方才我到他家去了。

    I went to his place just now .

  2. 我可爱的宝贝,你方才寻来,真令我狂喜!

    My lovable treasure , you just now seek , really makes meto be wild with joy !

  3. 他方才回来。

    He has just come back . ; He came back just now .

  4. 她方才还在这儿。

    She was here just a moment ago .

  5. 他转侧许久,方才入睡。

    He tossed and turned a long time before falling asleep .

  6. 等到天黑,他方才回来。

    He didn 't come back until after dark .

  7. 老太太方才还在念诵呢,可巧你就来了。

    Granny was just talking about you a minute ago , and here you are !

  8. 她方才那一阵兴奋又烟消云散了。

    Her high spirits of a moment ago suddenly passed away like a breath of wind .

  9. 她一点没有方才通话时的那种火气,有的只是冷冰冰的感觉。

    In her , there was none of the fire she had shown during their previous conversation , only an icy chill .

  10. 方才我们说“大多数情况下”,这是因为还有另一种构建通用continuation的方式。

    Earlier we said " almost " because there is another way to build a general purpose continuation .

  11. 家里还张挂着从很多影片中截取的静态画面照,看来书房里挂一张《生死关头》(liveandletdie)中罗杰摩尔(rogermoore)的照片方才自然贴切。

    In a home that has stills from many films , it seems only natural that the study is dominated by a picture of Roger Moore from live and let die .

  12. 重放攻击(Replayattack)防护:每个发布的U-Prove令牌中还包含专门针对每个令牌的公钥,这只有验证方才知道。

    Replay attack prevention : Each issued U-Prove token also contains a token-specific public key that is known only to the Prover .

  13. 一位FDA高级官员称管理局是在得到参与其中的一名研究员提示后方才与周三得知这一特拉西罗研究的。

    A top F.D.A.official said the agency learned of the Trasylol study on Wednesday only after a getting a tip from a researcher involved in it .

  14. 在初始阶段,只有在墨西哥的相关方才可加入C-TPAT。

    For this initial phase , only related parties in Mexico will be eligible to join C-TPAT .

  15. 在诞生之初的大多数时间里,莱昂纳多·达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)的这幅画作一直默默无闻。直到1911年,它从卢浮宫被盗,方才突然成为众人关注的焦点。

    After having languished in obscurity for most of its early existence , Leonardo da Vinci 's work was pushed into the spotlight in 1911 when it was stolen from the Louvre .

  16. 骑到宽路上时,我方才鼓足勇气问Tao是否有过把人甩到地里或掉至河中之事,他的沉默不语不打自招。

    It is only when we come out on to a wider road that I have the courage to ask Tao whether he has ever lost anyone into the fields or water . His silence suggests that he has .

  17. 因此,WiMAX网络在中国的发展应该另辟蹊径,定位于与3G相互补充的非主流技术,在性能和价格方面采取适量的折中,方才具备一定的竞争力。

    Therefore , the WiMAX network development in China should explore different avenues , position with 3G complementary non-mainstream technology and take the right amount of compromise in terms of performance and price , WiMAX network just have some competitiveness in China .

  18. 通过查看给定库的ldd输出可以看到,它显示运行时正常加载的库;所有这些库都在LDPRELOAD列出的库加载之后方才加载。

    If you look at the output of ldd on a given binary , that shows the libraries that would normally be loaded when running it ; all of those are loaded after the libraries listed in LD_PRELOAD .

  19. 至于通货膨胀,我方才已经多次讲过,这次通货膨胀是国际范围内的,在很多新兴国家,CPI都达到8%以至10%,原因我也已经分析了。

    With respect to inflation , as I said before , inflation is now a global issue . Some emerging economies experienced 8 % or even 10 % of CPI rise and I have explained our views on the causes of inflation .

  20. 对于‘地震是否为摧毁反应堆元凶’这个问题(与随后的海啸损害不同),ToshioNishizawa的回答是“不清楚”,说要等到11月报告出台后,方才清楚。

    Asked whether the reactor was damaged by the quake itself ( as distinct from the tsunami that followed it ), Mr Nishizawa says it is unclear : we must wait for a report in November .

  21. 我们备尝艰辛方才领悟独立自主的全部意义。

    We discover the full meaning of independence the hard way .

  22. 方才希斯特说话时双手叠在胸前。

    Hist had spoken with her hands crossed upon her bosom .

  23. 方才有位太太进接生间去了。

    A lady has just gone to the delivery room .

  24. 那是些你方才说过的,容易上当受骗的乡下姑娘。

    Those are gullible country girls you were talking about .

  25. 她事事都要最好的方才罢休。

    She 's not satisfied with anything but the best .

  26. 雪大风狂,将近半夜,方才停止。

    The storm continued until toward midnight , then ceased .

  27. 直到近期的麻烦之后,中国方才显示出重新燃起的兴趣。

    Only after the recent fuss did China show a renewed interest .

  28. 要到九点,方才起床。

    He did not get up till it was nine .

  29. 直到星期二,她们方才又见到那两位贵客。

    They did not see the gentlemen again till Tuesday ;

  30. 我方才正在餐厅吃了一顿超等大餐。

    I just had a super-duper meal in the resturant .